Weekly Weigh-ins



  • Ambie213
    Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
    Have a 0.2 lb wt gain this week, so I will just have to work harder this week.

    Everyone fluctuates daily... that happened to me last week (gained .2lb) and this week I lost 1.8lbs! Just keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll do great!
  • brittlynn8907
    brittlynn8907 Posts: 92 Member
    Starting Weight : 232.4 lbs
    Last weeks Weight: 232.4 lbs
    Current Weight: 231.4 lbs
    Change: -1 lbs
    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc:
    I had a really good week as far as eating goes. I could have lost more if I had exercised more so I will definitely be doing that this week!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Starting Weight : 230.6
    Current Weight: 230.6
    Change: --

    Starting Weight : 230.6 (just joined last week)
    Last weeks Weight: 230.6
    Current Weight: 225.6
    Change: 5lbs!
    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc: Some of the weight difference is from water retention. I was not drinking enough water and had some high sodium days.
    Working on getting back into a consistent exercise routine and I've been under goal on calories most days this last week. However, my body is trying to sabotage my efforts as I've had major munchie cravings the last few days. I refuse to give into them though because I need to see some weight loss. Due to inconsistent eating and exercise I have not seen any weight loss for over 3 months.
    Getting back on track, FINALLY! I hope to see another decent drop next week but I'll try not to focus on just the numbers.
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Starting Weight :148.5
    Last weeks Weight: 148.5
    Current Weight: 147.5
    Change: 1 lb
  • KaidaKantri
    I just started this a week ago. The starting weight is what I actually started at when I first started this healthy lifestyle :)

    Starting Weight : 172.2
    Last weeks Weight: 157.2 (this was last weeks weight even though I didn't post :) )
    Current Weight: 156.4
    Change: -.8
    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc:
    For one I could actually get off my *kitten* and do the mini challenges I could get up earlier instead of later and be tired all day because of it. Other than that, I've had a trip to Newport which i ended going up to 2000 calories, but I expected it and exercised a lot the day before and the day after. So its going well overall so far for me :)
  • jasminebaggins
    jasminebaggins Posts: 22 Member
    Starting Weight : (when you first joined the challenges/group) :161
    Last weeks Weight: 161
    Current Weight: 160
    Change: lost one pound
    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc:
    I'm really glad I joined this group. I'm still having a lot of trouble with the calories but just having workout challenges is really helpful. I'm glad to see any weight lost. I was doing really well on this program last year. I actually got down to 140 at one point, but slowly the weight came back and I got frustrated, feeling that I wasn't doing anything differently. I now realize that exercise is key for me, just to keep my body active.
  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    Starting Weight : (when you first joined the challenges/group) :161
    Last weeks Weight: 161
    Current Weight: 160
    Change: lost one pound
    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc:
    I'm really glad I joined this group. I'm still having a lot of trouble with the calories but just having workout challenges is really helpful. I'm glad to see any weight lost. I was doing really well on this program last year. I actually got down to 140 at one point, but slowly the weight came back and I got frustrated, feeling that I wasn't doing anything differently. I now realize that exercise is key for me, just to keep my body active.

    yay! congrats!
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    144.6 :/
  • mollyvon
    mollyvon Posts: 114 Member
    Starting Weight : 139.4
    Last weeks Weight: 136.2
    Current Weight: 136.4
    Change: 0.2lb gain

    Still feeling pretty good about progress, I am going to try and get in more exercise each week though.
    These mini challenges really help to keep me motivated. Just finished my crunches ; )
  • JMMac121
    JMMac121 Posts: 37 Member
    It has been a while since my last weigh in so....

    Starting weight: 166.2
    Last week: 165.0
    This week: 166.2
    Change: 1.2 gain
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    Late weigh in, this was this morning.

    Starting Weight : 147.8
    Last weeks Weight: 148
    Current Weight: 147.8
    Change: 0 so far

    Hope to change with the help of this group and my morning runs which I started back up today.
  • Ambie213
    Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
    Weigh-in Day!

    Starting Weight : 173.8lbs
    Last weeks Weight: 168.4lbs
    Current Weight: 168.2lbs
    Change: -.2lb

    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc: I'm glad that it's a loss and not a gain, but I do wish it was a little more. O well. Bummed that my Zumba classes are canceled this week, but that just means I need to work extra hard at home. I'd like to be 165 or less by the end of the month.... that's basically about 3lbs this month - I can do it!
  • MizzIcy
    MizzIcy Posts: 32 Member
    Starting Weight :180
    Last weeks Weight: 163.1
    Current Weight: 161.6
    Change: 2 lbs
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Starting Weight : 230.6 (just joined last week)
    Last weeks Weight: 225.6
    Current Weight: 227.0
    Change: +1.4lbs

    I had a very high sodium day yesterday so I'm not really bothered by this gain. I know it will come off and hopefully another 1 or 2 with it by next week.

    Still working on getting back into a regular workout routine. May be starting TurboFire this week instead of Insanity as I need to get my body moving and loosen some muscles and joints before trying some craziness like Insanity!
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Starting Weight :148.5
    Last weeks Weight: 147.5
    Current Weight: 146.5
    Change: -1.0 lb

    Not eating after 8:00 has really helped me. I put "the kitchen is closed after 8:00" sign up Monday. It has helped the whole family. We'll see how it goes as the school year passes. Have a great week all.

  • jasminebaggins
    jasminebaggins Posts: 22 Member
    Starting Weight : (when you first joined the challenges/group) : 161
    Last weeks Weight: 160
    Current Weight: 159.5
    Change: 1/2 pound!
    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc:
    I had a few days this week where I wasn't counting my calories because I was out with friends. I was really afraid I was going to have gained weight, but no! I guess keeping my body active really is the key. So obvious, yet so hard to grasp, lol!
  • Ambie213
    Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
    Great job everyone! Keep up the great work. It takes time and every little bit is a step in the right direction!
  • melanielb73
    melanielb73 Posts: 35 Member
    Starting Weight : 191 - on MFP
    Last weeks Weight: 194 - rejoined challenges
    Current Weight: 190
    Change: 4 lbs since last week - mostly water i think overall since joining MFP 1 lb
    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc:

    happy to be back in doing mini challenges and staying motivated. trying to cut back on soda and drink more water- since Monday i have had 3 soda's - allowed myself 1 per day rest has been water. Starting back to the gym tomorrow going to try and go before work at least 4 times a week.
  • mollyvon
    mollyvon Posts: 114 Member
    Forgot to post here yesterday, but here are my stats:
    Starting MFP weight Feb 29,2012: 158.0
    Starting Weight for Aug challenge : 139.4
    Last weeks Weight: 136.4
    Current Weight: 135.4
  • Ambie213
    Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
    Weigh-in Day!

    Starting Weight : 173.8lbs
    Last weeks Weight: 168.2lbs
    Current Weight: 167.4lbs
    Change: -.8lb

    Any thoughts or comments on what you did well or could do better, just general comments, venting, your goals, etc: My eating habits have not been that great this week. Really going to try and make some healthier/low-cal choices this week. Also, my mini goal is to be 165 or less by the end of the month.... that's basically about 3lbs this month - I can do it!