Special Method or Diet?

brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
Hey everyone I thought we could share what is working for each of us as far as exercise and diet.

I have started incorporating Bob Harpers "The Skinny Rules" into my daily health plan. So far so good.

Getting ready to start back on exercise. I have some dvd's and of course walking. I plan on bringing my extra pair of sneakers to school so during my lunch break I can walk. I am also thinking about going back to the gym. I hate to walk outside when its cold and well its cold! We belonged to a gym here for about a month or two last year but it got to be so hard to go during the holidays so I just have to make myself do it. My plan is to start back 3 days a week with exercise and then maybe increase it here and there as I can.


  • Avason
    Avason Posts: 37
    I stopped shoveling a bag of potatochips down my throat every night, cut back on the energy drinks and started walking 30 minutes a day. Seems to be a big enough deficit for me to start losing some weight and to break some unhealthy habbits.

    I don't mind the cold at all so walking will be a great exercise until late spring since I hate the heat :P
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I am doing the 17 day diet by Dr. Mike, and doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred right now. What I find the most frustrating is that while working out intensely, the scale doesn't like to budge as much...I just have to keep in mind that it is because I am building lean muscle while burning fat. :)
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
    LOL I am not a fan of walking in the extreme heat either!
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
    I am doing the 17 day diet by Dr. Mike, and doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred right now. What I find the most frustrating is that while working out intensely, the scale doesn't like to budge as much...I just have to keep in mind that it is because I am building lean muscle while burning fat. :)

    What day are you on? I have thought about getting that but wasn't sure I was ready for it yet lol

    I know I am getting to start exercising so I know there will be a two week period where my body will be out of whack hopefully it won't be to bad.
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Here is my plan to match my lbs I pledged -
    1. FOOD -Follow 6 week plan from Dr. Joel Fuhrman's "Eat for Life"
    2. EXERCISE - Continue my current routine (Zumba, HIIT class, UJam classes on weekdays), Finish my C25K (on week 4). Add Strength training 2 times/week.

  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I have been logging my food on here, which has helped a lot; started cutting back on soda; and have finally become consistent with working out! I have a long way to go, but just getting this far was an accomplishment and quite a change from the habits I had before.
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I am doing the 17 day diet by Dr. Mike, and doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred right now. What I find the most frustrating is that while working out intensely, the scale doesn't like to budge as much...I just have to keep in mind that it is because I am building lean muscle while burning fat. :)

    What day are you on? I have thought about getting that but wasn't sure I was ready for it yet lol

    I know I am getting to start exercising so I know there will be a two week period where my body will be out of whack hopefully it won't be to bad.

    Ha, welllllll, I am on day 3 of cycle 1. HOWEVER...I started it Oct 15...was on it like 10 days, cheated (out of necessity and being unprepared for my meals) then kept cheating for a few days, so i extended my first round an extra 5 days. I lost 10 lbs. Then this past weekend I went off plan completely, as well as quit working out. I gained like 1.4 lbs...but i expected it. So, went back on plan on Tuesday...I have decided to keep doing cycle 1, with a few cheats here and there to get in extra carbs and then go back to low carbs/no carbs other than whats in my fruit and probiotics. I am going to do this for a while until I feel like I have lost a decent amount and want to go onto the next cycle.

    The way it is designed is to rotate the first 3 cycles until your goal weight is achieved. Then into the 4th cycle for your way of life.
  • erikaaaaaaaa
    erikaaaaaaaa Posts: 155 Member
    Here's what I'm thinking:

    Food, keep logging and really just trying to eat less processed. No specific diet in mind.

    Exercise, I plan to follow through on the 30 day shred and cardio at the gym until around the first week of December when I go home where I don't have a gym membership. There I'll do this awesome pilates video I have and take lots and lots of walks with my mom's puppy. I think it'll be good to switch things up anyhow.
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    As far as food goes, I'm just sticking to 1500 a day with mostly healthy choices. I do allow for a sweet or my favorite (cheese!!) as long as I account for it.

    Working out has been moderation right now. I do two days a week walking the treadmill or outside at a moderate pace for 45-60 minutes, and 3 days doing the crossramp for 45. I've found with all of my friends who lost a lot of weight and got into being athletic that it happened gradually. They started out doing moderate exercise and as they went along they just wanted to do more. If that happens for me, great! But I've always been happiest with moderation, so we will see!
  • MonicaWillian
    MonicaWillian Posts: 7 Member
    I have no set diet in mind I m just trying to really pay attention to portion sizes and increase my fruit and veg at every meal! For exercise I will increase my run from 30 min intervals eachday to 45 and be more consistent with my weight training!
    Anyone out there have a good resistance band workout plan?
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Six weeks?
    Well i have a program that i should start finally called Slim in 6.
    What a perfect group to start and to hold me accountable for sticking to this program.
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    Currently Im doing insanity, I also try to incorporate a walk or treadmill into my routine for extra cardio. I just finished a detox which helped me lose 8lbs but of course insanity has made the scale go up 2 (im trying to tell myself its not fat). I also kicked the drinks and stick to water now!
  • Scott_Chaput
    My "diet" is really simple.

    I am eating at a caloric deficit so that I will lose 2 lbs a week while working out a LOT. I am minimizing the amount of processed food I eat and eat mostly lean protein, whole grains and other good stuff. No diet soda, no diet juice only water which I love.

    One single meal every week I eat whatever I want. I track it still and the exercise I do all week far more than makes up for that one meal. I end every day with a massive caloric deficit due to the exercise.

    In the last 30 days I've lost 14lbs.

    I don't expect this pace to keep up. My solution is a long term one... If it takes me a year or more then so be it. It took me a decade to put it on I expect it will take a long time to take it off. When I do get it off it will have been done in a healthy way.

    You don't need a gimmick... Diet, exercise and moderation really IS the key.
  • SunnyBellaB
    Logging my foods everyday no matter what, avoiding high fat and fried food at all costs. Trying to drink more water too. I have been doing cardio 3x a week for at least 40 min each workout. I use the treadmill to fast walk/jog for and the elliptical. I hope to start C25K in the new year!
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
    loving some of your responses! My big downfall is the weekend. I tend not to log my food and then have to go back and do it on Monday. Which means I am usually over my calories! So this weekend I am going to try and really keep up with my food log.

    I agree with you Scott the pounds didn't go on overnight and they sure won't come off overnight either! Slow and steady wins the race.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I recently restarted my numbers in October after a lot of contemplating. I want this to be a lifestyle change and to be able to continue eating the things I love. I want to learn to eat "everything in moderation." since the restart, I have been recording every day to make it a habit. Good and Bad. No exceptions. And just becaues I forget to submit the entry some nights doesn't mean I didn't finish recording.

    Between now and NYE, I plan to make a list of everything I need to get caught up doing with my moving and unpacking, my two jobs, etc. With that, I have made a goal of walking 300 minutes in November. I will probably do something for December too.I want to start slow and take baby steps. I feel the slower I make my changes and make it more of a habit, the more lasting it will be, and the less likely I will plateau.

    Eventually, I want to complete the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga, 30 Day Shred, C25K, The 100 pull up program (which also includes sit ups, squats, dips and they're making a pull up one). I also want to set up the XBox kinect in my new place and start playing my fat off!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    loving some of your responses! My big downfall is the weekend. I tend not to log my food and then have to go back and do it on Monday. Which means I am usually over my calories! So this weekend I am going to try and really keep up with my food log.

    If you have a smart phone, download the app. My boyfriend has learned to accept that the at first sitting down at a restaurant or for a meal, I must record what I plan to eat. Having it on the phone makes it very easy
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Logging my foods everyday no matter what, avoiding high fat and fried food at all costs. Trying to drink more water too. I have been doing cardio 3x a week for at least 40 min each workout. I use the treadmill to fast walk/jog for and the elliptical. I hope to start C25K in the new year!

    That's my main concentration right now, logging my food no matter if it will keep me under or over. It's making me honest and accountable.

    I also want to do the C25K again eventually. I barely got past W1D1
  • KrD265
    KrD265 Posts: 22
    I started a moderate Keto diet on Monday (11/12), I plan on continuing that. This coming Monday (11/19), I plan to hit the gym 3-5 times a week. My workouts will mostly consist of Cardio. 30min jog - 30min elliptical. Wednesday nights, I'll be playing pick up basketball at the community rec center for 1-2hours.
  • GoingAllTheWay4MeDee
    I focus on eating low-carbs...It has worked for me!! What works for you all!!