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Welcome RN's! Introduce yourselves!



  • Strivingforhealth12
    Strivingforhealth12 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all,
    I have been working night shift now for over 10 years and as soon as my working nights come my diet and exercise are out the window. Does anyone have any suggestions for light filling meals to eat at work and healthy snacks. I dont think I eat enough at work and then just crave lots of buttery jammy toast when I get home.
    Any help appreciated.

    I don't work night shift, but I find it incredibly helpful to pack enough food to go through the day at work. I pack little containers of healthy items. I take quinoa porridge (found the recipe here on mfp) and fruit for breakfast. I take a whole bag full of items for lunch and snacking...sometimes tuna, egg salad, PB and J, cut veggies, fruits, Greek yogurt, almonds.

    If I didn't take enough along, I would be more tempted to eat the goodies that are always sitting around at work.
  • genniboom
    genniboom Posts: 4
    Hi I'm Genni and I am an RN in hospice/palliative care and I also work in an occ health clinic. I'm also in school part time, studying to be an FNP. So far I really love this site and this group! Life is stressful and busy but there is always a reason to smile! I am looking to lose 20-25 lbs by my birthday in December! I would love to trade recipes and workout tips with y'all! Feel free to add me, we can motivate one another. :-)
  • genniboom
    genniboom Posts: 4
    Hi I'm Genni and I am an RN in hospice/palliative care and I also work in an occ health clinic. I'm also in school part time, studying to be an FNP. So far I really love this site and this group! Life is stressful and busy but there is always a reason to smile! I am looking to lose 20-25 lbs by my birthday in December! I would love to trade recipes and workout tips with y'all! Feel free to add me, we can motivate one another. :-)
  • capri623
    capri623 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Nurses!

    I'm Susie, I've been a nurse for 7 years in a pediatric ICU. I love it and it's busy, but it's hard to be here and stay away from eating crappy foods and snacks! I started on a strict diet two weeks ago, gluten-free and have already started to see results. I'm staying away from the snacks and candy that are constantly out around here and so far so good! I'm also on a straight day schedule and can go for a run every night, so that's definitely helping me! I'm excited to see people who know what it's like to work a crazy schedule and working hard to stay in shape! Thanks for the support and motivation!
  • thebalanceline
    thebalanceline Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I'm Brit and I'm a new graduate working in med-surg as a float RN! I gained 35 pounds during nursing school and am ready to lose that weight and more. My overall goal is to lose 60 pounds by my 25th birthday in January. I also work the night shift. I've learned to pack my own snacks and drink tons of water to avoid the plunge into unhealthy snacking at the nurse's stations. Nurses stash candy everywhere! Denser vegetables like broccoli and green beans seem to be the best option for satisfying me over long hours where it is difficult to get a break and you feel tempted to chomp down a quick cookie. And of course sitting down to eat a complete meal. My dream nursing goal is to serve internationally with Doctor's Without Borders, but I have lots to learn and experience first. I am going on a month long medical trip next Summer to Peru. And then after getting two years experience, I want to serve with Mercy Ships. :):):):)
  • Hi everyone : ) I am a RN on a stroke/medsurg/tele unit. I've been a nurse for just over 2 years and currently working toward my BSN and will then begin to persue my MSN to be a FNP. I have a 5 year old son and he keeps me pretty busy. I think its important as a nurse to be healthy, how can we educate other when we are also overweight? I started this week at 199 and my goal is 150lbs. I'm 5'4 and 27years old. I'm glad to find this group for nurses and look forward to being able to share my sucess story in the future!!
  • KayceRN
    KayceRN Posts: 40
    Hey there :) I'm a Neonatal ICU nurse...Lvl 3 ...have been for 15 years and I absolutely love my job! I've worked 12 hour nights since 96 (was a NICU tech in school received my BSN in 97) . Currently planning to do the MSNe to PhD program so that I can teach in a BSN program after I retire from the unit . I have a 19 yr old daughter who is a university sophomore and she makes this momma proud! She wants to be a university professor. My coworkers are always bringing in good stuff and parents love to treat us to baked goods of the dessert variety lol...no wonder I need to lose 60 pounds ! My goal is to lose weight and be a healthier me...:bigsmile:
  • Hi, my name is Karin and I've been a nurse for 2 years. I work on an adult psychiatric unit and i love it!! I currently weigh 141 pounds....my goal weight is 125 pounds. Would love to be friends...feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi, I have been an RN for almost 10 years, I tried a little of everything, but have been in the NICU for the last 5 years. I love it. I have 6 kids and the last 5 were born in the space of 8 yrs. I kept a few pounds with each one. Plus, I love food. I have already lost about 10lbs, and have 35ish more to go. My husband and I have our 10 year wedding anniversary next June and we are doing a vow renewal, I'd love to fit back into my wedding dress. I'd love to have a bunch of MFP friends to keep me motivated. Feel free to add me!
  • ashmckenz
    ashmckenz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Ashleigh and I am a new nurse! In one week I graduated, took the NCLEX, and got my first job in the float pool. I am really looking forward to seeing a little of everything before I settle down in my "dream job" as a postpartum nurse. I am a little scared because I will be working graveyard and the statistics telling me night nurses weigh more. I just started Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago. Between getting married and nursing school I managed to put on 30lbs. My goal is to lose 45, but mostly I just want to feel good in my clothes again. My motivation is getting pregnant at a healthy weight and feeling fit and healthy.
  • Good Morning All,

    My name is James and I am Masters prepared Nurse. I am currently the Chief Nursing Officer for a Rehab facility located in the DFW Metroplex. I have a goal to lose weight and to increase awareness among my staff to the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and weight. Since, beginning my personal program, I have lost 25 pounds and a total of 8 inches. I will no longer feel that I am a bigot when I educate patients on the importance of a healthy diet and losing weight. It is certainly a pleasure to be among greats within the community and look forward to hearing from each of you.
  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    Hi all! I'm Vivien, I've been an RN for over 30 years. I have had a weight problem all my life and recently had bariatric surgery. Anyone who thinks that is the easy way out is nuts! I had so many complications I was in the hospital for 8 weeks. However, I am on the road to recovery, losing weight and starting to gain my health back. I am looking to network with other RN's and with people who have good idea for healthy snacks, good recipes and exercise ideas for someone with arthritic knees! looking forward to connecting with you all!
  • goddessgoal
    goddessgoal Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! My name is Kanika and I have been a RN for 8 years. I currently work on a med-surg unit doing 12hr shifts. I am a wife, mother of 2, and also serve as a missionary at my church. I struggle with type 2 diabetes and currently following a low carb diet. My goal is to get fit and reduce my HGBA1c and control my sugars by diet and exercise.
  • drcrisos
    drcrisos Posts: 68 Member
    Hey all, my name is Dawn. I've been a nurse since 1997. Done a lot of different types of nursing and have settled into Oncology nursing since 2005 and love it! I have a very cushy schedule - M-F 7:30-4:00, no holidays, no weekends.
    With that schedule, once would think I would have time to exercise and eat better..... but alas, takes more than opportunity, takes motivation and I have been low on that for a long time.
    I am a wife, mother of 3 beautiful children, 19, 11, and 8, 2 dogs and a horse!
    I need to get healthy for me, my children and my husband and hopefully being on here will give me the extra motivation I'm seeking.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    Hello all, I've been nursing for 10 years. Three years on a multi organ transplant unit and the last 7 in neuro/trauma ICU. 12 hr days and nights but lots of days off as a 0.7. My job helps with my weight goals as it is very physical and we often miss our meal breaks. On my days off do Jillian Michaels videos and take care of my 3 year old.
  • Hi to all fellow RN's. I just retired from ICU and ER CCRN and I'm am trying to get healthy again. I am doing it by weight loss but my true measure is going to be my LDL Cholesterol. Now 175 goal 128. As long as blood pressure and HAIC are normal, that's the weight I well stay at. For me its not about looks it about health and not having to pay those eight hundred dollar a month plavix bills later down the road. Wish me luck
  • Hi Brit

    I love new grad RN. I just retired from a teaching hospital where I precepted nursing students and new grads. You have hit the nail on the head of why most nurses are over weight. The stress of the job which is hidden causes us to eat treats. With our cortisol levels already high, gaining weight is inevitable. I gained fifty pounds over the years. Now that I am away from bedside I hope to get back to being healthy. I know several docs who went to Doctors without borders and If I were younger well you know the rest. If I can be of any help and support be it diet or job let me know.

  • Hi Everyone! I am a nurse in an outpatient office in Internal Medicine. I am finishing up grad school in April to be an Adult & Women's Health NP. Wanna look good for those graduation pictures :-)! I'm excited to have the support from everyone here!
  • Welcome and congrats on NP it the wave of the future.
  • HI my name is Toni. I've been a nurse for almost 5 years now. I've worked in the ER up until recently. I just finished grad school and now I'm working at a surgery center. I've always had trouble with my weight. In the ER I worked crazy hours and at 3 am it's impossible to get anything healthy at a gas station. Now I'm working 5 days a week but it's late when I get home so it's off to a local restaurant for supper. I've been eating better portion sizes and staying between my TDEE and my BMR.