Geek shows you DON'T like

KimWW Posts: 301 Member
So, we have threads all over the group about shows we like. What are some of the geeky (fantasy, sci fi) shows you DON'T?

I am not trying to start a fight. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

Really, I just want to see if I am the only person in the group who cannot stand Alphas. (Could they have made up a team of more unlikeable characters? It would take work!)


  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    True blood, Vampire diaries, Twilight........ Season 6+ of supernatural
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Haven't seen Alphas. I don't watch a ton of tv. But we bought Farscape on blu-ray. 2 seasons in and I'm still not sure if I like it. I mean, it has brilliant moments, but I find myself rolling my eyes a lot. It's a toss-up.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    True blood, Vampire diaries, Twilight........ Season 6+ of supernatural

    I love Twilight, in a B movie kind of way. My husband and I watch them when we get free trials of the premium movie channels. They're unintentionally hilarious.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    True blood, Vampire diaries, Twilight........ Season 6+ of supernatural

    I love Twilight, in a B movie kind of way. My husband and I watch them when we get free trials of the premium movie channels. They're unintentionally hilarious.

    Part of the problem is I read the books (which sucked) and vampires dont sparkle. I actually got into this agrument with my 9yr old and she looked at me and said "Its fiction Mommy its not real".... Its kinda hard to fight back on that one.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    True blood, Vampire diaries, Twilight........ Season 6+ of supernatural

    I love Twilight, in a B movie kind of way. My husband and I watch them when we get free trials of the premium movie channels. They're unintentionally hilarious.

    Part of the problem is I read the books (which sucked) and vampires dont sparkle. I actually got into this agrument with my 9yr old and she looked at me and said "Its fiction Mommy its not real".... Its kinda hard to fight back on that one.

    oh man, I can't take the books. I tried the first one because I didn't want to rip on something I'd never read, so I forced myself to finish it, but it was awful. I wanted to hand her a thesaurus every time she used the word "beautiful." Which was about 3 times per page.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Havent seen Alphas yet so cant give my opinion on that one
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    I never read Twilight, but I saw the movie before I knew anything other than it was vampires, thought it was boring and just never went back. I wouldn't mind the sparkling if the story had ANY interesting points.

    Supernatural after season 5 has been less than stellar, but I am sticking with it, if only because it COULD be brilliant.

    I never watched more than 1 episode (not even sure I finished the one) of Falling Skies. I just couldn't get into the characters. Having the same trouble now with Revolution. I realized when I was hoping the main character would die in the second episode that I'll probably be giving up soon.
  • Lisha_R
    Lisha_R Posts: 92 Member
    I was looking forward to revolution. I have read a few of dies the fire books. I enjoy post apocalyptic stories be they zombies or disasters. I watched the pilot and 1/2 the 1st episode. The main female character is so annoying I could not finish.

    I have read the twilight books but kept thinking the whole time stop being a whiny baby. I agree Vampires don't sparkle.

    I loved the sookie stackhouse books they can be really funny. True blood is a different thing alltogether. I really don't like it much. I do love to look at the actor who plays Eric Northman. Yum Yum.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,955 Member
    Alpha's s rip off of heroes , which was a rip off of the 4400...
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I tried watching True Blood because I like the books, but I hated the drug references. I stopped watching it because it was just ridiculous.

    I also hated Battlestar Galactica. I didn't want to watch it originally because it was ripping off my childhood, but my husband gave it a try, and neither of us liked it.

    I also don't like horror movies, especially zombie stuff.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I tried and tried but could not get into any of the Star Treks past TNG. I have been watching the original with Kirk and Spock via Netflix and I've been digging it so far. I got confused during the pilot episode when I saw no William Shatner. "Who, in the blue hell, is this roody poo?! WHERE THE HELL IS KIRK?!" I thought I had queued up the wrong series at first. :laugh:

    Twilight is gross. :sick: Never read the books. Saw a couple of the movies hoping Jacob would tear off Edward's head in wolf form. Oh well.

    Haven't seen Battlestar Galactica but it's on my list of things to watch. I heard it's better to skip the original. The one without Edward Olmos? (sp)

    I dig True Blood, Falling Skies. Story is just meh overall but I enjoy it. Haven't seen Revolution. I do have it DVR'd.

    Terra Nova. I was a bit dissapointed by it. I kinda wished Fox renewed it just to see if the 2nd season would have improved but at the same time I am not sad that it got cancelled.

    Seaquest the 1st season was awesome! 2nd season....ehh....3rd season.......was there a 3rd season? lol
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member

    Terra Nova. I was a bit dissapointed by it. I kinda wished Fox renewed it just to see if the 2nd season would have improved but at the same time I am not sad that it got cancelled.

    Seaquest the 1st season was awesome! 2nd season....ehh....3rd season.......was there a 3rd season? lol

    I kind of loved Terra Nova, even if it was corny. I understood why they cancelled it though. Nobody was watching. And Seaquest was my FAVORITE. I can't believe I forgot about that show. I was so in love with Jonathan Brandis. That show was genius. :laugh:
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member

    Terra Nova. I was a bit dissapointed by it. I kinda wished Fox renewed it just to see if the 2nd season would have improved but at the same time I am not sad that it got cancelled.

    Seaquest the 1st season was awesome! 2nd season....ehh....3rd season.......was there a 3rd season? lol

    I kind of loved Terra Nova, even if it was corny. I understood why they cancelled it though. Nobody was watching. And Seaquest was my FAVORITE. I can't believe I forgot about that show. I was so in love with Jonathan Brandis. That show was genius. :laugh:

    I wondered what happened to Terra Nova. I enjoyed it but I think it came out at the wrong time. Between Grimm and Once upon a Time it was kinda screwed.

    BTW I love Grimm and everyone I've showed it to loves it.
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Alphas and Star Gate.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    The New Girl... and Twilight anything.
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    Stargate... I've tried. I really have. It bores me rigid.

    I'm currently trying to get into Merlin, as it really seems like something I should like. Why is it not grabbing me? It has everything I would usually love in a TV show but I really can't seem to care about it.
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I tried to like Alphas but never got hooked. I was hooked on season one of True Blood and then about 3 eposides into Season 2 I fell off the line and haven't watched it since. I was a fan of Flash Forward and now I'll never know why the world blacked out.....
  • Nerdinista
    Nerdinista Posts: 69 Member
    You'll all kill me and I'll be the first to admit I never gave it a chance, but "Buffy" just looks so dumb to me. Maybe I'll try it one day and be proven wrong, I'll keep an open mind, but yeah, never liked that one.

    Also never got in to "Lost". It seemed like more of that trend of 'sci-fi for normal people'.

    "The Cape" was truly terrible.

    I like pretty much everything else, though :drinker:
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    I originally refused to watch Buffy because I thought it would be stupid too, but it just kind of sucks you in till you think it's brilliant.

    Anyway, the ones I don't like...

    True Blood - Too gross
    Vampire Diaries - Got bored
    Grimm - Got bored
    Legend of the Seeker - I watched them all, but I was really disappointed that they were so watered down.

    Giving Revolution a shot even though I agree that the girl is seriously annoying. I love post-apocalyptic stuff, and Billy Burke is adorable.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    This whole thread makes me die a little inside.