What Is your ideal weight?



  • cla_
    cla_ Posts: 10 Member
    Oops! Forgot to say, my top weight was 217!
  • tattedchic
    tattedchic Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 5'9", now at 131 lbs, my goal is 125. A little on the slim side I know, but 130 is my average weight without working out, when I work out and eat healthy I'm usually around 125-127. I'm not that worried about the pounds, I really want to lose inches and be more proportional- where my fellow pear -shaped girls at?! ;)
  • Im 5'11 and some change, I have a medium build and my goal weight would be 150, Ill re-evaluate when I get there...
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I'm 5'11'' and the first female born into a long long line of football players...I'm not a dainty delicate little flower. When I was 17 and at my physical peak (active every day, martial artist, etc) I was 175lbs and a size 16. I had muscle and I was a little tiny bit pudgy but not a lot. I would like to get back to around that weight. My goal is 180 because I don't want to be skinny, I want the muscle back, and I was happy at that size, even if it seems big to other people.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my goal weight is between 160 and 170. In my personal opinion, women are meant to have curves, and anything below 150 would be scary looking on me (maybe I just feel that way because I've been big my whole life and can't imagine what it would feel like to be skinny). I like being on the bigger side, I think it's a softer look, but I want curves not lumps like I have now lol! Just personal opinion though, what really matters is how YOU feel at any given weight. As long as its in the healthy BMI range, it doesn't matter what weight you feel your best at :drinker:
  • cinden33
    cinden33 Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'9" and my ideal weight is 145-150. I got down to 142 one and that was pretty small. I like a litlle cushion, so 145-150 works for me.
  • I am 5'9 and a half and right now my goal weight is 160. I found it very helpful to look at http://www.mybodygallery.com to try and figure out what the right weight for me would be. It shows pictures of real women. You can pick your height and then different weights. You can also pick specific body types (apple, pear, hourglass)

    ^^ This is great, thankyou!!^^
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    62kg is my idea! (136.4lbs) is my ideal - I am 138.8 now (63.1kg) so quite nearly there, then need to focus on maintenance and increasing lean muscle mass percentages!
  • loveYOUmore319
    loveYOUmore319 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 5'9" and my ideal weight is 155. The smallest I've been as an adult is 153 and I felt amazing. I'm 168 right now. :)
  • I'm 6'4" and I would like to be 155. I was originally aiming for 170 but once i got here (started at 198) I'm still not happy with it. I still have a tummy and love handleage going on.
  • I'm 5'10 and I'd like to be 140 or so. I'm currently at 161 lbs.
  • Im 5'11 and some change,, I think my lowest was 155 and I looked great! I wanted to be at 150 way back then,,, but gave up, so this time I will aim for 155 and see from there.... My body has changed since having my daughter (9years ago) so we shall see.... Im currently 196 and shrinking,,, (feels good not to start the weight with a 2.....)
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm 6'2 and want to get down to 200. I have a large frame and have never weighed below 210, so I'll see how I look at 200 and go from there.
  • Jenny021880
    Jenny021880 Posts: 11 Member
    6'0" 180 would be amazing for me. That would put me at a comfortable size 14.
  • KateSpanton
    KateSpanton Posts: 3 Member
    Okay - so I am 5'9" and 160 now but goal weight is 149 - that gives me a pound to play with (yeah right!!)
  • CoCoRedRider
    CoCoRedRider Posts: 47 Member
    6' and currently 163. GW is 150-155, or whatever gets rid of the dunlap. I started at 173 a few weeks ago and am thrilled at the smaller number on the scale but really haven't lost any noticeable inches. I suppose that's the blessing and curse of being tall - it takes 10 pounds to notice you've gained weight, but you barely notice when you've lost it. Anyone else have this discouragement?
  • Yeah I've noticed that as well. I started to see little changes at about 15 lbs and other people started noticing around 20+ lbs. I have lost about 28 lbs and I went from a size 14/12 to a 10. It can be really frustrating because I didn't think my goal look would be this much weight lost, but like you said that's the bittersweet thing about being tall. I still want to go down to 155 lbs because I still have love handles and a tummy. I am 6'4" and that might seem low but I have a very small frame for someone my height.
  • brujahqueen
    brujahqueen Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'10" and I want to get down to 190-200. I was 180 in highschool and I looking back I a little to thin. I've lsot about 10 pounds so far and i can tell the difference. I've gone down a pants size and I feel better.
  • I agree that it's difficult figuring out your ideal weight goal - there are so many variables (bodyfat percentage, frame, etc.) I started at 185 pounds around Easter and thought for sure 165 would be super awesome. Well, I got there and it was OK but my rear view is still cellulite city. I'm thinking more like 155 or even 150 will be better. I'm definitely getting more toned now but only in the arms and lower legs - knees to waist still needs work :)
  • Mhay913
    Mhay913 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 6'0" or 6'1". My weight goal right now is 185, but I'd be happy with anything under 200. I'm fairly well proportioned, but carry a little more on my hips, butt & thighs than my upper body.

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