30 Day Goals

staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
Get through the halloween season without eating candy.

lose 5 pounds

Start Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and do it everyday.

What's yours?


  • westonhive
    westonhive Posts: 56 Member
    I am going to lose 8 pounds and start 30 day Shred
  • My goal is to lose 8lb, Im currently doing jamie Easons Live fit & couch 2 5k. If Im consitant with my fitness training & stay on top of my nutrition I think I can definately acheive it.
    Thanks for giving me somehwere to be accountable:smile:
  • appleton10
    appleton10 Posts: 12 Member
    1) To lose at least 8 pounds.
    2). To drink at least 8 cups of water daily and stay away from pops.
    3). Stay out of the kids Halloween candy.
    4). Start walking more.
  • 1) Do Alexia's 10 Day Challenge
    2) Join the health club I picked out
    3) Stop drinking so much diet soda
    4) Lose 8 pounds
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    1 Gym each day do class or 1 hour on equipment
    2. Do Jllian Michaels shred DAILY
    3 Walk more
    4 No alcohol Monday to Friday
  • ninalsbee
    ninalsbee Posts: 2 Member
    1- gym each day for PT session/"routien work out"
    2-do the c25k at home on treadmill
    3- seriously watch my eating!
    4- keep drinking 3 liters of water a day.
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    1) start my conditioning again (sorely needed at the moment)
    2) Get back on the proper eating regime.
    3) drink more water
  • 1. Lose up to 12lbs
    2. Do my Wii Fit exercise as well as run 3/4 times a week
    3. lay off the coke and chocolate
  • suegas
    suegas Posts: 1
    I would like to lose 6-8 lbs in the 30 day goal. :happy:
    I would also like to keep up with exercising at least 4-5 times a week. :bigsmile:
  • yummymamaxxx
    yummymamaxxx Posts: 11 Member
    1) lose 8-10lbs
    2) walk 4 miles at least 5 times a week ( leslie Sansone)
    3) eat right and clean
    4) stay happy, motivated
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 326 Member
    Goals for 30 days

    1- Keep meals around 400 cals.Mindful eating.
    2- Drink lots of water.
    3- Denise Austin shred pounds DVD daily.
    4- Walk daily.
  • Isatryli
    Isatryli Posts: 76 Member
    1 - Lose 10 lbs
    2 - Limit my bad sugar absorption
    3 - Maintain my 6 days workout per day
    4 - Again, lose 10 lbs... It's a MUST for me
  • Haven't logged on to my fitness pal in a couple of months, got busy you know the excuses. So I really need to get back on track.

    My goals:
    work out at least 5 times a week
    decrease junk food
    lose at least 8 pounds (I know I can do it because I've done it before.

    Keep moving!
  • 1) Lose 6lbs
    2) do my weight training and cardio 5 times a week
    3) eat more fruit and veg!
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    My goals:

    1, lose 4 lbs
    2. Exercise 5 days a week
    3. Keep my sodium levels in range
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I would LOVE to lose my last 3 pounds! Cut out/down my sweets.... o.O
  • jjohnson1989
    jjohnson1989 Posts: 8 Member
    1. Lose 5 pounds
    2. Go for a jog 3 times per week (currently doing a 5k training. Already up to 3k now!)
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    4. Don't drink any pop or sweetened drinks
  • MamaTeter0912
    MamaTeter0912 Posts: 14 Member
    *- Lose 5 pounds
    *- No soda
    *- No candy
    *- 20 minute mile 7 days a week

    I can do this =)
  • 1. Lose at least 8 more pounds
    2. Start a morning excersize routine
    3. Diligently Journal my food every day
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 234 Member
    Goal: Lose 5 lbs

    I want to start P90X today or tomorrow, I still need to do the fit test and get back to my running program 2-3 days a week!