Monday :)



  • Hello, how do I add my information to the chart? Where is it located?

    Thank you.
  • I found the spreadsheet and added my information. I had joined last week, however was unaware of the sheet. This is great and I look forward to the challenge. I am going to need a lot....of help.
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Tracy I completely agree with you about lunges but damn do they do good things for the legs and bum lol

    Vicki that is aways about your running time :) Good job. How did the squats, lunges and push ups feel?

    I really liked the squats, lunges, push ups. My arms were feeling those pushups for sure!
  • KathyMarie1970
    KathyMarie1970 Posts: 68 Member
    I did the squats, lunges and pushups yesterday. Felt the burn on the last two sets! Trying to decide if I want to run this morning or not. The hardest step is the one out the door!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Challenge 1: Run 1 mile, walk 1 mile, or try to take some time of your 1 mile - DONE
    Challenge 2: 4 rounds of 10 squats, 5 lunges, and 10 push ups - DONE
    Challenge 3: Do a piece of cardio equipment you normally never do. I.e. if you normally bike, walk on the treadmill or use the elliptical - STUCK WITH WHAT TO DO HERE AS I DON'T WORK OUT AT THE GYM, I RUN WITH THE DOGS......ANY IDEAS?

    5 food related challenges:
    Challenge 1: Drink 10 plus glasses of water - DONE
    Challenge 2: Record every piece of food or liquid that you eat. It doesn't matter if it is one cracker record it all - DONE
    Challenge 3: One day limit the amount of coffee you drink to 2 cups maximum or try to only drink black coffee or have no drinks other than water - DOES IT STILL COUNT WITH FRESH LEMON SLICES IN THE WATER?

    Feeling pumped about this challenge - can't wait for my new wardrobe at Christmas :happy:
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    I had a great day yesterday! Here's what I accomplished:

    50 Burpees
    Drank 10+ glasses of water (actually 110 ozs)
    Recorded every piece of food and liquid
    Had my 2 cups of coffee in the morning and water for the rest of the day
    Ate under my calorie goal
    AND....had 123 grams of protein!

    Today I"m doing my long run, so I'll just continue with the food related challenges. I want to continue to drink all the water, track all my food, eat under calorie goal and eat as much protein as possible!

    One thing I was going to mention the only piece of cardio equipment that I don't use is the elliptic machine as I have some foot joint issues and it aggravates it. So I won't be able to do this particular challenge. I do however always take advantage of mixing it up with cardio whenever I can - running, biking, intervals, community ed classes.

    Here's to another great day for all of us!!!
  • Spiceanne
    Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
    If you only use on piece of equipment do to knee issues or no gym memberships try varying up your cardio by saying doing interval runs (sprints) instead of a long distance run or do some form of a cardio circuit with say jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks.

    You better water with lemon slices still counts :)
  • Spiceanne
    Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
    Jana how did you feel after eating 123 grams of protein? And way to kill it yesterday, that is awesome :)
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Challenge 3: Only drink water one day, no coffee,no energy drinks, no pop, just water - DONE
    Challenge 4: Try to eat under or as close to your calorie goal as possible - DONE

    The Protein on is going to be the hardest I think, should have done it yesterday as the rest of the week is crazy for lunch and dinner dates.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Jana how did you feel after eating 123 grams of protein? And way to kill it yesterday, that is awesome :)

    100% better then if I eat too much carbs/sugar. I feel strong, healthy and not hungry. If I give into sugar then I end up craving it all day long. I love protein :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    I've completed everything on the challenge except the 4 rounds of 10 squats, 5 lunges and 10 pushups. For the dips I did 100 skull crushers and I'm sure I'll be feeling it later today (did them yesterday along with 100 squats) By afternoon I'll likely be popping the advil! Tonight I'm running but I'll work on getting the last challenge in before the end of the weekend!! Looking forward to seeing what we get to do next week!!
  • Spiceanne
    Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
    That's awesome :) I love to hear that. It's a good feeling when you are full and don't crave anything and just feel all around better