October check-in and chat thread



  • siriusalien
    Did the B workout yesterday after work. As I'm struggling with OHP at 55 pounds I noticed the guy behind me was at 45 lbs. on the machines. I thought "I'm lifting heavier than you AND I'm not using a machine. Boom!"

    I haven't seen any results in weight or body composition, but I LOVE how strong I feel doing this program!

    I'm feeling the same way. making good progess with other lifts, but OHP remains messy. I did have the unique experience of having a young PT at the gym approach me while doing my 5x5 and ask me to "teach her" the format.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Ugh...I failed on OHP at 55. :sad:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Did the B workout yesterday after work. As I'm struggling with OHP at 55 pounds I noticed the guy behind me was at 45 lbs. on the machines. I thought "I'm lifting heavier than you AND I'm not using a machine. Boom!"

    Love it!

    That's why I had to quit Planet Fitness. I couldn't not judge when I was lifting heavier than dudes.

    Maybe not so much judging as a feeling of smugness and glee.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think I discovered part of why I'm having such a hard time with bench press. My cheap weight bench has a fairly narrow bar and uprights. A wider grip would probably make it easier. Oh, well. I'm still improving on strength, even if it's making it harder on myself.


    It's not like I'm a power lifter or preparing for any competitions or anything... I'm just doing this so I can carry cat litter buckets with ease and look dead sexy as a bonus. :laugh:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I think I discovered part of why I'm having such a hard time with bench press. My cheap weight bench has a fairly narrow bar and uprights. A wider grip would probably make it easier. Oh, well. I'm still improving on strength, even if it's making it harder on myself.

    Lorina, I have exactly the same problem. If my arms are vertical they go just inside the uprights. Last time I checked the pics on the "starting strength" website and it seemed if i gripped just outside the uprights it would be ok- and it felt so much better! I'm only at about 19kg/42lb but now i think i can go higher! You sound like more of an expert than me, but have a look at the diagrams on here and see how it looks with your bench.

  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I didn't lift for 17 days. Went back on Tuesday, and of course lost strength.

    But I was not prepared to be so sore i can't move two days later. This didn't happen when I took 10 days off. So, for the record, DOMS is back after 17 days - that's too long for me to take off.

    I was going to lift today, but I might go for a walk instead to get the blood flowing.
  • mercury8826
    New to SL5x5, former NRoL4W.

    New rules was getting complicated and it was too much to think about, but I enjoyed lifting heavy weights. My dad was doing this program and I noticed that he was always done waaay before me. So I tried it for the first time yesterday (After neglecting Lifting for a month..) and was surprised at how little I had to remember for each workout. It was quick, in-and-out, and I'm pleasantly sore today. I think this one's a keeper. Thought I'd loo to see if there were other women doing this seemingly "All men's" program, and found all y'all! =)

    Sorry for rambling, Nice to meet you!

    So far my stats are

    Squat: 45lb (Empty bar)
    Bench Press: 45lb (Empty bar)
    Bar Rows: 45lb (Empty bar)

    Yay for weak beginnings! lol
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Those of you thst are buying the 1.25 pâtés, do you workout at home? Or do you just bring them to the gym?

    I got a set of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1 lb plates from Amazon and I bring them to the gym with me. Had to start using them when I deloaded for rows. :grumble:

    Yep. I keep my set in my gym bag.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Just wanted to update because I'm feeling a little proud....I finally completed OHP at 70 without any fails. WOOT WOOT!

    That is completely awesome. I've been stuck at 62.5 for what seems like forever.
  • mercury8826
    Those of you thst are buying the 1.25 pâtés, do you workout at home? Or do you just bring them to the gym?

    I got a set of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1 lb plates from Amazon and I bring them to the gym with me. Had to start using them when I deloaded for rows. :grumble:

    Yep. I keep my set in my gym bag.

    Ah, yes I heard about 1.25 plates. =o That's a really good idea, and since they're not that heavy, it'll be pretty easy to throw them in the gym bag to take to the gym. I was thinking about it though, you should probably personalize it somehow, so the gym doesn't try to accuse you of stealing. But I guess that would be silly since they don't have that size in the first place, lol, but just in case?
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Those of you thst are buying the 1.25 pâtés, do you workout at home? Or do you just bring them to the gym?

    I got a set of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1 lb plates from Amazon and I bring them to the gym with me. Had to start using them when I deloaded for rows. :grumble:

    Yep. I keep my set in my gym bag.

    Ah, yes I heard about 1.25 plates. =o That's a really good idea, and since they're not that heavy, it'll be pretty easy to throw them in the gym bag to take to the gym. I was thinking about it though, you should probably personalize it somehow, so the gym doesn't try to accuse you of stealing. But I guess that would be silly since they don't have that size in the first place, lol, but just in case?

    Put my initials on them with a sharpie.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I am defo doing some things heavier than the men, other than bench press, which is getting close to what some lift....I had to laugh out loud and even stand and point out the "quarter squat" guy (using the smith machine as well) the other day in the gym to a trainer in there...damn...he had nearly 90 kg on there, but was NOT squatting, he had the safety catch things up by his freakin' armpits...what a wally!

    *kitten* to the grass dude...*kitten* to the grass and crack that walnut!!! ; )
  • mercury8826
    I am defo doing some things heavier than the men, other than bench press, which is getting close to what some lift....I had to laugh out loud and even stand and point out the "quarter squat" guy (using the smith machine as well) the other day in the gym to a trainer in there...damn...he had nearly 90 kg on there, but was NOT squatting, he had the safety catch things up by his freakin' armpits...what a wally!

    *kitten* to the grass dude...*kitten* to the grass and crack that walnut!!! ; )

    Lol, Oh my gosh! I can't even imagine. We have one of those in my gym as well, and I just shake my head in pity whenever I see someone on it. You show them who's boss!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Tomorrow is my last workout for week 2! I'm super stoked to see if I can do OHP at 55 lbs for 5x5. Hell, I'm super stoked to just be working out with heavy weights again.. I was supposed to run today but I didn't because my uterus still hurt from getting an IUD yesterday. But I bet if today were a lift day I would have gone anyway. :laugh:

    Just goes to show how much more fun lifting is than running.. but alas, I must do it. Thanks, military.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    For the third time now, someone complimented my squats in the gym.

    A guy was doing rack pulls in the rack, so I started setting up on the bench. By the time I was ready to start, he was done, and I moved over there.

    I set up at the power rack and did a bunch of body weight squats before starting my warm ups.

    When I completed my second set of warm ups, the guy came back over, took his ear bud out as he approached me, "Excuse me."

    Took my bud out. Yeah?

    "I just had to tell you that your squat form is fantastic! I compete in powerlifting and it's rare to see someone doing them correctly in here. Really, absolutely perfect! Just had to tell you."


    Yeah, I really need to not take time off. I like compliments over something I can DO rather than how I happen to look sometimes.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    @ishtar: Nice job with squats!

    Squats 135 5x5
    OHP 60 x1set, 55 4x5
    Deads 130 1x5

    Just not getting stronger with OHP....
  • siriusalien
    I like using this thread to track my progess and get advice:
    Squats 105
    OHP 55 dreadful
    Deadlift 130
    Bench 75
    Rows 75

    All 5x5 except deadlift
    Anyone else's hand hurt with the dead?
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I found with 5 x 5 my elbow on my left arm was sore. Think this was from the rows and stuff as they were getting heavy...
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I was nervous about today's workout because of the 55 lb OHP, but I nailed it! It was challenging, but it wasn't hard. In fact, I think I could have done 60. This excites me greatly! I can't wait to throw the 25 lb plates on my barbell for the squats.. :tongue:
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    I started the program yesterday!! I'm not exactly a beginner - I've been using dumbbells and kettlebell workouts all year - but the barbell seemed new and scary for me. I had to make some adjustments. We have a fitness room at work, but the barbell isn't olympic, it weighs only 20 pounds, so I did have to add weight. Strange thing is, I couldn't start with the weight that the olympic bar alone would be. I could only manage the bar with 2-10 pound plates. Oh well, have to start somewhere!

    It only took about 15 mins to complete, which seemed way too short, and I did hop on the elliptical after. I don't think you're supposed to do cardio and lifting on the same day?

    Another problem I had was the bench press hurt my back. I think it's because I can't reach flat footed on the floor, so I arched a little. The bench isn't adjustable, so I need to find a way to fix that.

    Anyway - I'm very excited to be starting, and looking forward to making quick progress. Any tips you'd like to share with a newbie will be appreciated! :wink:

    Ok...week #3 completed. I ended up putting a step without risers at my feet for the bench press. Much better! I'm doing an underhand grip on the row - easier on my tennis elbow. And I'm making progress! Definitely feels much more like work, and I feel a little jelly-like at the end.

    Not progressing as quickly as the program said, I'm taking it slow, concentrating on form and not getting hurt!

    Squats at 60
    Deads at 70
    Row at 50
    OHP and Bench still really struggling - 45 only, and failing after 2 5x5 on the BP, so go back down to 40 for the remaining sets. OHP finally nailed all 5x5 with the 45, but it was really rough. I may do 45 again one more time, before increasing.

    Enjoying so far, and really feeling stronger! YAY!