Weigh In Friday

Why Friday? Because it gives you time to recover from the weekend :) Okay, really -Everyone can weigh in at anytime of the week, of course, but please log that weight and or result weekly for this group to share accountability and celebrations!


  • LaDonnaLoves
    LaDonnaLoves Posts: 16 Member

    It's a LOT, considering I only monitored calories, barely getting in two brief walks this week! It's the end of our fiscal year at work, so I have been working insane hours, which is a double edged sword. I find myself too busy to obsess about food and so stressed I want to eat a LOT.

    One thing I learned this week, this is a day by day, meal by meal choice - and I am going to push really hard to be under 200 lbs in the next 2 weigh ins! I am currently at 202.7. I've been stuck here before, and I need, want WILL push through this.
  • B_Mindful
    B_Mindful Posts: 38 Member
    Zero. Zip. Nada. Nothing. Goose egg.
    Second week in a row.
    Not happy, nope. Not happy at all.

    Great job, LaDonna! Keep it up!
  • BernaRoche
    BernaRoche Posts: 9 Member
    I got a goose-egg too. But, I'm feeling better, my energy is up, and I just have to add some exercise to the mix and I think I'll be good to go. So, maintained this week, but I am looking forward to seeing some pounds take a long cruise VERY soon.
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    LaDonna, you've done well this week. I agree, weighing on Friday gives us time to recover during the weekend. Although I have to say that I did not weigh this morning because I was afraid of what it would say. Last night I went about 400 calories over, and I woke up feeling a bit defeated. I couldn't take it if the scales showed any weight gain. That scale has too much control over me. :angry:
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Weight 291 this morning. Lost 2 lbs. :)

    So far this week have been slightly under my calorie goal every day but one. I'm about even for the week. The last couple of days I have focused more effort on drinking water-I really don't drink enough water normally...
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Right on the money with my maintenance weight -- which means I might be down a few pounds at the end of the month because usually I'm up a few pounds this week of my cycle. My weight tends to have a five pound variance in the course of a month, so although I weigh every day and track it on paper, I only "count" my first weight of the month.
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Down a half pound.... although the ticker has rounded it up to a full pound! :) Had hoped for a little more this week, but hey-ho it's okay really.....
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Hey Sunshine.... look at your ticker! Way to go....
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Looks like everybody is doing great. Even maintenance is better than gaining. I unfortunately went the wrong way. Up 1.7 lbs. it did t really surprise me. I have lost quite fast for a few weeks and I did go on a little vacation even though I tried to eat reasonably. Just disappointed. Hopefully I will be back down next week
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Looks like everybody is doing great. Even maintenance is better than gaining. I unfortunately went the wrong way. Up 1.7 lbs. it did t really surprise me. I have lost quite fast for a few weeks and I did go on a little vacation even though I tried to eat reasonably. Just disappointed. Hopefully I will be back down next week

    You'll be down and then some next week. Vacation food tends to be high in sodium, and there's some weird vacation mojo that always adds a few pounds for bad measure. I'm betting you're down at least 3 next Friday!
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Ok, so it is Friday again. I didn't weigh in this morning, although yesterday morning I did. I lost .5 lbs. Although that is not bad, I really worked hard and thought I'd be down at least a lb. But I did lose an inch around my waist, and that is really good! So I"m happy with my results this week. :-)
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Weighed 289 this morning...lost 2lbs...9 more till I hit my first mini goal :)
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Maintaining strong!

    Which is good, because I've been struggling emotionally, mentally and physically this week. Lots of stress from school work, dealing with a weird psychological issue that bubbled up to the surface and threw me off center, and a head cold. My carbs were higher than they should have been, my protein lower than I'd like, and while I worked out, it wasn't at the level of intensity and effort I usually put forth. I did surprisingly well at keeping all the balls in the air, nurturing and nourishing myself and keeping my inner-compulsive eater in check.

    I'll take a solid maintenance weight this week and call it a great sucess!
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Sounds like a rough week Sunshine. Maintaining is great. Especially with as much weight as you have lost. Last week you encouraged me. I hope I can do the same for you this week. Stay strong. You have achieved great success and will see more success. You are amazing.

    I was down 3.1 lbs today. 189.4. Yeah! I made it past 190. Every time a get past the nearest 10 it excites me.
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Down another half here.... 138lb today.

    Really slow and steady, but at least heading the right direction.

    Had thought about the 17 day diet, and started it.... but finding that NO CARBS even for only the first 19 days is not quite suiting family eating.

    So just going a LOW CARB route for a bit. Think I need to keep protein up in order to avoid any more muscle loss.
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Sounds like a rough week Sunshine. Maintaining is great. Especially with as much weight as you have lost. Last week you encouraged me. I hope I can do the same for you this week. Stay strong. You have achieved great success and will see more success. You are amazing.

    I was down 3.1 lbs today. 189.4. Yeah! I made it past 190. Every time a get past the nearest 10 it excites me.

    You guys both rock...such an inspiration to those like me that are just starting out...i plan to follow in your footsteps :)
  • B_Mindful
    B_Mindful Posts: 38 Member
    No weigh-in this week. Just couldn't bear to step on the scale. :ohwell:

    Next week will be better.
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Weight 289 today...0 loss/gain

    New scale though...so happy with the break even :)
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Gained 1.4 lbs

    I am back to bouncing up and down. I used to do that a lot and then I seemed to have a steady loss and got used to it. But I refuse to get discouraged. The losing will happen again.
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Way to stick with it...and according to your ticker you're almost there :) Keep it up...I need someone to look up to, lol!