Protein Shakes - All YUK??

Started on protein shake today..

I had no idea it was going to be so thick and heavy and horrid!!
Guess I should have known that somethings just arent meant to be nice.

This was USN Diet Whey Ultralean "tasty" (lol) Low GI Supplement Shake - strawberry flavour..

And I am pretty disappointed...

Husband said he's drink it .. not sure he would actually..

So I am after some "yummy" shakes for protein but have been told by a fellow MFPer that they are all pretty yuk...

I have Optislim generally and the strawberry in that is nice but wanting protein for bulking up those muscles a little bit...


  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I've been using Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey for a while and sampled a few flavours and was quite impressed with a few of them. I even gave a female friend at work a try of a few of them when she forgot to grab an Up & Go in the morning and she thought they just tasted like a milkshake, and that was with them mixed with water, not milk.

    I've also tried powders from BSC, Evolve & Gaspari Nutrition and most were alright.

    If you've got a supplement shop handy might be worth seeing if they can give you some samples of suitable protein powders that fit your needs that you can taste before buying.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    I second Optimum Nutrition. I actually think its very tasty......... I use Double Rich Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream flavor. I mix it with milk, water makes it not taste as rich.
  • wannabeafitmum
    thanks I'll see what I can find..

    Here in Tasmania we dont have all that many options with buying sports type things... But I'm sure there is a vitamin shop somewhere that may be of help!!
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    I drink International Protien WPI Amino Charged formula. It's great if you are losing weight because it's very low in carbs and sugar and it also has all the essential amino acids in it to help your body absorb the protein. :)

    I make a breakfast shake in the morning with 1 serve of protein, a tbsp of baby porridge (i know it sounds yuck but it mixes better because it is so fine) and either half a banana or some cut-up strawberries. I just blend with ice and about 100mL of water. It's pretty tasty!
  • wannabeafitmum
    Ive just found a couple of the pre-made ones that I quite like.

    One being Musashi P30 and the other is the Aussie Bodies one - both in strawberry...

    I'm going to try the one I bought in powder form with skim milk and see how I go..
  • BeardedMike
    BeardedMike Posts: 52 Member
    I've been sticking with the Horleys range lately, they all taste great ( as good as they can lol ). They've got something for everyones needs. Its a NewZealand brand but we wont hold that against em ey, jokes my friends:P
  • gsroppsa
    I swear by the banana flavoured WPC from Bulk Nutrients. It's high quality protein at a bargain basement price, really easy to dissolve and very very tasty. Super fast delivery from their Tasmanian warehouse is just icing on the cake.

    As for the taste, I always mix with cold skim milk - it really helps a lot. I could never get used to the taste of mixing it with just water.
  • lawrahmck
    If you go to & register for some samples they will post to you in about 2-3 weeks!

    I love International Proteins Cookies & Cream, light & tasty!! & also Evolve protowhey, yum!
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    I was seeing a dietitian who told me I wasn't eating enough food in a day, she gave me a list of what to eat but I couldn't manage to eat it all so she told me to have some shakes as well which has worked well for me. The shakes she suggested are called Optifast VLCD which you can buy in a pharmacy. The originally could only be got by doctors prescription but now they are over the counter, in fact they have been advertised on the telly a lot where I am. There is also a website which you can register on and it will give advice I must admit the diet is pretty hardcore so I don't follow it as it is on the site. I stopped using the shakes when I started losing weight and was able to eat more food but I have decided to go back onto the shakes again for a while as I have been stuck in a platuea. I find the shakes very nice, if you find the shakes you are having too thick then just add more water to them. Actually most of the time I just get the vanilla shakes and add some low fat, low sugar yoghurt to it and even blend a banana in too. Optifast also have meal bars, soups and desserts, the only soup I would recommend is the chicken it is really nice but yuck to the vegetable soup unless it has improved Good luck
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    The Biggest Loser Shakes and bars are good too
  • lawrahmck
    Aren't Optifast meal replacements? Not protein shakes?
  • kissmevodka
    kissmevodka Posts: 29 Member
    Aren't Optifast meal replacements? Not protein shakes?

    Yes, they are. :)
  • TheNovusVita
    sometimes it helps to make a smoothie out of the powder, chuck in some frozen banana pieces, any type of berries, and personally for me soymilk and you get a really nice cool smoothie :)

    I usually go with the banana flavored protein powders, also use milk or soy (if you dont mind soy) since using water usually makes it a bit hard for some to drink.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    No way!! I have been drinking Musashi low carb Vanilla for a bazillion years and I love it. Though I usually mix it with some strawberries and soy milk. I know some people have it straight with water, but I find that kinda boring!!
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Aren't Optifast meal replacements? Not protein shakes?

    yes they are meal replacement shakes, I always forget there is a difference
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Why do people have protein shakes anyway are they had as well as ordinary meals ?
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Why do people have protein shakes anyway are they had as well as ordinary meals ?

    They are supplements. For example if you aren't reaching your protein goal through whole foods, these are used to help reach the goal. Good for post work out etc as well.

    I use BSN, I have the syntha 6 chocolate milkshake along with the lean dessert whipped vanilla and choc fudge shake which is amazing. It tastes awesome!
  • spramn
    spramn Posts: 67 Member
    Why do people have protein shakes anyway are they had as well as ordinary meals ?

    Its very hard to get the protien goals without including them into a diet.

    You need 1.6g to 2g of Protien per kg body weight roughly, if your attempting to build muscle (guys)

    So for example, if you were 100kg, u would need about 160-200g of protein a day.

    Protien suppliments allow people to get the protein without the high calories (fat/carbs).

    To put into prespective, my personal expiriance has been:

    I can get <200g of protien on a 2500calorie budget with supps
    Without supps on 2500 calories i only got >120g of protien on a meat/fish/egg/milk diet with no/little carbs.

    I'm still new to it all, but one thing i'm told by everyone, stay away from protien bars - shakes are best way to go. Also my PT says not eat any carbs just before or after workout, because the insulin created to break down the carbs is counter productive during a workout building muscle.
  • deadliftfan
    Also my PT says not eat any carbs just before or after workout, because the insulin created to break down the carbs is counter productive during a workout building muscle.

    Rubbish bro-science from your uneducated PT. Insulin is probably the most anabolic hormone there is. You need carbs before and after a workout. That's why lifters have dextrose/maltodextrin with the pwo protein shake. Insulin delivers all the nutrients to the muscles. If you don't have carbs before/after workout, where do you think the energy to workout/repair muscle comes from.

  • hoovity
    hoovity Posts: 12
    As another option, I love the Isagenix products. Tasty and whole, organic nutrition! Plus, its delivered so you can't beat that!!