Day by Day of the Challenge



  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    Today felt great. No headache, no hunger. I'm starting to get distracted by telling myself I want things that I can't have, some of them I never get anyways, like frozen yoghurt.. I really really wanted frozen yoghurt this afternoon, but probably only because I knew I wasn't allowed.
    But, energy-wise all was good. I'm worried about an eventual onset of "the hangover" and then the lack of energy (I can't NOT have energy with my work hours), but so far, I'm enjoying this.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Hi guys,
    I have started now as well! Today is day 1 for me and I am quite happy so far! Had an egg and egg whites with broccoli and a bit of chicken for breakfast.... I' d love to hear more about breakfast alternatives that you guys do!
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    AAAAWWWW.... having a huge headache right now... anyway I had a nice watercress & rocket salad for lunch covered with some roast beef (no additives), few mushrooms, half a yellow pepper, bit of cucumber and a tomato. Will have a tiny can of tuna for snack and later at home zucchini spaghetti with beef-bolognese sauce (from organic ingredients of course).
    What are you guys having tonight?
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Until today I was fine. Today I am very cranky. Don't want to talk to anyone here at work..don't want to explain why I can't eat certain things. I hope this mood wears off fast.
    But lunch was awsome which was a plus! grilled chicken with mango avacado salsa. YUM! Tonight dinner is tacos (minus the taco shell) and homemade salsa wrapped in boston lettuce...and I think I read somewhere it's national taco day which is all the more reason to have tacos tonight. :smile:
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    LOVE tacos, had fish taco salad last night! I did well today. I was extremely busy at work and I was able to eat barries while talking to a client and then I had 10 minutes and I closed my door and ate my eggs. I forgot my lunch and had to have my bf bring it to me, he was not happy, but he did it (he was on his way out of town) <3

    Now I have dance class tonight and I am pretty much done eating for the day!
  • sad0608
    sad0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Woke today with no headache, yes, hopefully it will remain that way!!! I also had energy, did 55 minutes of sprinting. I'm making the pumpkin chili with ground turkey so I can have something to nibble on this weekend, weekends are always hard.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Well, zut, was recovering from dental surgery and nothing felt good but Greek Yogurt. Slip up number 1. Will do better today.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I hate pork and really fatty meats. I only eat bacon and stuff if it is almost burnt. I cannot stand the taste of anything coconut also. I cant have onions, peppers, tomatoes. I dont know if I will be able to get through this. Its really hard also when it seems like I am the only one struggling.

    I was like that 2 years ago, that's why I went paleo before going primal. It took me forever to develop taste for fats. Have you ever dry-roasted chicken or baked a whole salmon with butter? That's where I started. I know Whole 30 doesn't allow butter, but if you can't stand other fats, I think you will be better off including butter if it keeps you from starving needlessly. This is a journey to health, not martyrdom.

    Some coconut oil is completely flavorless.

    Do you like macadamia nuts?

    Sesame oil, do you like sesame oil? You can drip it on your stir-fry after it is done.

    Ground beef. Can you manage ground beef with veggies cooked without draining the fat?
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    day 5! can ya believe it?

    I feel awesome, actually. No cravings for unhealthy things (well, I've been tempted, but no unstoppable-omg-I'm-gonna-die cravings, which is what I normally have). I feel kind of empowered, in fact!

    No real failures IMO, just some annoying moments for my OCD :) .......I ate a slice of salami that was probably not Whole30-oky-doky since it's so processed. Oh well. 1 super thin slice on an otherwise fine salad that I ordered. I also had some pickles that seemed kinda sweet (from subway). My dear boyfriend got me a veggie sub when he was out ... I shamefully scraped all the filling into a bowl and ate it like a salad (farewell, bread & cheese). It was still delicious but I did feel guilty ... my problem is I haven't told him I'm doing another Whole30, I am embarrassed for some stupid reason. Working on my mental hurdles, for sure.
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    Still feeling pretty good food wise. I'm looking forward to the weekend - I'm running out of planned.
    There's a grocery store near where I work, and they're pretty good for bulk nuts, so I've been there a couple of times. Ha! One time I walked out with a cut of smoked salmon and at it outside the store when I was hungry.
    I had my first food dream last night... about bread. So yeah, last night I ate bread, but only in a dream.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Woke today with no headache, yes, hopefully it will remain that way!!! I also had energy, did 55 minutes of sprinting. I'm making the pumpkin chili with ground turkey so I can have something to nibble on this weekend, weekends are always hard.

    Where is this recipe? I must find it and make it pronto!
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Today is Day 4 for me and I feel great with no dietary issues or struggles to speak of. I've already dropped some 5 lbs or so this week, so says my scale, and I can also totally see it in my clothes. I thought it might be water weight but my underwear is looking too big for my body now. That means shopping for new pretty panties!

    I'm concentrating on not doing anything too strenuous (no HIIT), and lots of walking outside as well as stretching and getting to bed before 11:00 pm at night. I'm also drinking lots of water and only doing soluble fiber vegetables with very little fruit.

    When I was first adjusting to Paleo/Primal, I had a hell of a time getting past the flu. But I've been pretty strict with it now for almost 10 months, switching from Primal to Paleo and now to very strict Paleo. I've done Whole30 three times previously but this AI Autoimmune Protocol is my strictest attempt yet and I feel fabulous and empowered by it. I can't believe how far I've gotten but it seems like every time I do Whole30, I get better at it and come out a stronger, more determined person.
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    Alright, the dreaded carb flu hit my today. I worked a night shift too, so I got some dried fruit. I know I wasn't supposed to, but it totally got me through the night. Hoping to get my energy up for the week.
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Day 8. I know I am supposed to feel better but I am still really sick with a respiratory thing :( Completely lost my voice yesterday and today I am coughing and still have no voice. I am hoping this goes away soon as I am having a difficult time not using cough lozenges, especially at night when I keep my boyfriend awake with my hacking. I hope this does not go into bronchitis. Whine, whine, whine.

    I accidentally used an alka seltzer cold thingie and as I sipped it discovered there was sugar, it tasted yuck.

    I don't know what to do.
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Merci I hope you feel better soon. I wish i knew what to suggest. Some warm tea might help your throat.
    Day 8 and I made it through the weekend pretty succesfully. It was a tough one too. Worked the grills at the football feild before my sons game and then went to my parents for their October fest party. Managed to stay away from the alcohol and all the desserts. Had chicken and ribs for dinner with a salad. I did have a little italian dressing and a spoonful of the pumpkin dip I made. I wasn't even thinking when I put it in my mouth! It was delicious though. :)
    Making some chicken soup today. I was thinking about chopping up a spegetti squash and adding it in for noddles.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    doh- squishy did not do well

    weekend was a flop. I did so awesome all week! Now this! Bad Squishy, bad! >:( Sooo I'm extending my Whole30 a couple days to make up for the badness I allowed- not perfect, not the program as outlined, BUT at least I'm accountable in some respect. Also, I am NOT letting this derail me from having the rest of my time be successful. I'm back on it today 100%. It's just apparent to me now that weekends will be my greatest challenge.

    My confessions:
    -Saturday - mashed potatoes and half a glass of white wine (social anxiety produced that baby)
    -Sunday - corn chips and chocolate chips. No excuse other than after I'd eaten a few of the corn chips I was like, wtf am I doing? Remember how I can't have these? Duhhhh... then the choco chips were just a fail, plain n simple.

    Okay, conscience cleared,

    HAVE A HAPPY MONDAY! I'm feeling good once again, so let's at least get this week done right!!!!!!!!!
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Don't feel bad, Squishy :) You can start again!! I have come close. I actually downed some sugar accidentally (cold meds) I almost just said ^&&*it! and ate cough drops (which I love :0 )

    You cam do it!!! Now at least you know your hard times (weekends) xo

    Thanks, Erica. I am actually starting to feel better. I think no dairy is helping immensely.

    I usually crave comfort foods when I am sick. I had cashews and kale chips. It is still hard to resist the family's food.

    I made a shelf just for me and just got back from Whole Foods. I found coconut aminos!! I have a nicely stocked shelf and since I feel a bit better, I am prepping some food for the week and making baba ganoush.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Today is Day 7 for me and it's going well. I bought some new veggies I've never tried before and have introduced some fermented vegetables into my diet (kimchi/sauerkraut and kombucha tea, the real, almost alcoholic kind). I struggled a bit yesterday with protein, but today I'm on target, eating sauerkraut, sardines and my squash pumpkin soup for breakfast. I realize it sounds gross, but omg, it was delicious. Today after a whole week since my last cheat (day before I started this Whole30), my joint pain was gone. I really, truly believe I'm extremely gluten and sugar sensitive. With that being said, I'm not giving up coffee like I had originally intended.

    Today I'm planning on working from home most of the day, hitting up the yoga studio, going for a walk, and prepping foods for the remainder of the work week. Overall, I'm doing fantastic and am very excited that the plan is working so well.
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    That sounds wonderful, Cerebrus! I spent a lot of time today shopping and prepping, now I feel very ready for the week!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Today is day 8. The weekend seemed like a bit of a struggle - we went to a friend's house for a little get together. No beer for me :( And playing video games... no beer or wine :(
    I'm less bloated and I feel like I'm not as stuffy (I have horrid allergies). I made a huge pot of Fall Harvest soup (from It has butternut squash and pumpkin in it - so its kinda high in carbs, but its delicious!

    Today my BF (an exercise physiologist) watched me make my bulletproof coffee and said "Thats alot of butter [saturated fat]" I told him I wasn't worried about sat fat bc I'm not really eating carbs so my body is getting fuel from fat - he said that's going to make me tired. I find that I don't have ups and downs (except after lunch... I think its just the whole getting back to the grind thing) and I feel satisifed way longer.

    I was a vegetarian and I ate carbs like they were going out of style. My blood work was FAN-F'ing-TASTIC. We'll have to see how it is after sticking with this way of eating for awhile. I'm afraid it'll be worse :(