1st Trimester



  • Im back ladies!! I was her last month, but ended up having an early mc.

    I am currently 5 weeks pregnant!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Im back ladies!! I was her last month, but ended up having an early mc.

    I am currently 5 weeks pregnant!

    Welcome back, and congratulations!

    Edited because the boards went down mid-post!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Im back ladies!! I was her last month, but ended up having an early mc.

    I am currently 5 weeks pregnant!

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooo happy for you! Praying for that sticky baby!!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Im back ladies!! I was her last month, but ended up having an early mc.

    I am currently 5 weeks pregnant!

    OMG, so happy for you! I remember you from last month, too! Congratulations! Yay!
  • Thanks ladies!!

    SO happy to be back! Now to just get back on track with logging/eating healthy!!
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    For all you mommas who have experienced a loss-
    I found myself pregnant less then two months after losing my third baby in less the one year. The first trimester was very difficult emotionally. I am happy to say that I am now in the 2nd trimester with a healthy low risk baby boy. When I first found out I was pregnant I became deeply depressed and wondered not if I would lose this baby but when. I now have changed to saying not if I will have this baby but when. Here is a beautiful poem written by Pandora Waldren to help pull you through:

    A Different Child

    A different child,
    People notice
    There's a special glow around you.

    You grow
    Surrounded by love,
    Never doubting you are wanted;
    Only look at the pride and joy
    In your mother and father's eyes.

    And if sometimes
    Between the smiles
    There's a trace of tears,
    One day
    You'll understand.

    You'll understand
    There was once another child
    A different child
    Who was in their hopes and dreams.

    That child will never outgrow the baby clothes
    That child will never keep them up at night
    In fact, that child will never be any trouble at all.

    Except sometimes, in a silent moment,
    When mother and father miss so much
    That different child.

    May hope and love wrap you warmly
    And may you learn the lesson forever
    How infinitely precious
    How infinitely fragile
    Is this life on earth.

    One day, as a young man or woman
    You may see another mother's tears
    Another father's silent grief
    Then you, and you alone
    Will understand
    And offer the greatest comfort.

    When all hope seems lost,
    You will tell them
    With great compassion,
    "I know how you feel.
    I'm only here
    Because my mother tried again."

  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I'm in 8 weeks--due sometime in June! I was very nervous since I found out I was pregnant when I still had an IUD in--luckily they saw a heartbeat last week. I already had a dream this new baby was a girl--praying everything goes well :O).
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    hi Ladies!
    I am 10 weeks pregnant. This is my 4th, I have a 16, 14, and 10 year old. I am 38
    My goal was to gain only 15 lbs with this baby as I am about 40 lbs over weight. Im freaking out about gaining too much weight, as I gained 60#, 40#, and 80# with my previous 3. I have not kept track of calories and just weighed myself and I have already gained 12!
    NOT COOL! So here I am!
    My problem has been, severe nausea, ( no puking) and they only thing that helps the nausea has been salty high carb foods. These are the exact foods I had been avoiding the last year as I lost 30 lbs. So I feel like eating them again has just caused me to gain lke crazy, even if i keep track of calories. I want to get back to my lean meats, eggs and greens zero processed foods, that I had lost weight on and felt great on, but the sound of those make my stomach turn.

    I had been running and working out pretty heavily until the tiredness kicked in. So I have been eating like crap and not exercising! I picked up a few highly rated pregnancy exercise dvd's on amazon and have started them this week. I started walking a bit too this week. I need to stop the gain. I have enough "extra" for me and baby! I can not afford to gain 40 or more! It is SO hard to lose it.
    I am hoping for advice and motivation from all you ladies!

    any advice would be great!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    hi Ladies!
    I am 10 weeks pregnant. This is my 4th, I have a 16, 14, and 10 year old. I am 38
    My goal was to gain only 15 lbs with this baby as I am about 40 lbs over weight. Im freaking out about gaining too much weight, as I gained 60#, 40#, and 80# with my previous 3. I have not kept track of calories and just weighed myself and I have already gained 12!
    NOT COOL! So here I am!
    My problem has been, severe nausea, ( no puking) and they only thing that helps the nausea has been salty high carb foods. These are the exact foods I had been avoiding the last year as I lost 30 lbs. So I feel like eating them again has just caused me to gain lke crazy, even if i keep track of calories. I want to get back to my lean meats, eggs and greens zero processed foods, that I had lost weight on and felt great on, but the sound of those make my stomach turn.

    I had been running and working out pretty heavily until the tiredness kicked in. So I have been eating like crap and not exercising! I picked up a few highly rated pregnancy exercise dvd's on amazon and have started them this week. I started walking a bit too this week. I need to stop the gain. I have enough "extra" for me and baby! I can not afford to gain 40 or more! It is SO hard to lose it.
    I am hoping for advice and motivation from all you ladies!

    any advice would be great!

    Hi there! Welcome, and congratulations! I am 10w5d, due in late May, so I'm guessing you're either due in late May or early June (probably late May), so you may want to check out the May 2013 Due Dates thread. (I am 32, for the record, and my son will be 2 in January.)

    Try not to stress about your weight gain. I know, I know, it's hard, and I have a really hard time with it, too. I gained 65# with my son, and after losing 20# immediately after his birth, I lost 82# in about a year using MFP. However, I'd gotten a little sloppy in the two or three months leading up to my getting pregnant again, and I gained back about 5#, which put me at the very tip-top of the "normal" BMI range for my height.

    Like you, I haven't had any puking, but I did have bad nausea for a couple of weeks and still have it hit me from time to time, especially if I'm not eating enough/often enough. I also get low blood sugar if I don't eat often enough, so point being, I need to eat pretty much constantly! And, like you, the foods that sound good/go down easily are the kind of foods I pretty much avoided while losing weight... But that's just the way it goes. I figure as we go through our second trimesters, that will change somewhat (though last time I remember retaining certain food aversions for quite a while, even after giving birth), and hopefully our weight gains will slow down so that the only gains we have are due to a growing baby :happy: If not, though, that's ok.

    To show you how much I need to take my own advice and that I'm not up on some high horse about this, I will admit that I am afraid to get on the scale because I am afraid of what it will show! I am thinking I have gained upwards of 10#, if not more, just based on the fact that I am eating more in general, plus a lot of what I am eating is high carb. I am trying to listen to my body, eating when it tells me to eat, and feeding it what I feel is appropriate. I just try to keep it reasonable. Yes, I've had ice cream, but I don't eat it daily or anything like that, maybe a couple of times a week, and only when I really want it/it will make my stomach feel good.

    I am painfully aware of how hard it is to deal with early pregnancy weight gain, but there are some women who gained a lot early on due to eating a lot/high carb intake to calm their nausea and then plateaued or even lost weight as they got farther along and their eating desires/needs changed. I am trying desperately to keep a positive outlook and remember that this is only temporary. Plus, I lost a lot of weight last time after having a baby, and after having this baby, I should be nowhere near my last starting weight. I know how to eat right, and I have exercise that I love to do (running and Spinning). The "trick" will simply be knowing when is ok to get back on the MFP horse.

    In short, I am in the same boat as you, and I definitely need to take my own advice, but try not to sweat your weight gain too much. Just try to keep yourself feeling good!

    You did it once using MFP; you can certainly do it again! Right now we need to focus on pregnancy :smile:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I had been running and working out pretty heavily until the tiredness kicked in. So I have been eating like crap and not exercising! I picked up a few highly rated pregnancy exercise dvd's on amazon and have started them this week. I started walking a bit too this week. I need to stop the gain. I have enough "extra" for me and baby! I can not afford to gain 40 or more! It is SO hard to lose it.
    I am hoping for advice and motivation from all you ladies!

    any advice would be great!

    Also, to add to my last post, I worked out 4-6 days/week, mostly Spinning, up until I got pregnant and the exhaustion set in. It's starting to pass, though, except last night I could have gone to bed at 7:30! I mean, my toddler son wasn't even asleep yet! I literally had a 3-week break in working out due to the fact that I couldn't drag my butt out of bed early or drag my butt out the door to walk/jog in the evening, and my weekends were unusually full with family stuff. I got back to Spinning last Saturday and am going tomorrow but have done zero inbetween.

    So yeah, I've basically gone from 4-6 workouts/week that burned anywhere between 500 and 700 calories to once a week. Getting to Spinning has been difficult because of changes in the class schedule, but I should still be able to walk briskly. I just need to get my butt out there!!!
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    quote:To show you how much I need to take my own advice and that I'm not up on some high horse about this, I will admit that I am afraid to get on the scale because I am afraid of what it will show! I am thinking I have gained upwards of 10#, if not more, just based on the fact that I am eating more in general, plus a lot of what I am eating is high carb. I am trying to listen to my body, eating when it tells me to eat, and feeding it what I feel is appropriate. I just try to keep it reasonable. Yes, I've had ice cream, but I don't eat it daily or anything like that, maybe a couple of times a week, and only when I really want it/it will make my stomach feel good.
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    ***** pregnancy brain, I replied to the quote wrong, so here I try again*************
    First, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! You are right, we do need to focus on being pregnant and healthy. And, congratulations on your awesome weight loss this last year! WOW!
    As far as you not getting on the scale, I had to laugh because I have not been on it either, I totally know how you feel, but made myself this morning. It was my wake up call!
    I dont want to encourage myself to go hog crazy, but I also need to stay in a limit. I did not need 2 pieces of wedding cake at the wedding I was at last weekend. And I dont need a plate of cheese and crackers every time I feel nausea coming.
    I did feel really good to work out again! I have not worked out for 6 weeks until this week. Im glad to be back!

    Again, thank you so much for your encouraging words! You have no idea how much I needed that!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    ***** pregnancy brain, I replied to the quote wrong, so here I try again*************
    First, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! You are right, we do need to focus on being pregnant and healthy. And, congratulations on your awesome weight loss this last year! WOW!
    As far as you not getting on the scale, I had to laugh because I have not been on it either, I totally know how you feel, but made myself this morning. It was my wake up call!
    I dont want to encourage myself to go hog crazy, but I also need to stay in a limit. I did not need 2 pieces of wedding cake at the wedding I was at last weekend. And I dont need a plate of cheese and crackers every time I feel nausea coming.
    I did feel really good to work out again! I have not worked out for 6 weeks until this week. Im glad to be back!

    Again, thank you so much for your encouraging words! You have no idea how much I needed that!

    You're welcome - I got on this weekend and was not pleased (although admittedly I had already eaten breakfast and had a bunch of water at that point). I am going to try logging again now that I am not dealing with nausea :)
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all :)

    I just found out I am pregnant! Only 4 weeks, and fingers crossed that this baby sticks. This would be my first baby. I lost about 25 lbs, with MFP since February, and and just switched my calories to maintenance. Hoping to use MFP to gain weight at a healthy pace, and help keep me motivated to exercise.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    welcome & congrats @free! How ya feelin? Any symptoms yet? I hit 11 weeks Sat and the past few days my nausea/pickiness have seemingly subsided, YAY!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi all :)

    I just found out I am pregnant! Only 4 weeks, and fingers crossed that this baby sticks. This would be my first baby. I lost about 25 lbs, with MFP since February, and and just switched my calories to maintenance. Hoping to use MFP to gain weight at a healthy pace, and help keep me motivated to exercise.

    Welcome, and congratulations! A lot of us have lost weight prior to becoming pregnant (or becoming pregnant again), so we're right here with you. Congrats on your weight loss, and maintenance calories is where most of us start out. You're in the right place!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    welcome & congrats @free! How ya feelin? Any symptoms yet? I hit 11 weeks Sat and the past few days my nausea/pickiness have seemingly subsided, YAY!

    Hey there! Glad your symptoms have subsided! You and I are about the same place (I hit 11w this past Sunday), and my symptoms (well, at least as far as nausea/food aversions, I still have sore/growing boobs) almost completely went away around week 9 (thank goodness!). It's funny how everyone has a different point where that goes away.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I just found out I am pregnant with my third child. I won't know until I have an ultrasound, but I am somewhere between 11 and 17 weeks. I am 36 and because of an emergency surgery a few years back where I lost an ovary, I was told to expect that I couldn't get pregnant again. I took 3 pregnancy tests several weeks ago and they were all negative, so I attributed all of the pregnancy symptoms to a medication I was taking. I will be on edge until I can get in to see a doctor.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm very excited that I finally get to join you all; after about a year of trying I'm now 4w6d pregnant with my first.

    Congrats to the rest of you all! Ashtin, it's great to see you on this board now!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm very excited that I finally get to join you all; after about a year of trying I'm now 4w6d pregnant with my first.

    Congrats to the rest of you all! Ashtin, it's great to see you on this board now!

    RisOnTheRun! I'm soooooo happy to see you over here now!! Congrats hun! I'm praying for a healthy, happy pregnancy for you!