Boobs and Bodybuilding



  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    I only got mine 5 years ago after a lifetime of litfing 31 years as of today. I got silicon implants with a breast lift. Did not do any hard cardio for 6 weeks had to cut back calories during that time. I now only do light chest chest exercises no more heavy benching (which I miss) and I also don't do any more pushups (used to do sets of 20 reps) but I also have messed up shoulders from years of powerlifting.. so it is a trade off because they look great and I love them can wear whatever I want ..I also had my right one shift out from underneath the pectoral muscle can't tell by looking but I know I did it during a class that did alot of chest exercises so you need to be careful. Hope this was helpful...:wink:
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Be careful what you believe from the doctor , my left one did shift during a hard class rthat involved alot of chest exercises. Only I can tell it is not noticable to anyone but me.. You do have to go light on chest exercises.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    i got silicone implants 5 years ago and I was a heavy bencher before surgery. I love the feel of silicone most people think they are mine, Very natural ! For me the healing was pretty easy no pain at all and you don't have to massage them at all. Just wear a zip up front sports bar for 6 weeks..
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    I have silicon implants 350's ... I was able to start working out after 6 weeks, including cardio, I did not feel much pain at all maybe the 1st few days, I don't know where you got your info. Ask women that have them my shoulder surgery was way more painfull then getting boobs..
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member

    here's a thread from 2009 about this topic.
  • coreygracefit
    I had silicone implants done 3 months ago (under the muscle) and I was in the gym doing cardio a week later. At 2 weeks I was working bi/tri's and at 4-5 weeks i was doing everything but chest. I still don't work chest directly as I really don't think it's necessary but am fine working everything else. I will say that I couldn't go quite as heavy as I used to when I first starting working out but i could still lift. Everyone is different and each Doctor will tell you something different. My Dr told me "if it hurts, don't do it.... if it doesn't hurt, it's fine to do it". Other Doctors I consulted with told me 6 weeks before i could do anything.. now that I've gone through it, I think that timeline would have been silly as I felt fine to do lots of things in my 2nd week. I wish I would have done it 10 years ago and am so happy now that i do have them. full recovery can take up to a year and you will get occasional pain while the nerves are reconnecting, but it's well worth it. I know I'm late to post but I hope this helps :)
  • musclemama2
    I had mine done after my second comp in 2006. I had talked about it kind in jest for a long time but in the end I was frustrated that I worked my *kitten* off and looked so amazing but my symmetry was off and there was nothing I could do about it in the gym. I have a shapely tush and the lack of chest made me look bottom heavy even at a size 0. Well in my mind lol. I never had much and at 10% body fat I looked like a boy. I did it and it was the best thing and I love my shape. I didn't go too big, most people do not even know I have them. I have the perfect hourglass figure and I am perfectly symmetrical.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    size 0? and you compete? I can't imagine that you even have any muscles at a size 0. Not to be a troll or hijacker, but I am totally confused at your size 0 remark....

  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Busy, my guess is she is petite-like 5'4 or less. Her pics show that she also isn't a bodybuilder. Looks like bikini/fitness/figure.
    Musclemama-You look great!