


  • DannyeF
    DannyeF Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, folks! I'm Dannye. I am a vegetarian with a severe allergy to dairy fat--so I eat a lot of vegan food! I do eat fish and eggs, but I am definitely a supporter of the vegan lifestyle. I don't like to cook, and it's so nice that vegetarian meals can be made more quickly than those with meat! I also have trouble when I eat too much soy, so I stay away from prepared vegan foods when I can.
    I became a vegetarian for health reasons--more veggies, less saturated fat, etc. I have come to love eating a colorful plate of veggies and beans without meat so that I can spend my leftover calories on a cookie! I am a dessert lover for sure.
    I am a runner (5k-10k distances) who is now training to be a triathlete (sprint level). I lost 45 pounds before I came to this site, and I hope it will help me to lose my last 15. So far, so good! :-) I plan to share some quick recipes and be supportive of all you healthy folks!
  • victoriab123
    victoriab123 Posts: 20 Member
    Would like to be your friend ~ am looking for new recipes as well.

    I started eating the vegan way and I too am really enjoying it. My struggle is with desserts, so I am focusing on getting in my greens and just desireing to hear what others are doing ~

  • janrn53
    janrn53 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have been vegan for about 6 years. I have learned to cook almost everything vegan, hence the reason I am over weight.
    I'm hoping to find vegan diet friends for mutual support. Please "friend" me if you like.
    Happy weight loss everyone!!!!
  • Hi all, my name is Kristen and I made the change to become vegan two days ago. I cut out meat Jan 2012, and was avoiding cow's milk as well. I have been doing a lot of research regarding things to look for on labels, and trying to widen the array of foods that are available to us vegans. This is proving itself to be pretty difficult and I am nervous about future instances (going out to eat, other people's home cooking) that might leave me unsure of whether or not I can eat what is available. I am looking for tips and tricks for what to look out for, what generally is ok/safe to eat when I am looking at a dish that someone else has prepared at home or in a restaurant. Thanks!
  • Pdp84
    Pdp84 Posts: 1
    Hello Everyone!
    I love animals and I have always wanted to be a vegan. But, for some reason I was never able to follow through. This time I decided to ordered a "Go Vegan" packet from Peta and I went food shopping yesterday. I am still a little confused and I have tons of questions, but I am hoping that I could learn throughout this entire process along the way. I know that it won't be easy, but this time I am determined to do it.

    By the way, I don't know how to cook, so not only I will be learning how to become a vegan, but I will be also learning how to cook. Today .. for dinner my husband and I will be be having rice and black beans! Yumm...
    Wish me luck guys!
  • shelbsjewell
    shelbsjewell Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all! My name is Shelby, I'm 20 years old, and I've been vegan for 3 months now. I love every minute of it!
    But here's the thing.. I don't have any vegan friends or anyone I can talk to about veganism without coming off to them as one of those vegans that pushes it onto others, and I don't want that! I'm vegan because I want to be, and its not anything against anybody, you know?

    Anyway, I joined because I thought this group might help and might make me not feel so on-my-own, like I'd have people with similar interests and whatnot.

    Feel free to message me or add me, I'm super nice and love making friends! :)
  • sisterphonetica
    sisterphonetica Posts: 59 Member
    Hello fellow vegan people.

    I've been vegan for about 15 years, I'm new here and I'd like some vegan friends to help me along the way, so feel free to add me!

    I was vegetarian but while sharing a flat with a vegan flatmate, I gradually switched over and I've never looked back!

    I'm on medication that has made me put on weight and I need to lose it as otherwise it's going to spiral out of control. Some vegan support would be good.

    I livein Scotland and share my home with two lovely old catgirls, I might post some photos later!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I'm new to eating a plant based diet, after toying with the idea for a few months I decided to try going vegetarian and liked it, right now the only animal products I eat are dairy (milk & cheese) and the occasional egg. I'm thinking about giving vegan a shot to see how I like it since I'm not far off from it right now. I started this journey for purely health related reasons, but I do understand more clearly why others approach it from an ethical point of view as well.
  • Music4Hym777
    Music4Hym777 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey All,

    My name is Monica, I have been vegetarian since 1999. I went Vegan in January of 2012 after watching Forks Over Knives as well as a friend kind of daring me to do it to bring my cholesterol down. I have been vegan ever since (okay I do have a cheat meal occasionally with dairy or eggs, but never meat due to allergies to it). I have started going more towards a raw vegan as well (more 80-10-10), but am still at about 50/50, weekends its more like 75r/25c.

    Cant wait to hear from everyone and get some good ideas.
  • Hey everyone! I've been vegan for about two months now, and I love it! My husband is eating, and always will be, animal products. It's a little harder to make dinner, but we make it work. I try to stay as vegan as possible, eating out is really the only time I will allow myself cheese--if and only if I cannot find anything else on the menu.
    I am always looking for new, easy to make non-vegan, recipes to make. :)
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    Hello. My name is Kate and I have recently gone vegan after being vegetarian for over 8 years. I am very happy with my choice and feel like there is no turning back at this point. I originally went vegetarian after watching those "meet you meat" videos and seeing the suffering all of the animals endure just to put meat, dairy and eggs on our plate. I have always been an animal lover and it really threw up a red flag. I had been eating a mostly vegan diet for the past few years, but recently decided I was ready to give up dairy and eggs. I feel like it is the best choice for me, the animals, and the environment. I'm excited to have found such supportive groups here on MFP and I look forward to learning from you all.
  • curvyvegan
    curvyvegan Posts: 80 Member
    Hello! I'm Rebekah and I've been a vegetarian for 9+ years and I've been leaning vegan for a very long time...several years, in fact. This year I've made the commitment to being fully vegan, I've been giving up those last non-vegan hold outs, like eating a slice of non-vegan birthday cake at someone else's house, vegetarian pizza at a party, etc. I feel very much at peace with my decision to stick to being regardless of where I am and how convenient it may or may not be. Every time I ate anything that wasn't vegan, I had this awful feeling of cognitive dissonance...my actions weren't matching my values, and that didn't feel good. Healthwise, giving up dairy has been wonderful for me! But the biggest benefit is the peace that I feel...my actions are truly in line with my values and I've been so pleasantly surprised at how much easier it has been than I thought it would be. Seriously, with so many peoples' dietary restrictions - gluten-free, low-carb, etc...nobody bats an eye when you say, "no thanks" to that slice of birthday cake.
  • curvyvegan
    curvyvegan Posts: 80 Member
    Hey everyone! I've been vegan for about two months now, and I love it! My husband is eating, and always will be, animal products. It's a little harder to make dinner, but we make it work. I try to stay as vegan as possible, eating out is really the only time I will allow myself cheese--if and only if I cannot find anything else on the menu.
    I am always looking for new, easy to make non-vegan, recipes to make. :)

    Don't underestimate the possibilities! My husband ate meat for the first 6 months of my going veg, and then he decided to join me and he's been veg ever since (nearly 9 years for him now). Lead by example, cook delicious food, and you never know what can happen! ;)
  • healthysince2013
    healthysince2013 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, my name is Bonnie. I have been a vegan for almost 4 years. I initially lost about 25 pounds but then I learned to bake and cook and I fell in love with eating all the vegan food I can find. So I gained it all back and more.

    I have struggled with my weight my whole life and have been on just about every diet there is. As a vegan I have lost a lot of weight a few times by going low carb, counting calories, and food journaling. Yet I always go back to my old habits and gain back all I have lost and usually more.

    This time I am focused on health and proper nutrition. I've got to change my lifestyle permanently to find some sustainable health. So slow and low, that is the tempo.

    I'm just getting started on MFP because a friend recommended it to me. He said having friends on MFP was really helpful so I'm trying to find some that are like-minded. New vegans please feel free to ask me questions. Old vegans please feel free to give me advice. Anyone looking to give and receive support...please friend request me. If I'm busy looking out for you I might accidentally look out for myself in the process :)
  • Hi
    I just started the "starch solution" book..I cut out meat on July 21st and don't really miss it, I have been having a problem cutting out the sugar and dairy. I am moving towards a complete vegan diet. It's harder for me than I thought. I will do this. I just need to focus and read more. I think joining this team will help me alot. I loved Forks over Knives it really helped with my questions and concerns. Now with this forum I am well on my way to a new healthy lifestyle :happy:
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Hi, I'm Julia. I have been vegetarian for over 20 years and was vegan off and on during that time. I am vegetarian for ethical reasons and am not as strict about consuming eggs and dairy if I feel that it is ethically sourced. For health reasons, I recently decided to cut out all animal products except for grass fed butter (probably over influenced by the paleo crowd in this respect). I eat a pretty boring diet of vegetables, oatmeal and my body weight in almonds, so I look forward to getting to know people in this group and hopefully learning a lot.
  • veggifit
    veggifit Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Tasha (: vegan for almost 4 years now, off meat for a total of around 8.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Hello, I'm Audrey. I'm new to MFP but I've been on similar sites before. I was a vegetarian for about 10 years and almost 2 months ago decided to try cutting out dairy. I found I feel so much better! Maybe I'm a bit intolerant, I don't know. But I figured the next logical step was to be vegan. I didn't eat much eggs, honey, etc anyway. And now that I've linked dairy with feeling crappy I don't even crave or want it anymore, which makes the transition so much easier.
  • lenasoon
    lenasoon Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am pleased to find this group. I have been going vegan for 2 years now and have found it easier to to make changes gradually than all at one. I have made the change almost completely with diet except that I do still drink wine and I know that wine can contain isinglass. I need to lose weight which is why I am using MFP. I started a blog so that when people ask me why I am going vegan I can tell them to go to my blog and read it. That way I do not get into any arguments!! :smile:
  • gdelrosa
    gdelrosa Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I'm Gail and transitioning to a plant based diet. I have been a long time vegetarian. Longer than I can remember. But still ate dairy and eggs. I was diagnosed as a gestational diabetic during my recent pregnancy and couldn't eat carbs very much. In the mornings, I couldn't eat fruit. The only thing that made my blood sugar stay within a normal range was an egg breakfast. Yuck!

    I've been eating mostly plants since my baby was born in late May. I've had my slip ups with desserts and cheese but like I said I am in transition. I am trying to be kind to myself and not beat myself too much. But hopefully with a support group, I can be completely plant based.

    My favorite cookbooks are the Happy Herbivore books. Quick and easy with manageable ingredient lists. My goal is to cook every recipe. LOL