


  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Hello - I'm 37 (but 2 weeks shy of 38), 5'4"-ish and weigh 118 pounds. I started on MFP at 122 but my goal is body recomposition more than weight loss. I really want to reduce my BF% and get in better shape. I'm a mom of two kids (10 & 7) and work from home full time. My current "program" is to do lifting 3 days a week and progress in to "heavy lifting", 2 days of cardo and/or a day of yoga. My schedule changes week to week depending on what I can get done on the weekends.
  • VegasStage
    VegasStage Posts: 17 Member

    5'3 with a small frame.
    currently 103-104
    goal is 98-101

    I dance for a few hours each week and walk or do yoga a few hours too.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Hi! I'm Jess. I started out originally at 185 about a year after i had my son who is now 4, so for three years i've been on a continuous weight loss challenge to myself and its been more of a yo yo. I lost 30 lbs about 2 years ago after a year of weight watchers and running, then i went on to yo yo for the last year and a half. Thankfully i haven't put on the full weight but even being just over 170 left me mad at myself. I am 5 ft 7 in and am finally down to 158 lbs but still feel very unfit. Even though i've lost weight my body fat percentage is still 37%?
    I've always broken my goals down into smaller attainable ones and my next goal is 150 lbs. I am more worried about the body fat percentage more than anything.
    All of you gals have been doing so awesome and i hope to learn some tricks from you girls and just have support.
  • Hi! I am 48.

    CW: 150lbs.
    GW: 145 lbs.
    Started at 183.5 on March 15, 2012.

    I originally set my goal at 150, but found I still have a few pairs of pants I cannot fit into yet, so I lowered it to 145. It is amazing how long it takes to loose those last 5 pounds. UP and DOWN, UP and DOWN the scale goes right now!! Ugh!!

    I exercise, but only do cardio... i know I should strength exercise but I am addicted to the cardio and never have extra time for strength training.

  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm 28, 5f 2", live in the UK.

    SW: 142lbs
    CW: 131.6 lbs
    GW: 120-115 lbs (depending on how I feel at 120lbs)

    I exercise 5-6x a week doing a mixture of Les Mills classes, both cardio & strength.

    Have been on MFP for over a year but only really got serious about sorting my weight out in June this year.

    Good luck to everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Hallo everyone!

    I'm 29 (30 in a month, wow:noway: ) and 5' 5". I'm currently at 146lbs, and my goal is about 135ish, but my main goal right now is to decrease my body fat %, which last time it was checked was 29%. My goal would be to get my body fat to 20%, and I care more about this than the number on the scale. Truth be told, I'm not sure what a realistic scale goal is for me, so I'm focused more on getting strong and building muscle and losing BF at this point. The scale will end where it ends.

    I'm currently eating at about 1600-1800 calories depending on whether it's a workout day or not, and I'm (trying) to lift 2x a week and I do zumba and yoga 2x a week as well.

    My immediate short term goal is to rock a bikini when my hubs and I go on our honeymoon cruise in January. Yes, we got married in April and still haven't taken our honeymoon. :cry:
  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    I'm new and just trying to tone up and keep weight off.


    Height 5'5"
    HW 162
    CW 143
    My goal is around 140, then I'll see. I am hourglass figure type trying to prevent the sands of time from settling on my bottom half! I am doing the 30 Day Shred program and starting a learn to run program as well. I would like to build some lean muscle and tighten up everything!
  • jlau13
    jlau13 Posts: 27 Member
    23 yrs
    145lbs- I've lost 30lbs since I started my journey a year ago. Still looking for those last ten and my goal weight of 135!!!
    Married for 1.5 years and HAPPILY! To an amazing man :)

    Cardio daily whether it be Zumba or the elliptical or running
    Weight training 3x week
    12-1500 calories a day!!

    Check out my photos and feel free to add!
  • I am 5'3'' :) - Do not want to spam here but forgot to add my hight!!! hi hi

    Hi Girls! :)

    My Stats :
    Age : 39
    Hight : 5'3''

    Current Weight: 117lbs / 53kg
    Haviest Weight 154lbs /70kg
    Goal Weight : 110lbs/ 50kg

    I am mum , I have one wonderful daughter 3years old, soon and I work from 9-5.


    As often as I can: 30min a day cardio (gym treadmill, stationary bike, and now rowing mashine), 15min - isometric training, all this five times a week,.
    Weekends as long as now are busy with family activites but I do some exersises , like situps, pushups etc.

    Just add me! Do not matter here age , weight, etc.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I'm 44 years old
    5'4" (I think, possibly 5'3") with a tiny frame
    SW: 134
    CW: 103
    I'm happy with my weight. Just trying to tone up now. I just started seeing a personal trainer and am working on functional exercises as opposed to all the cardio I was doing. I still lift, though.
  • 5'7" (170cm) and 122 lbs (55.3kg).

    Happy with my weight (well, trying to get rid of these random 2 lbs that have crept up on me) but trying to reduce fat slightly and increase muscle (so I suppose maintaining/gaining a couple of pounds might actually be desirable).
  • EleMeleUkulele
    EleMeleUkulele Posts: 59 Member
    Age: 26
    Height: 171 cm (5'6")
    HW: 67.5 kg (149 lbs)
    CW: 65 kg (143 lbs)
    GW: 60 kg (132 lbs)

    I hope I can achieve this! I've already done this once, but the weight came back over the past four years. Right now I'm finding MFP to be of great help calorie counting-wise, but I wouldn't mind some additional motivation from other MFPals! ;)
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I've been in maintenance/toning mode since June, and I'd love to add some more friends who are motivated to keep improving their bodies. My start weight in January was 121 lbs, which wasn't terribly heavy, but I've got a very small frame and was starting to look a bit squishy. I've lost about 15 lbs total.

    Age: 38
    Height: almost 5'3"
    Weight: fluctuating between 104-106 lbs.
    Goals: To stay around 105 lbs, add muscle definition, improve cardio endurance, and to become an increasingly badass hoop dancer.

    For exercise, I do vinyasa yoga (I've been doing yoga for 19 years!), bike, strength train with dumbbells, and practice my hooping.
  • Hi!!

    My stats:

    Age : 30

    Current Weight: 128
    Haviest Weight 135lbs
    Goal Weight : 118-120lbs


    30min cardio 4 times a week (dancing, eliptical (I have no ACL therefore no more running for me), zumba)
    15min - 20 minutes 4 times a week callisthenics with light weight dumbells (5-10 pounds)

    Looking to increase my training to 5-6 days a week. Also learning what works for me as dieting goes , as of date it has been reducing carbs and small meals (3 meals 2 snacks), but I tend to fail at that aspect.

    Feel Free to add me! Love to have friends to motivate each other!

    Se habla español ;) <--- yeah, I'm boricua!
  • I am 33 and 5'4"
    CW: 124 lbs
    HW: 145 lbs (after my second child, after I quit nursing)
    GW: 115 to 120 lbs (but I'm okay with my CW)

    I currently work out three to four times a week. Jogging, zumba, power yoga, spinning, some cross fit and minimal weight lifting. I would like to tone up, particularly my upper arms, butt and tummy and I know I need to add more weights. My friend is starting a boot camp class soon and I'm excited for that. I struggle sometimes because my hubby is 6'4" and eats A LOT but hardly gains weight. He is also a chef so it's hard to make "healthy" meals for us that taste good. Add to that I have a 3 year old who has always been low weight so we are constantly trying to feed her more and fattier/high calorie foods. I usually end up making myself separate meals which is okay, when I'm not exhausted from the day :)

    Currently in maintenance so MFP has me eating 1570 calories per day. Always looking for new recipes and snack/meal ideas. I am taking magnesium, vitamin C, B12, fish oil, apple cider vinegar chewables and chromium. I also drink at least one cup of home brewed green tea per day and have recently been making a lot of recipes from the cookbook Deceptively Delicious just to add more veggies to my family's daily diets. I welcome any suggestions and ideas related to exercise and food intake. Good luck to everyone in your goals!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey, wow I used to be part of the original thread, it's amazing how much the concept has grown into a huge group. I had my love of my life, my son July 8th. Before that I had a miscarriage and had been trying to lose the weight from that pregnancy. Lucky to be lower than pre-preg but I'm still higher than my lowest weight. Confused about my goal cause my definition is way better at this weight than it was before. Just want to fit back into my size 2s which I've been afraid to try on so far, lol! Going to measure my BF when I get a replacement battery for my calipers.

    Height 5'3"
    HW: 155
    LW: 117
    Goal Weight: 119???
  • BedfordRunnerMom
    BedfordRunnerMom Posts: 7 Member

    Age: 35
    Height: 5'2" (medium frame)
    Current Weight: Approximately 132lbs
    Heaviest Weight: 178lbs after the birth of my first son
    Lowest Weight (as an adult): 120lbs
    Goal Weight: 125-130lbs - more about how I feel than weigh

    I am a mother of two boys that is going back to work the beginning of November. I work in an office setting where my coworkers like to eat! I just want to have a food and exercise plan in place so I don't put the weight back on I have worked so hard to get off!

    I try to run at least 3 times a week (approximately 20-30km a week) but if not I hang out with Jillian Michaels :)