Week #1



  • 12/60 completed
    Sept 1 - 5 min high (5x60)
    Sept 2- 3 min low (3x60)
    Sept 3- 0
    Sept 4- 4 min high (2x120)
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    Is a "low" plank one on with the elbows on the flooor and a "high" plank on the hands?
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    9/2 2min (1 high 1 low)
    9/3 3min (3x30 high 3x30 low)
    9/4 3min (3x30 high 3x30 low)
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Is a "low" plank one on with the elbows on the flooor and a "high" plank on the hands?
  • justfungrandma
    justfungrandma Posts: 91 Member
    Holding each plank for one minute. Doing two per session. Actually did 2 sessions on Sunday...woohoooo

    Sept 4 5/60 :smile:
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    1.5 mins today, abs still sore from thursdays work out ( tiffany rothe)


    Another 2 today so 3.5/60
    Now i just need to work out how to update my ticker.
  • Today was much better I did 2 min high plank on stability ball and 1 min reverse plank on stability ball 5/60!! yay me!!!
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm at 3.5/60 as of yesterday. Mostly doing high planks for 60s, but to catch up for the day that I missed I did an extra 30s one too!
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I did 4 x 1 minute high plans since I will have visitors for the weekend
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    I am at 3.5/60. I have got some catching up to do.
  • rachamack
    rachamack Posts: 5 Member
    4/60 - Lows I guess (on my elbows). I didn't even know there were different types until I started reading this thread! I am intrigued by the ones involving the fitness ball...
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    I have some making up to do, but I'll get there!

    9/3: 1 min - hands and toes
    9/4: 4 min - 1 min each of hands/toes, elbows/toes, left side, right side

    MTD: 5/60

    Ah...that's more like it. Now my core feels like Jell-o....
  • 9/4 I did 3 min...The first one was 1 min, rest, then 2 min straight.

    To date: 6/60
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I did 3 minutes of planks. 2 @ 90 seconds each - part of the workout on schedule for today. I am glad they are done for the day.
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member

  • sarahwitnh
    sarahwitnh Posts: 16 Member
    8/60 low planks today for 2 min

  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    Here's my update!

    Highest at one time is 2 minutes!

  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    9/3/12 -

    1 minute high
    30 seconds rest
    1 minute low

    9/4/12 -

    1 minute low
    30 seconds right side
    30 seconds left side

    Total: 2 minutes

    Month to date - 6/60

  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    Fixed my ticker...

  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Kinda rest day for abs - did Insanity Plyo Circuit, which involves ski abs and in/outs, but not counting them, so still at 6/60.