Month 6 and I've only Gained - What's up?



  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    So are you doing a metabolism reset at this point? I ran your numbers and it looks like for a reset you should be eating 2500 calories a day. Most people do reset for 8 weeks, then start "cut" by lowering calories by only 10%. So 2250 for you. During reset you will likely gain a few pounds and then stabilize for the rest of the 8 weeks. I'm almost 5 weeks into reset and have gained 4 pounds...yet everyone thinks I've lost weight. I'm lifting for muscle gain, so something must be working. I noticed you said your thyroid results were "within normal range"....hmmmm.... I've been hypothyroid for 11 years now (probably undiagnosed for years before that) and I'm curious if you are willing to share what your test results are. Total TSH, T4, T3, free T3. I'd like to see where your are.

    So, if you are doing a reset....Yay! What are you using as your TDEE? Remember, eat your TDEE everyday.... (be sure to net at least BMR, which for you is about 1600) Keep up the weight lifting... more muscle will only increase your metabolism.

    Another thing... Maybe you should try changing your macros a bit. Especially if you have symptoms of thyroid issues. Many people seem to benefit from lowering carbs while increasing protein and good fats. For me this makes so much of a difference.

    I'm eating at 2100 daily. Have been for a week now and I have gained. I expected it but it still bums me out.

    I got a letter from the clinic saying my results were within normal ranges but it didn't list the actual results. I didn't like not knowing so I have called the lab already and I am able to pick up the lab results in person and during the labs open hours. Haven't done that yet since my inlaws just left. We vacationed together. I plan to get them Wednesday and I'll post them for you. I do know that they didn't do 4 tests, only 2 and *possibly* a 3rd test. I'll let you know what I have mid week.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My BMR according to Scooby's calculator is 1620. Set at a 20% calorie deduction I am eating 1556 calories per day.

    Using which BMR calc?

    Harris is least accurate, and inflates even more when overweight.

    Mifflin is 5% more accurate though still inflated when overweight.

    Katch using bodyfat% is most accurate and actually deflated when overweight.

    If you used Harris say, and it was 200-400 more than Katch (which I've seen with many I've helped actually), times multiplier of 1.55 is 620 extra calories on the TDEE - there goes your deficit, even when you take 20% off that's still 500 extra calories because of inflated value.

    So did you get a decent BF% estimate and use Katch?

    Use the BF% avg there and plug into Scooby again with Katch as BMR method, now see where you are at.

    Or just record your numbers in this spreadsheet for future reference, and see the BMR and deficit. And see what difference it makes even using the Mifflin BMR.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    Did I write this post? OP, I'm going through the something very similar now BUT I'm already behind the reset. I had my blood tested and it all came back within normal range.

    My guess is that my numbers are off and that they are too high.
  • alexapin
    alexapin Posts: 14 Member
    If you are able to afford it, I recommend you to get your BMR tested. After some periods of dieting, your BMR goes down and sometimes it is very diferrent from what formulas say it should be. In case you do found your BMR is lower, then maybe you should decrease a bit your calories till you get a good deficit.

    The good news is that eating more than your RMR and lifting weighs finally will get your RMR higher, and in the future you will be able to increase your calories without gaining.

    In case you find out your RMR is ok and you are having a correct deficit and still not loosing, then probably the answer is that you need to eat more to kep your metabolism going, or maybe you are not making a good estimation of your intake and you are actually eating more than you think.

    Hope this helps
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you are able to afford it, I recommend you to get your BMR tested. After some periods of dieting, your BMR goes down and sometimes it is very diferrent from what formulas say it should be. In case you do found your BMR is lower, then maybe you should decrease a bit your calories till you get a good deficit.

    The good news is that eating more than your RMR and lifting weighs finally will get your RMR higher, and in the future you will be able to increase your calories without gaining.

    In case you find out your RMR is ok and you are having a correct deficit and still not loosing, then probably the answer is that you need to eat more to kep your metabolism going, or maybe you are not making a good estimation of your intake and you are actually eating more than you think.

    Hope this helps

    Well, there is the juxtaposition to that arrangement in several of your statements.

    You have your RMR measured (they don't really do BMR tests except all night and expensive) and it's lower than expected.
    If it is lower because you are not eating enough, but you start eating less as suggested - you've just made it worse after a lag period of potential weight loss.

    If RMR is OK, then eating more won't keep your metabolism going, because if it's OK then it's going as well as can be expected.

    If you are not losing something, inches or weight, then you don't have a deficit, correct or otherwise.

    RMR is useful in confirming that you may be eating too little because it's less than expected.
    BodPod or Dexa scan for best LBM measurement would be even more useful, because the BMR based on that is accurate within 5% - unless suppressed because of other things, diet, thyroid, ect.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member

    My guess is that my numbers are off and that they are too high.

    this is my guess...^
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    I have NO idea what the heck my body is doing. This morning, after eating at nearly reset for a week, I've lost. Initially went up to 202 and am now at 196. I'm going to check out the links previously posted and see what kind of numbers I'm given by all 3 methods.

    The BMR test is very expensive for someone who does not have insurance, like me. It's likely pretty expensive for most people I would gather. I cannot have this test done.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member

    Using which BMR calc?

    Harris is least accurate, and inflates even more when overweight.

    Mifflin is 5% more accurate though still inflated when overweight.

    Katch using bodyfat% is most accurate and actually deflated when overweight.

    If you used Harris say, and it was 200-400 more than Katch (which I've seen with many I've helped actually), times multiplier of 1.55 is 620 extra calories on the TDEE - there goes your deficit, even when you take 20% off that's still 500 extra calories because of inflated value.

    So did you get a decent BF% estimate and use Katch?

    Use the BF% avg there and plug into Scooby again with Katch as BMR method, now see where you are at.

    Or just record your numbers in this spreadsheet for future reference, and see the BMR and deficit. And see what difference it makes even using the Mifflin BMR.

    I used the site and got this...


    42.37 % (U.S. Navy Circumference Method #1 - men and women)

    35.29 % (U.S. Navy Circumference Method #2 - women only)

    30.75 % (book by Covert Bailey "Fit or Fat")

    36.10 % Average
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    I used the site and got this...


    42.37 % (U.S. Navy Circumference Method #1 - men and women)

    35.29 % (U.S. Navy Circumference Method #2 - women only)

    30.75 % (book by Covert Bailey "Fit or Fat")

    36.10 % Average

    So BMR's are all pretty close. Great job holding on to that LBM so far - keep it up.
    Katch - 1597
    Mifflin - 1591
    Harris - 1642

    So even at Moderate activity level, only a difference of 78 calories inflated. Not enough to worry about yet.

    So not enough to worry about yet. But keep measuring, you'll want to anyway, and using the Katch BMR for best accuracy chances down the road.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member

    I used the site and got this...


    42.37 % (U.S. Navy Circumference Method #1 - men and women)

    35.29 % (U.S. Navy Circumference Method #2 - women only)

    30.75 % (book by Covert Bailey "Fit or Fat")

    36.10 % Average

    So BMR's are all pretty close. Great job holding on to that LBM so far - keep it up.
    Katch - 1597
    Mifflin - 1591
    Harris - 1642

    So even at Moderate activity level, only a difference of 78 calories inflated. Not enough to worry about yet.

    So not enough to worry about yet. But keep measuring, you'll want to anyway, and using the Katch BMR for best accuracy chances down the road.

    I'm confused. Should I be eating 1597 calories to loose? I'm above that now and this am I weighed in at 194...another 2 lbs down from earlier this week. Since the scale is going down I kinda want to keep eating where I'm at to keep up the loosing. I have a total of 44 pounds to loose from this mornings weigh in.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm confused. Should I be eating 1597 calories to loose? I'm above that now and this am I weighed in at 194...another 2 lbs down from earlier this week. Since the scale is going down I kinda want to keep eating where I'm at to keep up the loosing. I have a total of 44 pounds to loose from this mornings weigh in.

    Those are BMR figures based on difference formulas.

    Please read the stickies if you forgot the importance of knowing your BMR and TDEE and what the difference is.