Saturday Weigh-in



  • My weight is steadily going up since I began supplementing creatine. This morning it was 205, up 1 lb from my last weigh-in. I'll more than likely gain a few more before it starts going down again.

    EDIT: Actually at one point before I started back on the supplements it was down to 202.

    Same here. I just started a few days ago and when I got on the scale this morning I was shocked when I seen 2lbs up. But from when I am reading and hearing I should just keep trucking on and watch my inches and not my weight as much.
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    OK being an Aussie, and it being 5:23am on Saturday morning, I thought I'd kick-start this weeks weigh in.

    Hi, my name is Erika (looks very coy), and this week I have lost half a KG, bring my total weight loss to date is 4.5kg.

  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    My weigh in as of Monday 10/22 was 146.6 lbs. My goal weight is 115 lbs (35 lb weight loss) as I am 5'3" with a small frame. i have dropped 4.2 lbs since I joined the site last week (my start weight was 150.8 lbs). i will be back here on Saturday! Good luck everybody!!!

    @SusannaDandan: Hey, you, Jasonsoulmate, and I are the shorty's of the group - and you and I are d*** near identical on the CW and GW. Sat weigh-in I was 148 and my GW is also 115 - Welcome to to group!! :bigsmile:

    LOL Well officially I am shorter than Smoke Dragon at 5'1"
  • shantelbing
    shantelbing Posts: 33 Member
    Hey :) another shortie here 5' 2" haven't weighed in yet seeing how its only friday night here, but looking forward to seeing my progress tomorrow morning!
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'd like to interrupt this probable positive and motivating thread with the fact that it is Halloween weekend, which just so happens to be the happiest time of the year aside from those times one goes to Disneyland.

    With that said, my food and drink decisions tonight are probably not going to be wise, however I will say there is no inclination for anything deep fried or from that place with the initials "D T"..... or Mexican food.... or Cheetos.... (huge progress)

    If by chance I blackout from the glee of the anti-oxidant of reservatrol (grape juice) mixed with "spirits" (it is Halloween - duh) or otherwise subject myself to the marginal coma from shenanigans of this evening (which include simply sitting on my couch eating a <500 cal turkey/cheese croissant which was fab... and popcorn) I may or may not be able to participate in tomorrow's weigh-in.

    Consider this my note written by my mommy saying I have a "fever" and can't go to school today.

  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I'd like to interrupt this probable positive and motivating thread with the fact that it is Halloween weekend, which just so happens to be the happiest time of the year aside from those times one goes to Disneyland.

    With that said, my food and drink decisions tonight are probably not going to be wise, however I will say there is no inclination for anything deep fried or from that place with the initials "D T"..... or Mexican food.... or Cheetos.... (huge progress)

    If by chance I blackout from the glee of the anti-oxidant of reservatrol (grape juice) mixed with "spirits" (it is Halloween - duh) or otherwise subject myself to the marginal coma from shenanigans of this evening (which include simply sitting on my couch eating a <500 cal turkey/cheese croissant which was fab... and popcorn) I may or may not be able to participate in tomorrow's weigh-in.

    Consider this my note written by my mommy saying I have a "fever" and can't go to school today.


    I reject your note and consider you participating. : ) Just weigh before you start drinking/eating/frolicking/carousing/debauching.
  • Another 1.2 lost YAY!!!
  • So psyched! Stepped on the scale this morning to see that I now weigh 142.2 lbs! I lost 4.4 lbs since my last weigh in and I have lost 8.6 lbs so far!!! I am almost back to the weight I was after I lost 20 lbs last time and before I gained 10 lbs of the 20 back. This feels like a big accomplishment!
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    today is 229.2 which is down but but my weight's been bouncing all over the place this week. I cant figure out what last Saturday's was. Anyway, my true test is over time. I tend to bounce the same 2-4 pounds up and down.
  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    10/27/12- 172
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member
    No change for me this morning. It's disappointing, but oh well.
  • beautifulneah
    beautifulneah Posts: 32 Member
    My weigh-in for 10/20 - is 305

    Fingers crossed because my goal for 10/27 is 303 :-)

    This week was truly a stressful one so i guess the extra minutes at the gym paid off :-)
    My weight for 10/27 is -3.........302, i succeeded on this weeks goal
  • beautifulneah
    beautifulneah Posts: 32 Member
    No change for me this morning. It's disappointing, but oh well.

    Good Morning :-)
    Though the scale may not have moved, you may have lost inches. Give yourself a pat onthe back and celebrate a NSV, if you pushed yourself to exercise even when you didnt want to. Come on now, we can do this, next week I am sure will be different
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. This is not the first time that my weight loss has "stalled." It took a couple of weeks to get past 210. I was also sick recently, and while I was sick I lost more weight, so I'm thinking this may be my body "normalizing." In any case, I'm not giving up!

    And congrats to all of you. Some great results so far!
  • Kaydana123
    Kaydana123 Posts: 71 Member
    178 this morning, I've finally broken the 180 barrier! :bigsmile:
  • 137.3, down 1.5! Woohoo :)
  • Still hovering right at 182. :grumble: Very slow progress here. Planning to try even harder next week!! I know it's my food choices for sure.
  • 178 this morning, I've finally broken the 180 barrier! :bigsmile:

    Great job!! I can't wait to break free from the 180's!!!
  • Great job everyone! We are certainly bringing sexy back!
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'm actually up 3lbs which I expected....

    Most days I went over my calories so that just goes to show that this stuff does work when you keep yourself IN LINE with what you're supposed to. Not going to cry about it. Already had a crappy week so I'm not going to dwell.... at least I know I am making healthier choices....