


  • TRHuston
    TRHuston Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all! Tiffany here from Minneapolis. Just found out about 3 months ago that I could jog a 5k while chatting with a friend. Blew my mind. A little history: I grew up having pretty bad asthma, which kept me from pretty much any activity. Got into cycling a few years ago, loved it, somehow my asthma got better (no more meds needed, just my rescue inhaler), had surgery on both feet last November and couldn't walk for 2 months, but now I'm off and running! Did my first sprint distance triathlon last month and just signed up for the 10 mile Monster Dash in St. Paul at the end of October. I consider myself pretty new to running, so any advice would be very much appreciated. ran 4.75 miles yesterday, so I'm pretty pumped. I know I can make it to 10 in 2 months. Also, always looking for friends that are supportive, inquisitive, funny, whatever. Cheers!
  • runrockclimb
    Hi, I'm Trista. I've been running on and off since high school, but in the last two years or so have really started to take it seriously. After a rough patch in my life about two years ago I turned to running to escape and it grew from there. I signed up for a Marathon not to long after and completed it with no real training (because I didn't know what I was doing). I've since discovered the fun that is half marathoning. I've run two in the last 8 months and have another coming up in November. I also have a 5k mud run in Mid September. It'll be my first and I am super excited about it.
  • runrockclimb

    My name is Paul and I live in VA. I am new to distance running. I started running a few months ago to drop a few pounds and have fell in love with it. I will be running my first half marathon at the end of Oct and an 8K (just for fun) in a couple weeks. I have met a ton of great people out on the trails I run (arent runners the nicest people?) and hope to meet some more on this site.

    Take care,


    Good luck with you're first 1/2. It'll be a blast. I agree runner's are the nicest. I love being a part of the running "crowd". Just our of curiosity, are you following a specific training plan for your half?
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Hi I'm tor, 46 mum of 3 living in the uk, training for my first half marathon (have previously run 10ks). Want to lose some fat too, but so far it's not happening..!
  • rtbrown82
    rtbrown82 Posts: 27 Member
    Harro :)

    My name is Russell, I'm pretty new to running, I started April 16, 2011 with a 5k I got duped into and I feel in love. I've since ran a few more 5k's, a half marathon and a full marathon. I've even done a sprint triathlon (is that ok? lol). I'm currently training for my second half marathon on Oct 7 and my second full marathon on March 16.

    For you DailyMilers hit me up -
  • johnmcc215
    johnmcc215 Posts: 40 Member
    Guess I should introduce myself here lol, just noticed this thread...

    I'm John, turning 50 around Thanksgiving, lost 42 lbs last year, wound up gaining 10-15 back, figured it's time to start counting calories again, nice to see there is a running group. Started running as part of C25k, really got into it..

    Feel free to friend me..
  • julieapreston

    I'm Julie from Texas and it is hotter than heck here right now. So excited that Fall is just around the corner. Let's hope Mother Nature cooperates!!!

    I started training for a half marathon over a year ago. Right about the time I was going to participate in the race, I was in a car accident and injured my knee. The injury was MINOR, but I was afraid for sooooooo long to run on it again that I just threw in the towel. I have recently started training again...short, slow runs. My running buddy is my four-legged baby - Libby. I swear some days she just drags me down the road and she is ALWAYS ready to go. Once the miles increase - she'll have to stay home and I will be ignored! She is a BRAT!

    Now I am ready to get this 13.1 under my belt!!

    Hoping to find motivation and support from all the runners out there (maybe some friends too). I know I am going to get tired of all the training!!
  • johnmcc215
    johnmcc215 Posts: 40 Member
    welcome Julie!

    good luck with the 13.1, it's a great feeling crossing that finish line.
  • AggieKbear03
    AggieKbear03 Posts: 2 Member
    Howdy! I'm Kristin and I am training for the Dallas Half Marathon in December.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    hi hi!

    I'm Marissa. I'm 20 years young and from Minnesota.

    2 years ago i did the C25K running plan. Now I'm doing 10k's and planning to run my first half marathon next year!
  • Kwika
    Kwika Posts: 145 Member
    Not sure if I have replied to this before but my name is Bobbie and I live in Hayward Ca. I am currently training for a half marathon in San Francisco on Nov. 4. Have done one half before. I have done 5K, 12K, half marathon and a progressive marathon. The only distances eluding me are a 10K and a full marathon. I will not be ever doing ultras. I, hopefully will be doing another half in Feb. also in San Francisco. I hope to one day soon do a full marathon but it will be a while yet.
  • Kwika
    Kwika Posts: 145 Member

    I'm Julie from Texas and it is hotter than heck here right now. So excited that Fall is just around the corner. Let's hope Mother Nature cooperates!!!

    I started training for a half marathon over a year ago. Right about the time I was going to participate in the race, I was in a car accident and injured my knee. The injury was MINOR, but I was afraid for sooooooo long to run on it again that I just threw in the towel. I have recently started training again...short, slow runs. My running buddy is my four-legged baby - Libby. I swear some days she just drags me down the road and she is ALWAYS ready to go. Once the miles increase - she'll have to stay home and I will be ignored! She is a BRAT!

    Now I am ready to get this 13.1 under my belt!!

    Hoping to find motivation and support from all the runners out there (maybe some friends too). I know I am going to get tired of all the training!!
  • Kwika
    Kwika Posts: 145 Member
    Train your four legged friend with you. I have heard that dogs can be trained to run just like humans. Take it slow with her as you would do yourself.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi There!!! I'm Dawn and I am trying to get back to higher mileage. I have done a couple marathons and several halfs. I dont actually have any major races on the horizon, but I am still considering a fall half....
  • Lityboy
    Hi! My name is Chuck. I´ve only been in 10k races over the past 5 years. I have lost and gained weight in and out from 2007 to 2012. Now and since dieting and jogging for the past 12 weeks I have reached my slimmest and leanest in years. Gonna run my first half marathon on the 30th September. I´m a bit daunted I must admit. Any advice such as give up......ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Wish you cool ruunings and all the best!
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi, I'm Lorraine, location Hastings, UK & just joined your group. I've only recently started running as part of getting fit & am currently on week 5 of C25K, although I completed my 1st 5k Saturday (15th Sept). I'm going along to my local running club on Wednesday (19th Sept) to check them out & join them in a beginners run. I hope to be able to run a 10k 2nd Dec & maybe our local Half Marathon in March 2013 - although it has some serious hills!
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    My name is Jin. I from Michigan. I am an avid runner logging around 25-36 miles per week. Happy running!
  • tina_renee
    tina_renee Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Tina and I got into running as a way to get fit two years ago, since then I have run 5 half marathons (all in San Francisco) and 3 full marathons (Chicago, Paris & San Francisco). I am embarking on my first 50 miler in December, so if any of you have any advice for me. PLEASE let me know :) Happy Trails!
  • KWKY
    KWKY Posts: 110 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I'm a mother of two gorgeous girls (4 and 14 months) from sunny Sydney!

    Started running three years ago trying to shift the baby weight and just got absolutely hooked. Ran my first HM in 2010 clocking 2:27. Got pregnant with second and just started running again at the end of last year, and completed my second HM last week at 2:28 (had a nose bleed before the race and at 12km, not pretty lol)

    Now aiming for a sub 2 HM sometime in 2013 and a full marathon by 2014 (if bub cooperates and actually sleeps in in the morning!)

    Loving this group and MFP!
  • dmgbrown
    dmgbrown Posts: 14 Member
    I'm D from Texas!

    September 9, 2012 I celebrated 3 years cancer free!!!
    one week later, September 16, 2012 I walked my first half marathon!!!

    January 27 2013 I am signed up for the Hero-Thon in San Antonio benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. My 30th Birthday is January 30th! My long term goal is to complete 30 (half) marathons between 2013-2023!!!!!