Sept 24th Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter for Monday

Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
:To reach a goal, don't look at how far off it is, but follow the markers on the path to it! :flowerforyou:

Good morning Mad Hatters!

Heading into work but wanted to start a new week; I got a good reminder of how it's a little more challenging to eat well and get in the exercise when you're NOT on vacation and back in the real world of working!! :sad: .. but am paying more attention to the importance of planning ahead so I managed to stay pretty well on track... so far but I've only been back for 2 days :laugh:

Hope everyone has a great week; and remember small changes lead to big results - it's all about progress, not perfection!

A quick note to TA before heading out...

Saw your post lhis morning TA... huge, huge congrats my friend... that was an awesome goal and a huge accomplishment in meeting it, let alone having surpassed it!! Well done TA.... you are a shining example to me that perserverance and hard work and dedication to your goal will get you there.. I'm so happy for you - and have no doubt you will reach your new goal as well... congrats!!



  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    TA, happy, happy dance, you had a rough work week but you took care of yourself We all need to learn that lesson! Janet
  • You are so right Snooozie in your post this morning. As we get older, we hopefully have more patience and wisdom and realize that it is more about our journey in life and not the destination. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
  • SunnyLynnie
    SunnyLynnie Posts: 87 Member
    Patience. When I pray for patience I ask God to give it to me right now!!! lol

    I am finding that I am enjoying the journey more and not being so impatient to get to my goal. I am changing not just physically but mentally. I believe that's where real change happens - in your head first. Not something I expected.

    By the way, I have a question... I had been taking supplements every morning (multi-vitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin C, fish oil, L-arginine, and Swiss Herbal HRT. I was having hot flashes, about once an hour on average. I stopped taking them over the weekend a few weeks ago and noticed that I didn't have one hot flash! I took them again that Monday morning - hot flashes! So I stopped taking them.

    I did some research and couldn't find any connection between my supplements and increased hot flashes, so I don't get it. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Thanks for your help and have a great day!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters!

    Figured I'd better post now as bedtime for Bonzo comes early on dayshift - but I set my alarm a few minutes early so I can log on with my coffee and read any postings I missed - I must love you guys to voluntarily set my alarm for 3:55am (altho I did hit the "snooze" button this morning... and since I keep my alarm 20 feet away on the bureau so I have to get out of bed and cross the room to turn it off just so I won't hit the snooz.. well.. nuff said lol

    I had so much vacation time built up I honestly forgot how much more planning is required when you're back at work to keep on track with your goal... and today I finally went to the doc because for the past 10 days I've had an awful pain across my upper back and numbness and tingling down my arm.. i laid off the exercise for a few days and it got better; then friday i did another stint on the eliptical and wham.. it all came back. Turns out I have a pinched nerve in my neck and since the nerve goes across the back and down the arm.. that splains it lucy.. so will go for a few RMT sessions but was told to hold off on starting the strength training til the neck has healed.. I know when I was using the eliptical my head tends to hang down (out of exhaustion lol) but not sure if that caused it or was just one of those things - but it makes blow drying your hair in the morning a little difficult when i couldn't raise my arm above my shoulder :bigsmile:

    Anyway it's all good now; but admit I'm a little worried that having not exercised for a couple of days now.. I might slide a bit when i'm healed up and it comes time to get back at it big time (since exercise has always been the bane of my existence!) but I did a LOT of extra walking today; we're moving our offices to a new building which was built just up the street from our current one (go figure lol) and since the move happens this weekend, we're carting some of our own stuff over a bit at a time during this week.. so I got lots of extra steps and (IMO) a little strength training from carrying stuff :laugh:

    And T2 - I thought of you.. there is an elevator way at the back of the building, but it's only two floors and the stairs just happen to be right beside my area... so I'll be using them a lot!

    It's going to be a bit of a busy week; and I'm taking Friday off to head up to a town about 3 hrs away because a good friend of mine and her hubby are renewing their wedding vows Friday morning mso I'm heading up after work Thursday. But I'm bringing my lunch box (aka my Jethro Bodine cooler) with easily snackable foods so I don't arrive starving and grumpy and pig out cause her mom's making dinner for everyone (being a single person - one of my favourite dinner invites is to home cookin' so .. it could get ugly :laugh:
    But I'm really not all that worried.... well... maybe just a tad!

    It's been pretty quiet in here over the weekend, so will hope that Janet's shower went well, TA is celebrating her awesome goal; I see Time2 is showing amazing dedication to the stairs, MeRobi is in dire need of a care package of wine and chocolate, Tonya's tummy trubbles have hopefully passed, and congrats to Mary on her recent loss.. and Bis my friend.. how's the foot?? CBM - how's things in your neck of the woods? And LL - sorry I've only noticed that for me, one of the big triggers for HF is coffee.. but since there's no way I'll give it up.. I suffer (but not in silence!)

    Will pop in afore bed to see if anyone's up and about - I made a yummy dinner tonite with a little leftover whole grain penne (about 8 pieces!) and a small piece of chicken; threw it all in a fry pan with a whole bunch of broccoli and cauliflower and a little bit of alfredo sauce and presto.. quick and easy dinner. But once I added all the veg there was so much, I have lunch made for tomorrow as well! Gotta love easy - but I do have to chop a bunch of peppers to take for snackage before bed...... honestly, if I had known when I was 8 years old that I'd be going to bed at the same time when I was 50?? I wudda stayed up WAY later back then!! :bigsmile:

    Hugs all around to the Hatters !:flowerforyou:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ snoozie...

    my new favorite saying is "life is full, but fun" .... will slow down after the ECoH... happy and sad and BUSY... yess.... did the all caps thing.... "smile - it will make them wonder what you're up to"....:wink:

    @ hairspray...

    hope the shower went well....know you have a full plate.... slow down when you can and take time to enjoy the flowers...":flowerforyou: "


    hoping your life gets back to normal soon.... and that your son and daughter are ok....prayers....

    night all....

  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Hatters, thanks for all your good wishes the shower was great! The theme was Hawaii, so I had to wear one of my many hats to feel tropical. Today she called to tell me she forgot to get a cake, I thought she didn't want one, so to the bakery I go in the morning. I didn't eat any of the red velvet cupcakes I made, but I did sample my homemade buttercream icing. (Ok several samples) I made healthy choices but didn't remember everything.
    My weight was still the same, but what will I remember about this week.? My daughter of whom we are so proud is getting married to a good man!
    I did cry one time, in my family the last gift is from the brides mom, something for the wedding night. I cried when I gave it to Lynn, just thinking for the zillionth time, how I wish my mom had lived so my kids could have known her. Then something strange happened. Bob came to help with clean up and when it was completely quiet, his iPhone came on and began to loudly play Camelot, the one song my siblings and I most associate with my mom. Only weeks ago, after my nephews wedding my siblings and I played it on my ipad and sang along as our way of having my mom with us. Bob was not there and i never told him about it, and while he periodically accidentally does something to have music suddenly blaring from his iPhone it is usually something from Tarzan, never before was it Camelot.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Janet - LOVE the pic!!! and I got chills reading your post - what a wonderful day, and the Camelot moment was awesome! So glad everything went well... and I'm pretty sure you burned off a whole lot more calories than a couple of licks of a butter cream icing could have been :bigsmile:

    cBM: glad to hear things are moving along well for the Ecoh! Don't forget to breathe occasionally!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Dear MMH's,

    I so miss each and every one of you. My life has been turbulent recently, but I am reading daily.

    Janet, so glad the shower went well and I also got chills reading the Camelot post. No vitatops as of yet but they are on the list.

    Cbm-I'm with Snoozie, don't forget to breathe.

    language- I have no patience and God is very aware, someday I hope he will give it to me in spades!

    Snoozie, Hope you feel better soon. Hold your head up high, YOU are awesome and it will keep you from hurting...hehe. Thank you so much for all that you do.

    T2- great stair climbing and thank you for being my friend. That is how I found all of the rest of these wonderful Hatter women.

    To all of the other Mad Hatters, I hope you have a marvelous day and a great week ahead.

    Days are getting shorter and life is getting longer but we are here together and that's what counts! Thanks to all of you for just being wonderful women!
  • SunnyLynnie
    SunnyLynnie Posts: 87 Member
    Is anyone interested in answering my question? I would really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks. See above.

    :bigsmile: I did answer it LL ..but unfortunately with the info I've never taken supplements so I've never noticed any correlation with the HF's .. sowwy can't help :sad:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good morning, to my Hatter friends!!

    Wow, what a week it’s been! I feel like it should be Thursday already.

    Snooze….I LOVE this from your post….. “remember small changes lead to big results - it's all about progress, not perfection!”

    I experienced my own small change yesterday at lunch. I had brought my sad little sandwich …..thin sliced chicken breast( processed…would have been better with actual chicken…. ; / ) on sourdough bread. Anyway, I had the opportunity to go and have a hot fresh food ,containing many more calories than what I had ….and I made the choice not to go. So, I can see the small changes in myself……because the old mindset I had would have jumped on the chance. So it is all about small changes , not perfection.

    Tammy……So proud for you on your goals…you are doing such a fantastic job!! When you get to your last goal , and I to mine, We’ll have to meet up in New Orleans and split a Beignet!!

    Janet…I am so tickled for you getting to experience your daughter’s wedding preparations…….Having a son, I won’t get to do that, at least not the fun experiences of a daughter’s showers and wedding day. The iphone playing Camelot was awesome…..Love the Hat!!

    Mary and Languagelassie …great to see your posts, can’t wait to get to know you better.

    LL….I don’t know much about the HRT, but maybe you could leave one pill off at a time and see which one is doing it…

    Tonya….sweet friend, so sorry things having evened out yet…… I can imagine it must be tough getting grounded from the move, and as much as you are tickled at having your daughter and son-n law, it is still a major change for you. Praying for your stepson’s health…

    CBM… I’m not sure what Ecoh is, but best wishes on it.

    Last, but not the least in friendship….Snoozie…Why didn’t you let me know you were hurt? Not that I could have done anything, but you would have had someone to worry about it with.. I hope you are feeling better . Be careful moving and carrying those boxes… So I see a little stairs usage in your future… I could tell you some stories about me and the alarm clock..I can hit snooze for over an hour sometimes….I sleep very deep.. I have it set ahead 30 minutes..Everytime I hit snooze, I’m figuring up the time ……ok …it really is …such and such time….too ridiculous isn’t it???

    I hope everyone has a marvelous day….Go forth and conquer this thing called FAT!!

    Hello, to all that haven’t been able to post…

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    LL, I am through menopause and never took any HRT so I am no help at all but since you have stopped, you should add one back at a time until you have the hot flashes. That way you know the one that is the trouble maker. Good Luck!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Mmmm, I love the leftover dinner menu, Snooze, with the pasta, broccoli, alfredo , chicken....I'm trying it this weekend....
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Eagle Scout Court of Honor - quick info:

    we're having a reception following - with about 100 pepole attending....

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh, I do remember reading that, just didn't recognize it's initials...Thanks........I know that must be a lot of planning and work...wishing you much stamina and less stress.. it will turn out great!!
  • SunnyLynnie
    SunnyLynnie Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you so much Tonya and G, that is a great idea!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Where are all of our lovely Hatters, its been a quiet week here!
    Ok, I am not paying as much attention right now, so how did the collarbone operation go, did I miss an update?
    Carol, I know that the focus will be on your eagle scout son, but I know you will stand next to him a little bit taller because of your increased fitness and those size 16 purple pants! Congrats.
    TimeTo, LOVE the picture. My dad's hair turned the color of your hair when he was 35, at the time I thought I hope my hair doesn't do that, but now after years of highlights and lowlights and everything in between, I wish it had just turned that beautiful instead of getting all mousy with strangly hard wire grays popping out. Wow the money I would have saved!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I've been doing pre-op appointments and stuff. They had to draw my blood twice and, apparently, I only have one vein. They had to stick me all over to get the forgotten tube. I'm bruised all over like someone tried to beat me to death with a spoon. My husband won't be seen with me! Looks like everyone else is busy, too. I loved reading about the shower and the Eagle Scout court and everything else. I hope you're all having the great weather we're having. I have lots of energy and sleep well.
    Kobie/Cheryl F
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Kobie - I'm not sure how it works in the U.S., but if possible, since you only have one vein they can use, if you have to get more ask them either at the hosp or the clinic if they have a Phlebotomist on staff who could draw the blood or put in an IV.. almost every place has one and they specialize in just that.. they use em to draw blood from babies or older persons or those with "bad" veins (I'm sure you're are lovely.... lol... but you know what I mean by bad..) Anyway... they are awesome at it cause all they do is difficult ones, and it keeps you from becoming a human pin cushion from someone poking away trying to get one.. just a thought but if you give them a heads up about yours and ask for one.. it might help?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Very long day today, and still have to log my food and make my lunch for tomorrow so this will be short and sweet.. yeah.. like i ever do short... but as close as I can get..

    Janet - I saw a note on Merobi's status tha said the surgery went well; I giggled at your grey wires line.. last time I was at my stylists he kept telling me I had a few "pale" hairs... I finally figured it out that he was trying to be polite but I said are you trying to tell me I have GREY hairs? He said.. well, yes... I said good lord man.. i KNOW i do.. that's why i;m here!

    T2 - i love the pi too!! It's funny how sometimes you get an imagine of someone in your head from chatting with them as to what they look like without ever having seen them!! You're beyoootiful!! And I didn't know I had a pinched nerve lol.. i thought it was just a combination of the exercise and age making me hurt.. wasnt til it got worse that I figured maybe not lol.. so you knew shortly after I did! Thank you so much tho for worrying about me but I'm all good.. couple more days and I'll have no excuse not to get back to it.. gulp.. I may need a boot in the behind ladies.. so lace up the sneaks and aim for my backside pls!

    Tonya: sounds like you're having a tough go right now... wish I could help in some way, but all i can offer is commiseration and the hope that things will settle down soon..? Fed Ex also works for emergency shipments of Tequila as well as toilet paper... so just holler if ya need us to take up a collection and send one your way k? We still hae Merobi's bail money in the jar... ;o)

    I know I've porbably missed a couple; hope TA you're doing ok and all is well ... don't wanna see you starring in an "After School" special on TV!!

    Have a great night hatters.. I gotta get to logging.. tomorrow is my weigh in day... it could be ugly around here if the scales don't co operate! :laugh:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Loving this :To reach a goal, don't look at how far off it is, but follow the markers on the path to it!

    This so true. I just this week realized I am down 1/4 of my goal. For the first time (that I ever remember) I am focusing what I have accomplished rather than what I am trying to accomplish.

    Janet what a wonderful confirmation that Mother was there.

    Many thanks for the support on reaching my 12 week challenge goal. In someways it seems so amazing that it is over already. I have to say when I started I hated the weighing in since in the past if the scale didn't say what I wanted I would over indulge and if it did say what I wanted I would over indulge :grumble: But after a few weeks I did get to where it was easier and I have learned to not let the numbers bring me down either way.

    Well I hate to cut this so short there is so many good post over the last few days but sadly I started getting sick yesterday, went for shots and scripts today and am sooooooooooooooooo ready for bed.

    Remember acknowledge each victory !!!

    Oh my daughter made Senior Homecoming Maid, so this weekend will be busy shopping.