Accountability - work out log



  • wilder94us
    wilder94us Posts: 4 Member
    Now that's a good quote.......I just need to be able to do all 339 reps
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Today was day 1 of week 2 for me.. I'm so proud I've already stuck it out this long! I gained three pounds and today my belly was bloated after ab ripper. I hate it... But I love it.

    Welcome to the group! Making it through the first & second week really does take commitment!! Good job making it this far! After that the momentum builds and it gets easier to find the motivation to push play every day. At least that is the way it is for me!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Wierd. I thought I posted my check in last night from my phone but turns out I don't see a post here.

    So here it is again.

    day 23 check in!

    Core synergistics is a TOUGH workout!!! Damn that workout kicked my but. Today for the first 15 mins of Kenpo I felt dead too which I attribute partially to how hard core worked me out yesterday.

    Macros were great with 54/29/17 and I've decided to retrack my water for a bit and see how I was doing. over 100 oz's the past two days.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    in lieu of me trying to recap the week how about everyone give an update on where they are at???

    Who is still monitoring the group?

    What day are you on in your workout? Any missed workouts? Are you still feeling it?

    Any lessons learned so far?
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Today was Back and Biceps for me. I am on week 5. I just wasn't feeling it today but got through the workout and did 1 mile jog. Maybe i'ts cause I am now working full time and need to get to bed earlier to be able to get up at 5:00 a.m. to do workout. I also have not been not eating my exercise calories back for the last 2 weeks. I wanted to see a change in weight which I am not really seeing so im wondering if that was a smart choice for me? Don't know if I should go back to eating exersice calories back? Any suggestions? I'm 5 tall weight 120 and have been eating around 1300 to 1400 calories a day.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Week 6 day 3 Back & Bicep today.

    This is day 38 for me

    Biggest lesson learned is not to miss a day.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    I also hit a weight loss wall during week 5. I contributed it to more muscle mass since I feel stronger and can do more reps. Same thing happened when I did P90X last year.

    I shoot for my target calories every day. If I'm a little over and eating into my exercise calories, that's fine.
  • fitQueenbeast
    Today was Core Synergistics as I switched it out with Kenpox yesterday, plus my elliptical. So far, shoulders and arms is still my favorite though.

    Oh yeah, and this is week 4: recovery week. I still haven't worked on the pull ups though. One day I'll get there. I do push ups instead. Not the same thing, but better than standing around watching them on tv. smh
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Nice work everyone!! You guys help keep me motivated!! I'm hoping I build muscle mass and drop body fat %. Even though I weight myself every day (habit) I wouldn't mind if I don't drop weight as long as I drop body fat

    P90X day 24 check in

    Today was Kenpo X. I continued my efforts to make every move with "power" as if I was really trying to punch or kick someone or block them. The difference for me is that I tense so many more muscles and sweat about 10x as much not to mention the increased heart rate and fatigue :)

    Food was a bit of a splurge today. Allowed myself some Chipotle and while I've eaten chipotle a few times on P90X (the only restruant food so far) this time I let myself have beans and rice as I've been doing so good on my macros but want more calories. Macros today were 47/31/23 Week to date (I just discovered this feature lol) they are 47/33/20.

    Water was another 100+ oz today. Actually over 120 oz. I was thirsty!

    I'm looking forward to stretch X tomorrow. My body is feeling pretty beat up and sore.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished Week 6 Day 4 YogaX. I'm getting more of a stretch each time I do this.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Day 25 Check in

    Today was stretch X day. Got up and finished bright and early as usual these days. Lateley the hamstring section seems to be putting a lot of strain on my lower back. Though I was much more flexible during the split leg standing hamstring stretch.

    Food macros today were 57/27/17 and week to date are 42/30/19

    Water wasn't as good at only 80 oz today.

    Headed out of town this weekend so planning on bringing my yoga and stretch X with me!
  • tcemt
    tcemt Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry, I have not been posting to the accountability log. I've completed 4 days of my first week of P90X(repeat attempt), yoga x kicked my butt lastnight to where I could only finish 60 minutes of the work out (my next goal is to complete the entire workout) some of the poses I fall down on and can't get into that particular position or hold, but I'll keep pushing through and trying. Tonight is legs and back, my legs may not like me for it, but I'm looking forward to it as it means that I've stuck with it and completed the first 5 days. I'm a bit upset that I've actually gained weight this week. I know looking at my food log there have been a couple of bad days where I thought I was eating good. I'll buckle down this weekend and do some meal planning to get on track.

    Well, Happy Friday to all. Have a great day today!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Sorry, I have not been posting to the accountability log. I've completed 4 days of my first week of P90X(repeat attempt), yoga x kicked my butt lastnight to where I could only finish 60 minutes of the work out (my next goal is to complete the entire workout) some of the poses I fall down on and can't get into that particular position or hold, but I'll keep pushing through and trying. Tonight is legs and back, my legs may not like me for it, but I'm looking forward to it as it means that I've stuck with it and completed the first 5 days. I'm a bit upset that I've actually gained weight this week. I know looking at my food log there have been a couple of bad days where I thought I was eating good. I'll buckle down this weekend and do some meal planning to get on track.

    Well, Happy Friday to all. Have a great day today!

    Hey tcemt thanks for checking in! The most important part is that you are pushing play and making the effort. Week 1 and somewhat week 2 are the hardest physically if you haven't been working out hard before starting. It will get better including Yoga. The first two weeks my legs were dying from all those Yoga poses and Plyo and legs and back. Once you get past those two weeks you can start to increase your focus and precision in the moves.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    Today was legs and back for me. For me this is the strenth training work out that I get more tired but it felt good. I felt really energized after I was done. Everyone keep pushing play and have a great weekend. :laugh:
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 26 check in!

    Did core synergistics first thing this morning. Was much easier this time around than easier in the week BUT not easy lol. Ended the workout fine but low back pain set in later in the morning. Still pretty tender now. Hopefully yoga helps in the morning.

    Food today was excellant. Accidentally left my food at work when running for the airport but persevered after landing and went to the grocery store on the way from the airport. So I still got in my grilled chicken and broccoli for dinner! Also picked up food for breakfast and snacks for the weekend. Today's macros were 52/31/17. Week to date are 52/30/18 so I'm stoked.

    Tomorrow for dinner will be a big cheat meal for me. It's my family dinner for MY birthday so yes I'm cheating lol. The filet and grilled veggies will be good. The twiced baked potatoes and the world greatest chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting not so much haha. But hey it's an action packed weekend and I'm traveling out of town going to do yoga and stretch x and will only. Heat for the family dinner and my fav desert :)

    Water today was low again. Just shy of my 100 oz goal (between 85 and 90 oz)

  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Friday i did Back Legs and ab Ripper

    Saturday morning I did Kenpo for day 41
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 27 check in

    Ugh! So I lost it on my cheat meal. I've never been so sick to my stomach from over eating bad food in my life. I honestly thought about throwing up to make my stomach feel better. Needless to say my food today is an FFFFFFFFFFFF!!! My macros were 40/40/20. Not to bad right? Ha! That is c/f/p!! I'm going to fast for 24 hours from this meal to puge my system and since tomorrow is stretch X that shouldn't be a problem. Week to date my macros are now 42/33/25 P/C/F. This should make it much easier to resist cheating in the future.

    I did complete Yoga X this morning. Lower back still hurts but I enjoyed the stretching section. I also got over 10k steps today.

    Keep bringing it everyone!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Today was chest, back and triceps. Had a long weekend (was out of town), so I really did not feel like getting up but I did it, considering that this is one of my least favorite work outs. Anyway got up @ 5:30 and pushed play. :sad: Hopefylly the rest of the week is easier.
    P.S. Dude - don't beat up your self about your cheat day. Just get up the next morning and start all over again. I do hear you on feeling awfull though. Funny how you get use to eating healthy and then when you eat bad your stomach can't take it anymore. I just take that as a sign of a good change.

    Everyone, keep up the good work and have a great week. :flowerforyou:
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Started week 7 today - Chest, Shoulder, Tricep & Abs
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Not sure what happened to my Day 28 check in post as I tried to do one from my phone but anyhow here is my P90X day 29 check in!

    Laid down to read last night and fell asleep early so catching up on yesterday's accountability. I'm loving being back into resistance training. Yesterday's workout was KILLER on my triceps. I've got that good sore feeling today in chest shoulders and especially triceps. LOVE it! I was worried about ab ripper after a week off but it actually went better. The recovery week is just what I needed to bring it harder this week.

    Food yesterday was great. I love the 40/40/20 macros as much easier for me to hit and now I'm getting more cals so hopefully will build even more muscle. I basically am eating the same as phase 1 but adding more food so I'm still getting a ton of protein. Yesterday's macros were 44/41/15. Would of been 45/40/15 if I hadn't fallen asleep early and missed my evening protein drink.

    PS. Already did day 30's Plyo and wow the first 25 minutes I was dragging!! I thought man this is where the week off hit but I got a 2nd wind and closed out working hard. I ended up having my best Plyo workout to date with the fewest modifications (just one move) and no pausing. I'll post day 30 accountability tonight after I'm farther in my food.