30 Day Goals



  • AbbyGS
    AbbyGS Posts: 1
    - eat clean! Cutting down on cake/pizza/biscuits
    - drink 2 cups of green tea every day
    - cross trainer 4x a week
    - run 3x a week
  • Dr_sparky
    Dr_sparky Posts: 52 Member
    a) Loose 10 lbs in 30days
    b) exercise for at least 30mins every day
    c) take vitamin tablets religiously
    d) no chocolate for 30days
    e) start training for coast to coast cycleride (upto 30miles in one day)
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 109 Member
    1) Do not go over calories allotted by MFP
    2) GYM Tuesday and Wednesday/ home excerise on M, TH, FR, SUN
    3) 80 oz of water per day
    4) No eating after 7 pm.
    5) 8 lbs in 30 days
  • 1) Lose 10 lbs
    2) Curb my snacking!!!
    3) Run at least 3 days a week.
    4) Decrease coffee and increase water intake.
  • FLgirl150
    FLgirl150 Posts: 3 Member
    1). Lose 8 pounds
    2). 30 minutes on treadmill 5 times/week
    3). Increase my water intake
  • I want to loose 10-15 lbs
    Go for a 3-4 mile walk everyday
    Go to the gym/swimming 3-4 times a week
  • tracyjh01
    tracyjh01 Posts: 16 Member
    My 30 day goals:

    1. Keep blood sugar within target range
    2. Exercise at least 30 min six days out of the week
    3. No sweets! (unless blood sugar is low then use only glucose tabs to raise it)
  • hockeydad725
    hockeydad725 Posts: 86 Member
    My 30 day goals:

    Lose 10 lbs
    Consecutive Daily Logins to MFP
    5 days/week of a minimum 30 minutes of excercise
    Start 100 Pushups & 200 Situps Programs
  • I would like to lose 10 lbs or at least 2 lbs per week.

    I started I was at 222.6 one week ago.

    This morning I weighed 219.8.

    Was down to 218 during the week. I am paying for eating a late dinner last nite and having a few beers. ugh!!! =(

    Starting over. Joined challenge group just now.

    My starting weight is 219.8.

    ~~ Krista
  • valerieottaviano
    valerieottaviano Posts: 50 Member
    my goal is to lose 5-7 pounds, and get working out 3 days a week hard
    I tried to get this link to work, im sorry i am a total fail at all things computer , so i won't be on the spreadsheet
    because although it says its in my drop box, god only knows " where"
    thank you for starting this group midway in month, it allows us to start fresh !

    here's to us and our great motivational team !!!
    Valerie from Los Angeles,
  • valerieottaviano
    valerieottaviano Posts: 50 Member
    We can do this together !
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    1. Lose 10lbs
    2. Keep up my 4x per week cardio workouts.
    3. Keep up my resistance routine which I just started today lol.
    4. NOT binge on Halloween candy <==== big one.
  • Isatryli
    Isatryli Posts: 76 Member

    4. NOT binge on Halloween candy <==== big one.

    You can do it!!!!
  • katealbright
    katealbright Posts: 134 Member
    More strength/circuit training. get down to 131 which is just over 5lbs. (trying to get to 130 by the end of Nov).
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Goals - lose 6-7 lbs to put me in the 150s (haven't been there since elementary school)
    Start c25k again and get back to running over 2 miles straight
    Make it to my fitness classes whenever I'm not stuck at work
  • BreeNJesse
    BreeNJesse Posts: 150 Member
    Lose 5 lbs myself and be the best support system I can to everyone else out there :)
  • 1. Log all my food
    2. Stop reflexively ordering Coke at any restaurant
    3. Exercise at least 4 times a week (hour minimum each)
    4. Lose the man boobs :D
  • Track my daily exercise
    Drink my water
    Limit Caeb consumption
  • violetcharms
    violetcharms Posts: 158 Member
    In the next 30 days:

    1. Lose 3-5 kg
    2. Drop 10 inches overall
    3. Complete Power 90 - Sweat 3-4 video without pause
    4. Do ONE proper form push-up

    *praying hard*

    *ignoring food vouchers*
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    You guys are so awesome!!

    Mine are:
    1) Lose 6lbs
    2) Jog 30 minutes straight
    3) Jog 5k without stopping
    4) Educate myself about lifting weights to strengthen these jell-o arms of mine and turn that into a routine.