Stage 1



  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Elissalove - sounds like we are in the same boat as far as calories. Monday is my weigh-in and I will decide then about staying at 1550 on workout days; and 1750 on lift days. I've pretty much been sated doing it this way, but we'll see how this holds up when 3 sets start this week - EEK. And I'm right there with you on the evil prone jackknives from hell.

    Daisy 80 - you're so right. It's a sad commentary on how we're scared to eat. I have friends that joined MFP with me that daily net 1000 or lower. Some are losing and some are stalled, so I don't know what I can say to convince them. Sometimes you have to experience things for yourself. I do know that I'm keeping an eye on how my body reacts to things and will certainly up the calories if I need them.

    I am not a morning person either, but I feel great after my workouts. And I've realized it's the ONLY "me" time I get all day, so I'm committed M/W/F.

    OK wow, I just did that calorie calculator and it says I should have 1358 for fat loss on non-workout days and 1635 on active days (assuming those are lifting days). Hm... Another calculator told me my BMR is 1450. We will see what Monday says; if no weight loss, then I might adjust down. Sheesh and here I thought I was undereating. Just my luck!

    Susan, Elg, Jamkat - congrats on finishing your workouts/stages. Wow, what an accomplishment!

    Do you all drink your post workout shakes? I do. I use the whey protein powder from Target and really like it, but I'm weird that way.
    Do you do the warm-up they recommend in the book -- namely the practice lifts? I didn't do them at first, but I do now.
    What do you do for a warm-up? I've been doing 10-15 minutes on the elliptical, but feel like I'm in a rut.
    Do you do cardio and what days? I've totally slacked on cardio (partly due to aching shins and my bum knee; partly due to just not wanting to.)

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Just started Week 5 and added the AMRAP sets in Pretty darn hard today... I was and am very sore!!!
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Do you all drink your post workout shakes? I do. I use the whey protein powder from Target and really like it, but I'm weird that way.
    Do you do the warm-up they recommend in the book -- namely the practice lifts? I didn't do them at first, but I do now.
    What do you do for a warm-up? I've been doing 10-15 minutes on the elliptical, but feel like I'm in a rut.
    Do you do cardio and what days? I've totally slacked on cardio (partly due to aching shins and my bum knee; partly due to just not wanting to.)

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

    I do drink a protein shake after my workout, I got it from Costco, it's vanilla flavoured and I mix it with 1 cup of skim milk. I haven't used the warm up they recommend in the book but I might start doing it because I feel my calves are very tight when I do the squats and I find myself coming up on my toes (so I don't go as low as I would like to). I do 5-10 minute warm up on the elliptical. Also, I have been doing C25K on my off days and if I miss a day then I add 30 minute elliptical on my next c25k day. But do what feels right to you, I like to eat, so I workout more. It's been okay so far but I start Stage 2 on Wednesday and I am curious to see how tired/sore I will be from the new workout. Have a great weekend too!
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I drink a protein shake after my workout. Usually .5 cup of almond milk, 1-2 scoops of body fortress whey vanilla, .5 banana, and a T of peanut butter. Really yummy. I don't do the workout in the book, I just do 5-10 minutes on the elliptical until my heart rate is up.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    This morning I completed Stage 1 B and here are my stats.

    Deadlift - 20 pounds ---> 75 pounds (got up to 95 pounds but lost my form really early)
    Shoulder press - 7.5 pounds ---> 25 pounds (did 2 sets of 8 at 25 then had to go down to 22.5)
    Lat pull down - 50 pounds - 95 pounds
    Lunges - BW ---> 80 pounds (on the smith machine..I know!)
    Swiss Ball crunches - normal ---> holding 10 pound weight behind my head (ooh that felt great!)

    I think i'm going to skip the AMRAP section and move into stage 2. Did anyone else do this or did they take a break? Have a great week!

  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    susan, I finished Stage 1 last Wednesday without the AMRAPS. I had planned to start stage 2 today, but I watched my granddaughter last night and stayed up later than normal, so I slept the extra hour this morning instead of getting up to work out. I'll start So I guess the answer to your question is, yes, I took a break.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Why are folks skipping the AMRAPs? I'm curious to see how much I can do. Aren't you curious??? :) I already can tell I'm stronger. When I take my daughter to the park, I always try to just hang on the monkey bars. Used to kill my shoulders. Now I can swing and swing by my arms. Can't quite yet go from bar to bar, but there is a huge noticeable difference in my strength.

    I have one more B workout before I begin 3 sets!!! eek
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I guess I am skipping them because I feel like I severely underestimated myself at the beginning, so I feel like I would be doing the workout forever! lol. Also, I am just very excited to start stage 2, so that I can continue to build big muscles :D

    It was only just an optional stage (if i'm not mistaken?). Don't know what i'm going to do yet, I have until Wednesday to decide. I will let you know what I decide to do.

  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I guess I am skipping them because I feel like I severely underestimated myself at the beginning, so I feel like I would be doing the workout forever! lol. Also, I am just very excited to start stage 2, so that I can continue to build big muscles :D

    It was only just an optional stage (if i'm not mistaken?). Don't know what i'm going to do yet, I have until Wednesday to decide. I will let you know what I decide to do.


    I skipped them because I consider them a waste of time for me. I know I'm stronger, lost 2% BF, gained 5lbs of muscle, and lost a dress size. I don't need AMRAP to tell me that! Plus, I risk reinjuring my back/hip if I try to do AMRAP for real. Because I tend to push myself too far. If there's no limit on me, I would take it overboard for sure.
  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    I had every intention of doing the AMRAP workouts. Now that I'm done with Stage 1 it does seems like a waste of time. I completely agree with holleysings. I know I am stronger and I just feel like after many reps I'll just get bored and stop anyway. My 14yo daughter has started the program also and when I grab a 50lb barbell for her it feels so light, yet a couple months ago I struggled with that weight.

    I'm very happy with the strength gains I have made and can't wait to get started with Stage 2!!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    OK, I guess I will probably feel the same when I come to the end of stage 1. Officially halfway there as of today's workout. Next, I start 3 sets. I'm excited for that. I know I am stronger too -- just from a few week of this program. And I caught a glimpse of myself sideways in the mirror today and was shocked -- I looked skinny (ok skinny for ME). I really have changed my shape drastically in the last 3 months. I felt so confident at the gym today!

    Wide Lat Pulldown - question: I do these as I read in the book. When I pull down, I kind of stick my chest out. Basically I try to keep good posture. However I see guys doing this all the time and they lean back as they pull down on the bar. Do you know what I mean? What's the correct way to do these?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    OK, I guess I will probably feel the same when I come to the end of stage 1. Officially halfway there as of today's workout. Next, I start 3 sets. I'm excited for that. I know I am stronger too -- just from a few week of this program. And I caught a glimpse of myself sideways in the mirror today and was shocked -- I looked skinny (ok skinny for ME). I really have changed my shape drastically in the last 3 months. I felt so confident at the gym today!

    Wide Lat Pulldown - question: I do these as I read in the book. When I pull down, I kind of stick my chest out. Basically I try to keep good posture. However I see guys doing this all the time and they lean back as they pull down on the bar. Do you know what I mean? What's the correct way to do these?

    Go for the AMRAP if you want to do them! I just know I would go over board and hurt myself.

    Umm...wouldn't leaning back destroy their posture? I often see men using terrible form in the gym. I'm pretty sure your spine is supposed to remain vertical...if they lean back, they are probably using too much weight, so they lean back in order to pull down far enough. Silly boys.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi ladies

    Great to see everyone is doing so well! Aren't we a good bunch?! :wink:

    I had a great time at the gym today. I planned to go to the gym in the morning before work but when I woke up it was so dark and cold. Autumn has really hit the UK. I just felt like hibernating. I didn't go. After work I was so tired but I thought I just go. If I don't feel like doing it I can always leave. Luckily the gym was still fairly quiet. However I had to go quite close to a man doing exercises. I didn't want to disturb his space so I asked him if it is ok for him if I use the barbell next to him and he was like:" No not at all!" and I could see in his face that he was quite impressed. that a girl was using the barbell...he he...Once I was doing my deadlifts he came over and said "great to see someone doing proper exercises" I felt so proud! He was asking what I am doing and if I am training for something specific. I showed him my book (yes I always carry it around with me at the gym) and he seemed quite interested. It felt so great especially as I was so intimidated to go to the weight section for the first few times. I had a great workout and I feel so happy I went! :smile:
  • MelodyAnn323
    MelodyAnn323 Posts: 38 Member
    Most exciting victory since I started? On my last workout A (AMRAPs are next!) I successfully completed SIX regular pushups!! I completely surprised myself and I can't stop being excited about it! Progress, baby!!
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Good for you! Pushups are my weakest area. I wanted to see how many "normal" ones I could do the other day, I did one full pushup, lowered myself down for the 2nd one and couldn't get back up haha. I've been doing 45* ones on a ledge at the gym. I still find those ones difficult.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Most exciting victory since I started? On my last workout A (AMRAPs are next!) I successfully completed SIX regular pushups!! I completely surprised myself and I can't stop being excited about it! Progress, baby!!

    Nice! My mid-back is weak, so I still can't do one. Maybe some day!
  • questiontheanswers
    Hi ladies

    Great to see everyone is doing so well! Aren't we a good bunch?! :wink:

    I had a great time at the gym today. I planned to go to the gym in the morning before work but when I woke up it was so dark and cold. Autumn has really hit the UK. I just felt like hibernating. I didn't go. After work I was so tired but I thought I just go. If I don't feel like doing it I can always leave. Luckily the gym was still fairly quiet. However I had to go quite close to a man doing exercises. I didn't want to disturb his space so I asked him if it is ok for him if I use the barbell next to him and he was like:" No not at all!" and I could see in his face that he was quite impressed. that a girl was using the barbell...he he...Once I was doing my deadlifts he came over and said "great to see someone doing proper exercises" I felt so proud! He was asking what I am doing and if I am training for something specific. I showed him my book (yes I always carry it around with me at the gym) and he seemed quite interested. It felt so great especially as I was so intimidated to go to the weight section for the first few times. I had a great workout and I feel so happy I went! :smile:

    That is AWESOME! :)

    I did workout 5B on Tuesday. Man, I love this program! I am already seeing a big visible difference in my arms (though still LOTS of room for improvement :) ) and I just feel soooo much stronger. The other day my boyfriend (who lifts with me at the gym) made a comment about how strong I was. Made me great. I have lost some inches ... still trying to find the sweet spot for calories, though. I think I'm undereating a bit now (even though my goal is more than 2000 calories) but I'm working on it.

    Still hate those prone jackknifes, but I actually managed to eke out 3 set of 10 on 5A. Well, the third set was a little broken ... had to reset for the last couple, but I still managed 30!

    Good work everyone!

    Edited for proper spelling.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    All you ladies are doing so well! I can't do proper push ups. I do them on a bench in the gym and I nearly smacked my face the other day as my arms just gave in :laugh:
  • mermegan
    All you ladies are doing so well! I can't do proper push ups. I do them on a bench in the gym and I nearly smacked my face the other day as my arms just gave in :laugh:

    Lol, if it makes you feel better: A few weeks ago I tried a headstand in yoga. The instructor told us to start from crow and lower down onto our heads. WELL....I slammed my forehead into the ground and it made a big *thump* sound. I brushed it off like I didn't care but I was totally embarrassed. But hey, we're working hard so who cares if we slip up right!?
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Well I'm back in Blighty from a fantastic trip across the pond to beautiful South Carolina. You ladies have all been very busy during my 2 weeks away, I'm jealous of the progress you've made!!! :-)

    Other than doing lots of walking, I've done no exercise or gym work and have eaten lots and lots of fried food and seafood, so it's back to the start for me tomorrow! I'm a little apprehensive about it for some reason, I think it's a bit of jet lag which is doing nothing for my energy levels. This thread however is giving me the kick I need. Well done all!