Starting 5 Nov 2012



  • Wow - cardio is NOT my thing so that workout just kicked my butt! Feeling sore in muscles I didn't know I had...but feeling good and happy with it. It doesn't even feel stressful working out three days in a row - which I never did. I always had a day break in between because I used to think it'd be too much to take on.
    Glad to hear everyone is doing well! We've got to keep up the positivity and focus.
    I did take before pictures, but I was pretty scantily not sure I'll post them. I guess it will depend on how happy I am with my results, if I wanna take that plunge! :D Anyone else feeling braver than me?
  • well i started the meal plan monday and outside of today i have been very strict on it. im not doing the workouts mainly just cuz i forgot to barrow them from my mom lol. so ill be starting 30 day shred tonight. i also have a 4 year old so she has decided she will work out with me. lol we will see how that lasts. Im glad to have found the group.

    anyone having issues eating the plain greek yogurt?? its probably the only part i dread every day
  • Is anyone else going to take before and after pictures?

    im going to take before and after pics and measurements ^_^
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    A few days out is okay, Brooke! Really happy to have more in the group - I hope we call all provide support and encouragement for one another. You look great in your pic, btw!

    Thanks, Jaz. How have you found the regime?

    Thanks, I have gained four pounds since that pic, but...I am hoping to lose it with Jillian! I can't wait to get my DVDS!!!

    Have you done any of her other dvds? I think it will be really enjoyable because we're not gonna be stuck doing one thing too long. Bit of interest and changing it up - I'm excited. I liked my workout today and she's so motivating! Are you expecting your dvds soon?

    It says that they shipped...I am starting ASAP!! I have done a few of her DVD's before and completed her 30 Day Shred program. I got good results from that, so I am looking forward to a new program.
  • well i started the meal plan monday and outside of today i have been very strict on it. im not doing the workouts mainly just cuz i forgot to barrow them from my mom lol. so ill be starting 30 day shred tonight. i also have a 4 year old so she has decided she will work out with me. lol we will see how that lasts. Im glad to have found the group.

    anyone having issues eating the plain greek yogurt?? its probably the only part i dread every day

    Aww...well, good luck! I wait til mine at are school/nursery because the last time I tried to exercise with them around, I wound up on the bottom of a pile up! lol
    I'm not following her eating plan, though, so I can't be of any help to you there. Maybe you could swap the yogurt for something else similar?
  • well i started the meal plan monday and outside of today i have been very strict on it. im not doing the workouts mainly just cuz i forgot to barrow them from my mom lol. so ill be starting 30 day shred tonight. i also have a 4 year old so she has decided she will work out with me. lol we will see how that lasts. Im glad to have found the group.

    anyone having issues eating the plain greek yogurt?? its probably the only part i dread every day

    Aww...well, good luck! I wait til mine at are school/nursery because the last time I tried to exercise with them around, I wound up on the bottom of a pile up! lol
    I'm not following her eating plan, though, so I can't be of any help to you there. Maybe you could swap the yogurt for something else similar?
    sadly you have to do it once a day but its getting easier its just the yogurt is like eating a cup of sour cream with nuts lol, but i appreicate it. as for my lil one im sure she will be fine she does workouts with my mom when my mom does her at home stuff ^_^ i only have after work to do my workouts cuz i get up at 430 am and i live on the second floor of my apt build so i dont think my downstairs neighbors would appreicate the jumping around etc that early lol
  • Wow, Cardio 1 was a challenge! And I'm feeling sore as well, but it's not unbearable. My 15 year old daughter has decided to join me and she had to lay down about halfway through. I think it's because she doesn't want to modify any of the moves. I've been telling her that she has to work to work at her level (not JM and gang's level), but she doesn't want to listen. I think she'll tone it down tomorrow though. Today totally wiped her out.

    I'm proud of her, that she wants to focus hard and do this program. What an awesome thing it will be for her if she learns to adopt this level of fitness at such an early age.

    I'm feeling a change in my own energy level already. I feel so much better!

  • Wow, Cardio 1 was a challenge! And I'm feeling sore as well, but it's not unbearable. My 15 year old daughter has decided to join me and she had to lay down about halfway through. I think it's because she doesn't want to modify any of the moves. I've been telling her that she has to work to work at her level (not JM and gang's level), but she doesn't want to listen. I think she'll tone it down tomorrow though. Today totally wiped her out.

    I'm proud of her, that she wants to focus hard and do this program. What an awesome thing it will be for her if she learns to adopt this level of fitness at such an early age.

    I'm feeling a change in my own energy level already. I feel so much better!


    that is awesome you are already feeling the goodness from working out. hope you and your daughter continue to push further always nice when you can push past something you never thought you could do.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I started on Nov 5 also. I'm trying to do the full blown 7 day kickstart with the meal plan and double exercise sessions. So far so good on sticking with it. Sticking to the meal plan is tough as I'm use to eating at least one more snack along with grains and fruits. I figure it's only 7 days and I can get through it. Hopefully I see good results!!
    I really just needed to get back on track and I always do better if I start out really strict with exercise and food so the kickstart was perfect.
    Everyone's doing awesome, look forward to seeing everyone's progress!!
  • the greatest thing i have found so far with this is that i am pushing more water. where before i would drink coffee and soda a lot. so that greatly excites me cuz it just makes me feel better
  • So far I am doing great lost 5lbs since Monday! I am not following her meal plan either, its to hard for me with a 2.5 year old and a husband lol. But I trying to stay under 1,200 calories a day, and it seems to be working. I have also noticed I have been drinking a lot more water lately just because everything else has sooo many calories, and I don't want to drink my calories lol. I have to confess I have been using crystal light energy in some of my water though, even though she says to stay away from artifical sweetener :( . Cardio kicked my but as well like the running man, I was having a hard time with that, but I think it was probably because I didn't have shoe on lol. Glad everyone is doing well!
  • I found workout 1 easier the 2nd time around. Anyone else?
  • Is anyone else feeling ravenous? Omg, I could eat a cow these days! Staying under cals has been tricky.
    Well done to everyone; we're nearly done with week 1!
    I was thinking...if you've done your measurements beforehand; should we share our progress at the end of week 2?
  • End of week 2 sounds fine to me.
  • Okay - end of week one for most of us. How did we get on? That cardio KICKS MY BUTT. I'm decidedly NOT looking forward to cardio 2! lol
    Unfortunately, the only movement I got on the scale this week was a half pound IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. My eating was a bit all over the place. Not massively over cals - 100 at the most, but more than helps obviously. I think my body was rejecting being more active. I think I've got it under control now, though...(she hopes). Its too early to be hoping its muscle mass, right? ;) lol
    I'm so impressed and really proud of those of you who just seem to be killing it! Well done on the weight loss!
    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    I just started Body Rev this week. I tried it once before, but got halfway through and life got in the way. But, I'm back and this time I'm going to finish it! This first week is MUCH harder than I remembered it! It really kicked my butt and I am super sore!'s a good feeling. :) Hoping to lose a lb. or two by the end of week 2.
  • Wondering if I can join in?? I have been trying to start Body revolution for a while now, doing a video here and there over the past 3wks. Yesterday was my official start day, I did Workout 1 and Cardio 1. Today I have started with a low impact pilates cardio and will do Jillians Cardio 1 later today. I have 3 kids, work full time, and have had a lot going on in the past 6 months to really make me want to make a major life change.
    I really enjoy reading everyones posts.
  • :flowerforyou: ok beginning of week 2 im down a lot and super excited about it, i officially made it to onederland this morning and i never wanna see the 200's again. i am hopeing that this week goes well too. i hope everyone has a great week
  • Wondering if I can join in?? I have been trying to start Body revolution for a while now, doing a video here and there over the past 3wks. Yesterday was my official start day, I did Workout 1 and Cardio 1. Today I have started with a low impact pilates cardio and will do Jillians Cardio 1 later today. I have 3 kids, work full time, and have had a lot going on in the past 6 months to really make me want to make a major life change.
    I really enjoy reading everyones posts.

    Course you can! Well done for fitting in both workouts; are you planning on doing the Metabolism Kickstart thingy? I think there are a couple of people here following the entire plan, but I'm personally just doing the workouts - and I don't think I've got the inner strength for a whole hour of Jillian! :P
  • :flowerforyou: ok beginning of week 2 im down a lot and super excited about it, i officially made it to onederland this morning and i never wanna see the 200's again. i am hopeing that this week goes well too. i hope everyone has a great week

    Awesome job! Keep up the good work! Are you finding the yogurt any better? :P