October 1 - 7 Mini Challenge



  • EMQuinn52
    EMQuinn52 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, just joined back to MFP and would love to join this Mini Challenge for October. I missed today, but am ready to start tomorrow morning!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Got the crunches done, working on the water and did a bit of Zumba, :smokin: I haven't been too bad on the sugar today but had my daily fiber one brownie....come on.... it's fiber .....that's why I force myself to have one!......it's not those yummmy chocolate chips :wink: :bigsmile:
  • While doing my 30ds I did the 150 crunches in one sitting o.o...

    And I drunk alot of water as always, and for the sugar thing, I don't know about it. I never eat any junk food or added sugar, don't know how I did there, but my diary is public.
  • skinnyjeans5186
    skinnyjeans5186 Posts: 13 Member
    Well just completed my 150 crunches. I could not believe I did it, I have not done a crunch or a sit up in forever. As the day went on, they seemed to get a lot easier. I may try to add this to my weekly routine. I drank 6 glasses of water, and had no extra sugar all day. Tomorrow may be a challenge for me, because I have never been able to do pushups, not even the girly ones..
  • mbc55
    mbc55 Posts: 3 Member
    Hmmm. Missed Monday's mini-challenges already, by the time I figured out how to join. Looking forward to Tuesday - how to do a few pushups at a time, throughout the day, while dressed in business attire and attending meetings at a downtown venue. That alone shall be a challenge ;^) Never mind the shoulder injury I have. Looking forward to this.
    KatSEEBER Posts: 3 Member
    I am super excited to start this challenge with you all! This is my first challenge and I really need a kick in my motivation.. I have been at the same weight for a few months now. I do not know if I will be able to do 10 pushups let alone 100 but i will certainly give it my all!

    cheers!! (holding up my veggies to you all)
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    Monday - still haven't been able to give up that last 1/4 tsp of sugar in my tea - definitely need to kick that into touch next week! Managed the crunches, 3 sets of 15 of 3 styles + one extra set to hit target. Hope to hit the vegies today & the pushups.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm going to try as hard as I can to meet these challenges! I had a c-section a few months ago so some things are slow to get back into. I've been able to do the elliptical so I'll keep that up for my cardio.

    Fruits/Veggies-Should be able to meet by the end of the day :happy:
  • albhd4
    albhd4 Posts: 8 Member
    I saw the challenge about half way through my morning soda yesterday, then actually set it aside for the no sugar :) Didn't get in the 150 crunches, but did do W1D2 of C25K, and threw horseshoes last night so I'm still happy :)

    Working on the water
    Veggies: Big taco salad for dinner!
    Workout: Push ups are my weak spot, we shall see!
  • Jaxta65
    Jaxta65 Posts: 53 Member

    .? What does that mean?

    a bump means "I don't have anything to say right now, but I want to be able to find it later" Kinda' like I'm doing right now:laugh:
    Thanks :-)
  • mommashelli
    mommashelli Posts: 89 Member
    Tue: Got 100 push ups done! Did 10 at a time through the day. Had to do the "girly push ups" the knee and did also wall push ups to keep it interesting. I have already ate 3 vegs. and will have more with dinner, plus got my water in. Doing good!

    Going strong. I hope everyone else is doing well! Good luck!
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    Tuesday challenges were a success! I have 20 push ups left but plan to do them tonight (I did do them on my knees though...but all 100 will be completed). I am finishing my 8th glass of water as I type this (and will be drinking more tonight), and I managed to get my three vegetable in...yay!
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    completed 100 pushups (not counting the pushups included in my 30DS) also over half of the pushups were the modified-on-the-knees-version and the rest were real ones and did another 150 crunches. Ate 3 veggies. and have drank 6 glasses of water so far...will drink more as the day progresses.
    Day 2: complete
  • Haha did the spreadsheet but missed the boat on this page - attempting physical challenges as of now, water is a given, and nutrition ones food for thought but concentrating on the basics! Excited to be part of it! Feel free to add me, anyone :)
  • skinnyjeans5186
    skinnyjeans5186 Posts: 13 Member
    Tuesday-Working on my challenges...Already achieved the veggies and plan to have some carrots for snack. I've had 5 glasses of water so far, and am working on my 6th now. I've done 20 girly pushups thus far, and not really sure if I can do much more. Regardless I am proud of myself, because thats good for me. I am also incooperating some crunches in today's strength exercise as well. Will update yall at the end of the night
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Got in water, veggies and 100 regular push-ups divided into 3 sets, not bad for an old lady huh? :bigsmile: This time last year I impressed myself when I did 5 of them! Just build up gradually Girls.... You will be amazed what your body is capable of! :drinker:
  • Tuesday Mini Challenge
    Food: eat 3-5 vegetables today : Done! Carrots lettuce and celery, all in the same meal.
    Strength: 100 push-ups - impossible for me
    Water: at least 64ozs : Yus!

    This is pretty fun
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    Tuesday Mini challenge-
    Water-done and done!
    Push-ups-never gonna happen; wrist and shoulder injuries don't allow that, not at my current weight; maybe as I get lighter? I did spend an hour pushing and pulling my two 25 lb spaniels into positions that would allow me to comb them more easily. There was some workout involved there. :ohwell:
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    Tuesday - almost managed the water intake, achieved the veggies, didn't get in any push-ups as Tuesday is my rest day this week. Hoping Wednesday will be good!
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Monday went quite well for me....I had no added sugar or sugary treats all day (which is huge for me as I'm a sugar addict!) although I only did 110 crunches as I did most of them in the morning, intending to do the rest after work and by the time I got in from work it was almost 10pm, so by the time I had dinner and a shower, I just fell into bed.

    Yesterday I didn't tackle the challenges at all as my mum's friend got rushed into hospital and in all the drama, the challenges went out the window.

    Back on it today, though (although I'm not doing the water challenges.....I'm a believer in the whole you get a lot of water in your food etc. thing and don't need to be drinking a set amount every day).