10/8 Hatter Chatter. And a challenge



  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    A small downside to losing weight. Yesterday I had to get ready for an all day meeting. When I have something that requires me to get out the door very early, I put on the entire outfit the night before. That way I know everything is ready and also that everything fits. Too many times I have had to put clothes back in the closet because they were too small. Thats not my issue anymore, BUT yesterday I put on my black suit and it was too big. That is very good news, BUT this is one of three size 18 suits that I bought at the consignment shop about 2months ago and I needed to wait for cool weather to wear them. So it went on my growing stack of too large clothes. I decided it has powerful vibes because it was at the consignment shop because someone else went from size 18 to size 14.
    So I was thinking what to do with these clothes. My casual clothes I donate to Purple Heart, but I didn't want to send my nice work clothes there. My thought came to my hatter friends. We all share the same goal of changing size and for those of us who are losing a lot of pounds, we go through more than one size. Maybe we could share the clothes for the sizes we are leaving behind.
    My thought is that we could set up a discussion under our hatters banner called "Clothes Exchange" The Lister could list clothes that we have available and when someone is interested in those clothes, that person could contact the Lister and make arrangements to pay the shipping costs and the Lister could then send the clothes off.
    Let me know if you think this will work, none of us want to invest a lot in clothes that are in a size that are not in our goal size. But we need to look good and feel positive about ourselves as we are on this journey. It is hard to do that in clothes that don't fit. After all this is not about getting to a magical point and beginning to enjoy life when we get there. This fitness journey is about learning to take care of ourselves and to appreciate life from day 1, no matter what our size is on that day. And what better support could we give each other than to share clothes that no longer fit.
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Gail, here's the recipe for the muffins. I just had one with dinner :)

    9-⅝ ounces, weight Jimmy Dean Hearty Turkey Sausage Crumbles
    8 Eggs (I use egg whites)
    ¾ cups Bisquick Heart Smart
    ½ cups 1% Milk (I use skim or almond milk)
    4 Green Onions, Sliced
    ¼ teaspoons Mustard Powder
    Red Pepper Flakes, to taste
    ¼ teaspoons Garlic Powder
    4 ounces, weight Cheddar Cheese, Shredded (I use Cabot 50% fat)

    Preheat oven to 350ºF. Liberally spray a 12-cup muffin tin with nonstick spray.

    Combine all ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Stir with a spoon until well combined. Divide evenly into prepared muffin tin. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until set. Let cool slightly then carefully remove from pan. (Note from me: I take them out of the tin almost immediately and let them cool on a cooling rack otherwise they stick).

    125.8 cal, 5.6 g fat, 6.7 carbs, 13.3 protein

    Credit goes to Nutmeg Notebook on tastykitchen.com

    Back to your request for crunch...what about popcorn? I have a microwave popper that cost $9, and it requires no oil. Also, edamame is a great option too.


  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Yummo going to put the turkey and muffin recipes in the plans for the next shopping trip. Both sound soooooo good.

    Janet, I don't know why your idea wouldn't be workable. I am not sure what I have that anyone could use but I love the idea would love to pass on things as I downsize.

    Snoozie in case you didn't see me doing the happy dance for your lose this week I am twirling about my classroom with a bunch of giggling students. LOLOL

    Well going to watch a bit of tv hope everyone has a great Friday and remember just take it "One pound at a time"
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thanks, Mellisa...
    I am going to love the muffins..can't wait to try them.. I am a little exhausted and can'
    t seem to type too .....We walked for 5 or 6 hours at the flea market ...so I'm plum tuckered out! Good nite to all!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    feeling better - scout meeting went ok - the "ladies" and I use that term loosely ..... were not there.... talked to a couple of the scout leaders (men) and they weren't mad about the e-mail i sent - they totally understood - why to women have to be so "catty / *****y?" guess they never heard of the scout law...
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    A Scout is:
    •and Reverent.

    thanks for letting me ramble...

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    gotta love the moderators "itchy" rhymes with witch...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters, and TGIF!!

    I'm off for a few days as well, so it's a real "weekend" for me too.. yay!! Have LOADS of housework to catch up with unfortunately, but I am planning to break it up to include a few hours of down time curled up with a book as well!! AND i must do the dreaded cooking deed as I know next week is going to be busy; I've been on our retirement committee at work for a few years now (we have a big "do" once a year for everyone who retired during the past year, rather than a bunch of little ones); and ours is next week.. and there are usually about 350 ppl in attendance, and (as you are all women, you completely understand - it's all about the thousands of details lol) Anway, been a lot of work but am also starting midnight shift, but I took the first few off as vacation days; I don't function well on nights to start with, let alone trying to pull together the prep too!) so I am going to make a nice chunky veggie soup and maybe the old standby of a chili to freeze up; I DO have a crockpot but haven't figured out a way to make something in it I can freeze.. making a whole pot for just one person means I either have to eat what I made for a week, or throw it out :o(

    Hope all the Hatters have a great weekend!!! a few little notes before I head out to get my roots covered (i considered starting a new trend and just letting em grow out to half way down my head....but it didn't seem to catch on for some reason LOL).

    Tonya: so sorry to hear both you and hubby have been laid up; hope you stay in bed for the weekend and let yourselves start to heal! Big hugs and I'd send you some chicken soup, but I like you too much to poison you!

    Gail: sounds like you had an awesome time at the fair..!! So glad you had a great day my friend! and all that walking!! hope you didn't have to soak your poor tootsies when you got home!

    Merobi - LOVELY to see you... I still have your "irritated" post saved in my archives for whenever I need a giggle!!

    cbm: sorry about all the drama that seems to have come up with the ECOH for your son; hope you all manage to have a great time and your son gets to enjoy the honour being bestowed upon him.. congrats to him btw!

    TA: Thanks for doing the happy dance for me lol - I'm sure you students wondered what the heck their teacher was doing bopping around the front of the classroom, but I very much appreciate it even if they didnt!

    Janet - I think that's a fabulous idea about the clothes..! I think the taxes and duty I'd have to pay would cancel out me being able to partake though, as it's based on the actual value of the item, not what I would get to pay for it...wah!! :sad: But how AWESOME was it, that the suit was too BIG?? YAY!

    I've been trying to up my veggies for the challenge, doing pretty good but need to mix it up to some of the fall root types to get in a variety.. might have to seek out some of the recipe threads on here for some new ideas as I love all veggies (cept asparagus... I can eat a few of the baby spears here and there.. but it's pretty much the only veggie I'm not fond of! Funny enough, as kids we were allowed ONE thing we never had to eat...ever... (mine was liver) but everything else we had to have a little of it no matter what.. my sister used to hide peas in her mashed potatos just to get them down... but I guess it worked because although I still won't eat liver, I love all the veggies now that were shoved down my throat!

    Kobie!! So glad you're feeling so good after the surgery....!! I know you're chomping at the bit to get back to your exercise but let the insides heal up a bit more; then you'll be ready to rock it 100%!!

    yikes.. just looked at the time; better get my behind in gear.. will pop in tonight to see how everyones doing!!
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Morning Hatters, and TGIF!!

    I'm off for a few days as well, so it's a real "weekend" for me too.. yay!! Have LOADS of housework to catch up with unfortunately, but I am planning to break it up to include a few hours of down time curled up with a book as well!! AND i must do the dreaded cooking deed as I know next week is going to be busy; I've been on our retirement committee at work for a few years now (we have a big "do" once a year for everyone who retired during the past year, rather than a bunch of little ones); and ours is next week.. and there are usually about 350 ppl in attendance, and (as you are all women, you completely understand - it's all about the thousands of details lol) Anway, been a lot of work but am also starting midnight shift, but I took the first few off as vacation days; I don't function well on nights to start with, let alone trying to pull together the prep too!) so I am going to make a nice chunky veggie soup and maybe the old standby of a chili to freeze up; I DO have a crockpot but haven't figured out a way to make something in it I can freeze.. making a whole pot for just one person means I either have to eat what I made for a week, or throw it out :o(

    Hope all the Hatters have a great weekend!!! a few little notes before I head out to get my roots covered (i considered starting a new trend and just letting em grow out to half way down my head....but it didn't seem to catch on for some reason LOL).

    Tonya: so sorry to hear both you and hubby have been laid up; hope you stay in bed for the weekend and let yourselves start to heal! Big hugs and I'd send you some chicken soup, but I like you too much to poison you!

    Gail: sounds like you had an awesome time at the fair..!! So glad you had a great day my friend! and all that walking!! hope you didn't have to soak your poor tootsies when you got home!

    Merobi - LOVELY to see you... I still have your "irritated" post saved in my archives for whenever I need a giggle!!

    cbm: sorry about all the drama that seems to have come up with the ECOH for your son; hope you all manage to have a great time and your son gets to enjoy the honour being bestowed upon him.. congrats to him btw!

    TA: Thanks for doing the happy dance for me lol - I'm sure you students wondered what the heck their teacher was doing bopping around the front of the classroom, but I very much appreciate it even if they didnt!

    Janet - I think that's a fabulous idea about the clothes..! I think the taxes and duty I'd have to pay would cancel out me being able to partake though, as it's based on the actual value of the item, not what I would get to pay for it...wah!! :sad: But how AWESOME was it, that the suit was too BIG?? YAY!

    I've been trying to up my veggies for the challenge, doing pretty good but need to mix it up to some of the fall root types to get in a variety.. might have to seek out some of the recipe threads on here for some new ideas as I love all veggies (cept asparagus... I can eat a few of the baby spears here and there.. but it's pretty much the only veggie I'm not fond of! Funny enough, as kids we were allowed ONE thing we never had to eat...ever... (mine was liver) but everything else we had to have a little of it no matter what.. my sister used to hide peas in her mashed potatos just to get them down... but I guess it worked because although I still won't eat liver, I love all the veggies now that were shoved down my throat!

    Kobie!! So glad you're feeling so good after the surgery....!! I know you're chomping at the bit to get back to your exercise but let the insides heal up a bit more; then you'll be ready to rock it 100%!!

    yikes.. just looked at the time; better get my behind in gear.. will pop in tonight to see how everyones doing!!

    OMG Snoozie! You've got quite an undertaking to answer everyone who post comments. My hats off to you! have a great weekend new friend!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    welcome to the Menopausal Mad Hatters Dani!

    Hot flashes are free, a glass of wine is $1 and the support and encouragement, priceless!


    (The virtual $ goes into the Hatter fund... to be used in case of bail money needed ..we've had a few issues with fights over the thermostat control at the Hatter homes during hot flashes LOL) :bigsmile:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member

    welcome to the Menopausal Mad Hatters Dani!

    Hot flashes are free, a glass of wine is $1 and the support and encouragement, priceless!


    (The virtual $ goes into the Hatter fund... to be used in case of bail money needed ..we've had a few issues with fights over the thermostat control at the Hatter homes during hot flashes LOL) :bigsmile:

    and for Merobi (spell)... issues with family on vacation - and for cbm - issues with PITAs (pain in the a...)... lol...
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    So everyone, the PITAs did not show up to Brian's ECoH and the men were very supportive of me and Brian...
    well, one did show, but I was able to smile on the outside .... "it makes them wonder what you're up to".....

    and by the way - one of the PITAs was asking for assistance with her son's Eagle Scout Project - but of course being the "nice" one in the group I helped - what you give is what you get "per the Beatles"....the love you give is equal to the love you get - not sure of the song but you know which one I mean....

    not logging the food for the next few days - except for breakfast - but will stay good....

    "love me some chocolate cake and hot tea" - but will have a brandy alexander first...

    Karma can be a ".itch"....starts with the 2nd letter of the alphabet....

    See you soon....Carol
    "Proud Mom of an Eagle Scout"

    One of the pastors from the Korean Church refered to me as a "tiger mom" - totally took it as a compliment....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL @ cmb - you are right!! I should rephrase it to "funds available to any Hatter in need!"

    Very glad to hear the ECOH went off well!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Tiger moms unite! I think every child needs a mom who knows when to be a tiger mom! I wish that phrase was around when my kids were young, instead I just referred to myself as mean mom when I insisted they do something they didn't want to do. Especially when I made them go outside- mean mom is here turn off the tv, etc and get outside and no I don't care if it is 98 degrees in the shade or freezing. I just wish mean mom had been smart enough to go outside and run around with them! Mean mom was also smart enough to forbid soda, but not smart enough to stop her own diet coke habit. When I told someone that,they asked me why I didn't think I deserved the same healthy habits as my kids. I remind myself of that now and try to live the fit lifestyle that mean mom forced upon her kids, now all fit young adults.
    Even mean mom wasn't able to get her kids to eat 9 fruits and vegetables each day! Today I had 6, there are not many veggies at a crab feast.
    How many fruits and veggies did you get?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    I only managed 3 veggies and one fruit yesterday Janet.. but I've definitely upped them since starting your challenge - every day I think hmmmm gotta get those veggies in! Mother Hubbard's cupboards were bare yesterday, and I ended up having one of the Belvita breakfast bars just to get something in my stomach.. and I actuallly discovered I didn't like it.. it had a very "processed" taste to it and was kinda yucky... I don't know whether my taste buds are changing or if it was just that particular item, but it was interesting to discover!

    I'm planning an omellete with onions and peppers (2) for brekkie today, and lunch will be leftover peas and yellow beans with a fast fry pork chop, (4) - havent figured out dinner yet but it will involve either something that swims or clucks LOL!

    I have a question for the Hatters please... if you eat something AFTER you've posted your diary, do you go back and add it and re post it the next day? or just add it and not repost it, or add the calories to the next day? I went crazy last night and popped a thin crust spinach pizza into the oven at 11pm and ended up eating 2 slices with a glass of wine - it was a total emotional eat fest; and I'm not going to beat myself up over it today - it happened, hopefully i will learn from it for next time, and I'm simply stepping right back on the path where I stumbled .. many time before a stumble would have done me in and had me packing up and giving up, but I think my mindset is finally starting to change ... realizing there's nothing to fall off of since I'm not on a diet.. don't get me wrong, I'm not using it as an excuse, but it sure feels better knowing that today I'll just go back to eating "normal" (my NEW normal) without freaking out and thinking i've ruined everything... and it's a good feeling for a change! For now I think I'll just go and add it to yesterday's diary, but wondering what other do?

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday - it's pouring rain here which is good because it'll force me to finish up the chores around here! But brekkie first!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Snoozie my lady I have done both. It usually depends on how close to the cut off time or calories I am. I figure as long as it is logged that the important part.

    I totally relate to the emotional eating. I held off that fried fish and went for baked crispy chicken strips but that wasn't what I wanted and it lead to a night of endless snaking as my diary reflects :frown: I know myself so well but really wanted to make the better choice of not eating the fried. Now my question is "is that be the best choice when it leads to not wise choices?" I have said in the past its not and after this I am believe this even more. All the snack macros would have been the same and I wouldn't still be wanting the fried fish. So the plan now, I will wait a week until next weekend but then I will enjoy the fried fish.

    As for the Belvia I have also found recently things that I use to enjoy I know find just don't taste as good. I believe our taste buds get use to the abundance of sugars, salts, an additives and once we start eating cleaner our pallets don't enjoy them any longer.

    Now for the challenge I did get 9 in today !!! I have to say I did feel fuller also.

    Now time to do some more work, wishing everyone a great and blessed Sunday.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks TA.. that's what I was kinda thinking.. as long as I'm honest about logging it.. doesnt really matter where it goes.. :o)

    And I have to admit.. I had picked up the pizza to have on hand in case of a craving.. I chose that one because; it's a new frozen one and completely additive free and thin crust, with spinach and provolone.. in case I got an urge.. it was on sale for $3 LOL.. so I figured instead of giving in and ordering one for $15 and having to log 25 million calories, at least this way if I craved it it would be a better choice.... but should have known if it was in my freezer... i was gonna eat it when the emotional meltdown happened lol.. and it was really good I must say, so it filled the requirement and as you said, i prolly would have eaten a bunch of other crap isntead of anyway...

    HUGE CONGRATS ON YOUR 5 LBS GONE TA!!!! ohhhh im so happy for you.. and you are already sooo close to your next goal you set..... well done!!

    Sun just came out (was supposed to rain all day)... so I am flying out because I have been putting off and putting off any exercise because of my pinched nerve; every moment of my arm hurt but i am 2 days free of big ow; just minor now so no more excuses.. iam going to go for a 30 min walk!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Success it the sum of all small efforts, repeated day in and day out ~ R. Collier
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Hatters-happy Sunday
    TA--woohoo for getting those 9 fruits/vegetables in, no wonder you felt full! and many congrats for your nice and steady size change.
    Snoozie--emotional eating is the crutch that we have all used to get us through rough patches. And each of us needs to learn other coping mechanisms, but it is hard and we all slip. So hooray that it is over and the frozen pizza was better that the alternative. If I eat after my food is done, I enter it for that day even if it is not entered until the next day.
    I have been cleaning out my closet because it really looks like winter is going to come this year. My kids used to dread this routine because twice a year I made them go through all their clothes and try the next season's clothes so I could make sure everything fit. For the season that was ending I made sure that they only packed clothes they liked and were going to wear. So this year I am doing the same thing, trying on all of my winter clothes and deciding if they stay or go. The opposite is that when the kids were young, it was the clothes that were too small that were gone and if something was too big, I would say keep it, it will fit you soon. Now, I get to say to myself- if it is too big get rid of it and if it is too small, keep it because it will fit me soon.
    Size inflation is proven by the clothes in my closet, older things that I used to wear in a size 16 are too small (yes some are 25 years old but if you are never in fashion, you can not be out of fashion) while things that I have gotten from consignment shops or sales now fit at size 16. So one of the wool skirts I will wear is a size 20 but it fits. Used to be that would upset me but I finally understand it really doesn't matter what the size label or the scale says it is how you feel when clothes fit and I feel good whether the skirt is a size 16 or a 20 if it fits.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Janet.. that's a great idea about tossing BEFORE you pack them away... I will have to try that... I have a fair bit of summer clothes that are new since I took my first vacation in 25 yrs in January and went to Mexico with 16 other women who left hubbies and kids behind so they could have a vacay of their own) and I had to buy some new things, but don't have a lot of winter clothes - I don't have to worry about getting anything smaller (YET!) but I completely agree with you on the sizes of stuff not mattering at all... I own items that are size 18-20 and fi wellt, and I have one pair of dress pants in a 14 that fit...go figure!! And when I was going thru dress trying on hell... I noticed the same thing, I tried on 3 different sizes in a few of them!

    I have two chicken dishes in the oven, and a pan on the stove with peppers onions and lean hamburger to be split up into a pot of chili and a beef with gravy; all to freeze down for the upcoming week. My arm hurts from chopping.. and SOME of this better be edible at the end LOL!

    Back to the chopping block!