Stage 3



  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    I am SO a thread killer! I posted on Monday and no one else breathed a word until Thursday! :laugh:

    Chic - Get your butt in gear and get over here!!!! :tongue:

    SteAnn - Stage 3 is still a whole lot "easier" (I really use that word loosely) than Stage 2. Its just new stuff. Give yourself one round of each to adjust. Your second go will be much better, Id be willing to bet. Im not looking forward to finishing this stage, I really like it! (Save the BWM!)

    Melissa - You gotta do what makes you happy!!! Like Chic said, stick around and keep us posted for sure. I wont be deleting you either...I can always use a supportive friend, regardless of program style! Best wishes with your new endeavor! :smile:
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Awwww thank you! thank you! thank you!! I love my pals!
    and I'll be stalking yall thru the threads anyway, lol
    I have decided to jump to the negative chin ups now because my one goal is to conquer a pull up.

    SteAnn I agree with Nthn that this stage is easier than stage 2. by your second go round you'll find it a little better. good luck on your next workout
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I was not a faithful poster on the Stage 2 thread, I ended up doing it almost twice in a row, taking a couple weeks off in the middle when I ran a marathon.

    Anyway, just getting ready to head to the gym this afternoon to do my first Stage 3 workout. Will report back later on how it goes!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    OK, back from the gym and Stage 3 workout A1 is done!

    Starting stats:
    * One-armed dumbbell snatch - 25lbs
    * Dumbbell Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift - 80lbs (40lb dumbbells each hand)
    * Barbell Bent-Over Row - 65lbs
    * Dumbbell Single-Arm Overhead Squat - 5lb/10lb
    * Dumbbell Incline Bench Press - 40lbs (20lb each hand)
    * Plank - 90 seconds each time, did the 3 point plank on the swiss ball/bench alternating raising one leg up every 45 seconds
    * Reverse Wood Chop - 45lbs

    Body Weight Matrix - 3:01 first round, 2:44 second round

    Thoughts - I'll start in reverse order by saying Holy Moly on the BWM. My quads were on FIRE, I did it as fast as I could but still really concious of my form and doing deep lunges/squats even on the jumping ones. Hope I can walk tomorrow.

    Dumbbell Overhead Squat - super awkward movement. I started with 7.5/15lb but really couldn't keep my arm straight and my body kept twisting sideways as I squatted down so I dropped it to 5/10lb.

    Single Leg Romanian deadlift - anybody else do this with a barbell instead of dumbbells? My legs are pretty strong, I was really not maxed out at 80lbs but my grip strength totally gave out holding those 40lb dumbbells. I will probably try it with a barbell next time.

    All in all I enjoyed it - the first time I do a new stage the workout is always strange, I felt like I was in the gym FOREVER between reading to make sure I was getting each new move right, the 105 second rests, the 3 sets instead of 2 like last stage and the extra BWM at the end.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    OK, back from the gym and Stage 3 workout A1 is done!

    Starting stats:
    * One-armed dumbbell snatch - 25lbs
    * Dumbbell Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift - 80lbs (40lb dumbbells each hand)
    * Barbell Bent-Over Row - 65lbs
    * Dumbbell Single-Arm Overhead Squat - 5lb/10lb
    * Dumbbell Incline Bench Press - 40lbs (20lb each hand)
    * Plank - 90 seconds each time, did the 3 point plank on the swiss ball/bench alternating raising one leg up every 45 seconds
    * Reverse Wood Chop - 45lbs

    Body Weight Matrix - 3:01 first round, 2:44 second round

    Thoughts - I'll start in reverse order by saying Holy Moly on the BWM. My quads were on FIRE, I did it as fast as I could but still really concious of my form and doing deep lunges/squats even on the jumping ones. Hope I can walk tomorrow.

    Dumbbell Overhead Squat - super awkward movement. I started with 7.5/15lb but really couldn't keep my arm straight and my body kept twisting sideways as I squatted down so I dropped it to 5/10lb.

    Single Leg Romanian deadlift - anybody else do this with a barbell instead of dumbbells? My legs are pretty strong, I was really not maxed out at 80lbs but my grip strength totally gave out holding those 40lb dumbbells. I will probably try it with a barbell next time.

    All in all I enjoyed it - the first time I do a new stage the workout is always strange, I felt like I was in the gym FOREVER between reading to make sure I was getting each new move right, the 105 second rests, the 3 sets instead of 2 like last stage and the extra BWM at the end.

    Glad to see you back in the lifting!

    With the single-leg deadlift I stopped doing them and just do regular ones now b/c of the weight. I didn't feel the single-leg "did" anything for me...I couldn't feel I did them the next day so I just went back to the regular ones (I heart them anyway).

    Overhead squat deal makes me twist my torso as well but I try to focus hard on semi-moving my arm behind my head and it helps...

    BWM kills me each time...

    Your stats are outstanding!! Rock on!! I only have one more B workout to do so I won't be around this thread too much longer but I hope to see you again soon on another stage.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Melissa - Stalk away!!!

    ebay - Just wait until you work your way through B! It never ends the first go! :laugh: That BWM is wicked. Had me so jello-like on my second set of my first go I ended up tweaking my knee doing the lunge jumps. I dont get the awkwardness of the OH Dumbbell Squat, but it seems to be a common complaint. I do understand where you are coming from with the grip strength issues on the dumbbells though. Have you tried chalk? I bought one of these... and it has been a life saver. I agree, the first A and B of each new stage always feels strange. Kind of like a practice or a warm up. Im always glad to get beyond the first of each when things feel smoother and flow better.

    Best wishes with B!
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    With the single-leg deadlift I stopped doing them and just do regular ones now b/c of the weight. I didn't feel the single-leg "did" anything for me...I couldn't feel I did them the next day so I just went back to the regular ones (I heart them anyway).

    Really? I love these! I love dropping those dumbbells down below my knees, squeeeeeeeeeeezing the heck out of my glutes/hammies and using that power alone to drive myself back up through my heels. I'll be darn if I dont feel it in the morning. Thats what Im loving most about this stage. Tons and tons of glute and hammie work.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I think I'm going to repeat stage 2. I only lifted twice last week, and haven't lifted at all this week. I think I'll start over with the first work out tomorrow. See you ladies along the way! Keep lifting!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    With the single-leg deadlift I stopped doing them and just do regular ones now b/c of the weight. I didn't feel the single-leg "did" anything for me...I couldn't feel I did them the next day so I just went back to the regular ones (I heart them anyway).

    Really? I love these! I love dropping those dumbbells down below my knees, squeeeeeeeeeeezing the heck out of my glutes/hammies and using that power alone to drive myself back up through my heels. I'll be darn if I dont feel it in the morning. Thats what Im loving most about this stage. Tons and tons of glute and hammie work.

    I think I'm going to keep doing the single leg deadlift just use the barbell for added weight. I do love the regular deadlifts but this past year I've had some serious "left side" issues with my running (hip/back/IT band pain and problems) and I really love how much single-side work there is in NROLFW, I'm truly weaker on my left side so I am happy for any opportunity to work my sides individually.

    My ultimate plan is to finish up NR over the winter just in time to start back up with marathon training in the early spring and hopefully be fitter, leaner and faster for my marathon next June so I can take 10 minutes off my PR and qualify for the Boston Marathon. Not sure if my plan will work or not but every time I have incorporated some heavier (never this heavy, though) lifting into my running plans I've gotten a lot faster, so I'm hoping that it holds true this time as well. My 2 marathons that I ran with doing only running, no strength training at all, I finished in 4:34 and 4:49. Since adding in lifting my times have dropped dramatically and I've run in 4:17, 4:04 and 3:50. I know the book talks about "voting for while you're voting against" but I think strategically working in lifting (heavy like the book plan) during the off-season and then dropping back on your lifting when you pick up a lot of running really can work well.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    With the single-leg deadlift I stopped doing them and just do regular ones now b/c of the weight. I didn't feel the single-leg "did" anything for me...I couldn't feel I did them the next day so I just went back to the regular ones (I heart them anyway).

    Really? I love these! I love dropping those dumbbells down below my knees, squeeeeeeeeeeezing the heck out of my glutes/hammies and using that power alone to drive myself back up through my heels. I'll be darn if I dont feel it in the morning. Thats what Im loving most about this stage. Tons and tons of glute and hammie work.

    I assume I wasn't doing them right or not hevy enough... I'm going o try again bc I didn't feel that burn...? :(
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    With the single-leg deadlift I stopped doing them and just do regular ones now b/c of the weight. I didn't feel the single-leg "did" anything for me...I couldn't feel I did them the next day so I just went back to the regular ones (I heart them anyway).

    Really? I love these! I love dropping those dumbbells down below my knees, squeeeeeeeeeeezing the heck out of my glutes/hammies and using that power alone to drive myself back up through my heels. I'll be darn if I dont feel it in the morning. Thats what Im loving most about this stage. Tons and tons of glute and hammie work.

    I assume I wasn't doing them right or not hevy enough... I'm going o try again bc I didn't feel that burn...? :(

    Not to assume you are doing it wrong, but here is a link if you'd like another description. Sometimes hearing it described another way helps... If you are doing it exactly this way, try going heavier. I was given this link because I complained about it being too easy and it did nothing for me. Turns out, (forgive me for sounding snotty, I dont mean it that way!) thanks to my skating background my balance and leg strength are my "strengths". I should NOT have listened to the book's suggestion to use a "light" dumbbell because a "light" dumbbell was zero challenge for me personally. Throw in some heavier dumbbells and it became a much greater challenge for my core/balance and my legs. Its now one of my favorite exercise on workout B.

    Give it another whirl and let us know how it goes! You can always go back to your regular dealifts if you still hate it. :smile:
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    I think I'm going to repeat stage 2. I only lifted twice last week, and haven't lifted at all this week. I think I'll start over with the first work out tomorrow. See you ladies along the way! Keep lifting!

    Stinker! I dont blame you. Get it done and get on with it...Stage 3 is soooo much more fun!:tongue:
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Started Stage 3 today and the Body Matrix killed me! It's felt like I was doing HIIT! I found some of the workouts to be odd and maybe it will take some time to get the best form for them. The one where you do a squat while holding a lighter weight over your head and the heavier weight in between your legs was hard for me. I just found it so awkward. Love the single leg deadlifts, could definitely feel it in the back of my legs and butt. And I love doing the chest press as well, they were fun! Have a good week ladies!
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Started Stage 3 today and the Body Matrix killed me! It's felt like I was doing HIIT! I found some of the workouts to be odd and maybe it will take some time to get the best form for them. The one where you do a squat while holding a lighter weight over your head and the heavier weight in between your legs was hard for me. I just found it so awkward. Love the single leg deadlifts, could definitely feel it in the back of my legs and butt. And I love doing the chest press as well, they were fun! Have a good week ladies!

    The BWM is killer!! Ill take HIIT over the BWM any day. At least its intense for a short burst, then some recovery...rinse/repeat. That BWM is just all out crazy until you finish or keel over dead. :laugh:

    Ah well, welcome to the craziness that is Stage 3!
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    You guys were right, I did my second A workout today and it was much better. I find the B workout of this stage is lacking something, I don't know what. I felt bored and unmotivated. But that might just have been how *I* was feeling that day

    BWM is definitely hard! My thighs were like 'no more!' I felt very accomplished after my workout though, but I did have to sit on the couch and drink my protein shake for a bit after because I felt weak. I might have to have a snack before working out (I exercised 2 hours after eating breakfast but I don't think it was enough)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Did workout B today for the first time. Not feeling the love for this one. I felt......bored, I guess? I did what I could with the moves but left the gym feeling like I didn't work very hard.

    For example., I can deadlift (regular) about 115lbs. But I can't row nearly that much. So on the Barbell Romanian deadlift / bent over row I only could use 70lbs which was a challenge on the row part but easy otherwise.

    Partial single leg squat I held 20lb dumbbells and it was fine. I'm weaker on my left side than my right so that was what I could handle on the left.

    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - used the same weight I ended with in stage 1.

    Back Extension, just used body weight

    YTWL, feel like I could use 2 different weights here. For the Y and T I used 3lb weights but for the W and L I could handle 5lb.

    Swiss Ball Crunch, same 'ol same 'ol. Hip Flexion I did the prone jackknife, Lateral Flexion I did the side flexion 3. Prone Cobra, don't love 'em but did 'em.

    Eh.......I guess I'm glad you only have to do 4 workouts of each in this stage, so I only have to do this 3 more times. until stage 5 anyway.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Did my first 3A workout yesterday. I also got my period, so I have DOMS and TOM ;) I don't know how I am moving my arms to type this.

    I only have about an hour in the gym because of the way my schedule is, so I wound up doing the BWM about an hour later at home.

    Would it be better to do the BWM later at home, or do like:

    Day 1 - Workout A (without BWM)

    Day 2 BWM + HIIT

    Day 3 - Workout B (without Intervals)

    Also, I couldn't really jump, so I just did more regular lunges and squats. Even if I had the energy, I'm kind of worried about coming down wrong and spraining an ankle...
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Finished my last 3A workout this morning! On target to do my last 3B this Friday.

    elg - I ended up with a mild sprain of my left knee because I landed awkwardly on my very first go with the BWM. I subbed out a second set of lunges instead of the lunge jumps that caused my issue for my remainder of stage 3. Squat jumps havent been an issue for me, my legs dont get so "tangled" and the weight upon landing is more evenly distributed and less "shocky" on that left knee.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Finished my last 3A workout this morning! On target to do my last 3B this Friday.

    elg - I ended up with a mild sprain of my left knee because I landed awkwardly on my very first go with the BWM. I subbed out a second set of lunges instead of the lunge jumps that caused my issue for my remainder of stage 3. Squat jumps havent been an issue for me, my legs dont get so "tangled" and the weight upon landing is more evenly distributed and less "shocky" on that left knee.

    Congrats on almost being done stage 3! I don't like the lunge jumps either, I felt like I was coming down awkwardly when I did them. I try not to jump as high and hope that I would land Jump squats hurt like heck and I have DOMS today from them (they are evil!). I did 3B today and I have to agree that it wasn't as challenging as 3A. I think I will have to add weights to the single leg squat. So far, I am liking stage 3.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    ebaymommy, workout B bored me too! I just wasn't feeling it. The end was especially drug out.

    Was supposed to do my second B workout today but I bailed on it. My daughter had me up 6 times last night and I thought 'This doesn't change a thing, I'm going to workout!' Then when I walked down the hall so we could start our day I stepped in cat throw up. I still thought 'I'm in a bad mood, but I'm going to workout!' Cue me noticing my daughter having a bad diaper rash, realising I feel like I'm getting a sinus infection and I'm still thinking I'm going to trudge on (all before 7 am).

    Then while I'm in the kitchen something pinched in my neck and shoulders and now I'm in a ton of pain and finally said 'I give up on today'

    We'll see how tomorrow goes.