***Day Four***

Day 4 done :) how did everyone go?


  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I may not be able to do my workout today. My knees are bothering me and I need to save them for my race on Sunday.
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Day 4 done! It felt harder today than the other days! The cardio the one with the jumping jacks and the jump rope just about take it out of me! Day 5 bring it on!
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    Will be doing it in about half an hour but not looking forward to it. My arms are so sore this morning. Hopefully they will loosen up some.
  • melliebelly77
    Today is Day 6 for me. Yesterday felt great. I had way more endurance and can definitely feel the improvement!
    Almost to Part 2!!
  • mrichardson1
    Day 4 done im starting to feel less sore :happy: but still hate that jump rope part.....
  • caramellips06
    caramellips06 Posts: 82 Member
    day 4 completed not as sore anymore :) n its seems to be gettin a lil bit easier day by day :0 only 26 more days to go
  • mysweetsurrender
    mysweetsurrender Posts: 57 Member
    It felt harder today than the other days! The cardio the one with the jumping jacks and the jump rope just about take it out of me!

    I couldn't agrees with you more. 29 more to go. :D
  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    The shred goes by in a flash now, but daaaaang it's hard for me to get out of bed.
    I HAVE to do it in the morning because when I get off work I have zero desire to work out.

    I feel so accomplished after I write my little smiley face on my calendar! Yesterday my boyfriend said he was proud of me for sticking with this and it absolutely made my day. There is no way I can quit now after he has said that <3
  • jogo8995
    jogo8995 Posts: 75 Member
    I skipped yesterday but got back on board and did today. So I put my smiley face in the day 3 spot! I decided it was OK and the victory is not letting a skip derail me. Maybe I will just finish a few days after everyone else...
  • amber_arend
    Day four done! I almost skipped today, but I know myself and one skip means I quit. I am happy I did it. I was dripping sweat. I was able to to another 8 pushups (modified) in a row, which is fantastic. I still struggle with the side lunge and lat raise. It is so hard! And I swear she goes for longer than she is suppose to... Anyway, I feel so much better having done the exercise. I think for me, I may need to do this everyday without a break. I was planning on taking the weekend's off, but I am not sure that is a good idea. Happy Thursday, everyone!
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    I loved my workout today! I had so much more energy and was so determined to put my heart and soul into it. I even managed to get more than half way down for modified pressup :D:D:D Is anyone seeing a difference yet? I can see and feel a slight change in my biceps and triceps :D:D:D
  • crummans1096
    I started about four days early, but in the beginning I could barely get to the second set. Now I'm finishing the whole thing and I can really see a difference in my endurance. I'm not sure I've ever stuck with anything long enough to see a difference in that!
  • plhv19
    plhv19 Posts: 51 Member
    Day four done! Am I the only one who feels trimmer already? :)
  • womanwithamission
    womanwithamission Posts: 67 Member
    Day FOUR!!! I'm on fire! I kick my $ss, literally!! Today! Chop chop!! Push ups are still killing me, but I loved it today. Yes, perhaps it's the cold medicine talking, but I'm noticing a difference.
  • amber_arend
    I am not noticing a difference physically yet, other than better endurance...which is awesome. I can't wait for Monday so I can weigh in and check my measurements. :) I just finished 30 minutes on my elliptical, so I am feeling the pain...and it feels good. It was rainy today so I couldn't do my walk....elliptical was a good alternative and I burned 423 cals in just 30 minutes. I love my elliptical! Good job ladies. So glad to see so many of us continuing on this journey together!
  • Katrina_88
    Katrina_88 Posts: 164 Member
    Day 4 Complete!!! I did my 40 minute Last Chance Workout rested for 20 minutes and then did my 30 day shred! pheww that was a great workout today. Day four of doing the combo and I am feeling better then ever! Each day gets easier and I have more energy. I burned close to 800 calories in a hour worth of working my BUTT off. :) Have a great day everyone and I hope everyone else had a great workout today. Almost done with week one!!
  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    Day 4 done, for me my calves are feeling a little better (thinking they are getting used to it!) but my shoulder/rotatorcuff is KILLING me. It's kind of wierd because i never had an issue with it before, and now the last 2 days, it's constantly popping and very VERY sore. Going to take a day off I think tomorrow - and if it doesn't seem better I probably will make an appointment to see my doctor. :frown:
  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    Day four done! Am I the only one who feels trimmer already? :)
    No, I'm with you! I am super excited :)
  • ADDiCTiONNx812
    ADDiCTiONNx812 Posts: 7 Member
    Today it was so much easier. but then i got cocky and did her fat blasting metabolism cardio workout and played the just dance on the xbox kinects for a half hour, and i am so ready to sleep now and it's not even dinner time yet. Can't wait for tomorrow!
  • kaybrose730
    kaybrose730 Posts: 143 Member
    Worked out before work this morning, didn't eat before so i think that might be why i was a tad sluggish. I don't know if i'll ever be able to do the lateral raises. The side lunges are just fine but those raises just kill my arms!