December 2012 due dates :)



  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I totally forgot about this group!!! My baby had been measuring right on until last week, now the lil guy is measuring not so little. lol. he is measuring 2 weeks ahead, I am hoping we will get to meet him before christmas!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I feel like I need to make sure the house is clean every day (esp the floor staying vaccumed) and laundry stays done up bc I know that if I come home to a messy house its going to stress me out. That's just the type of person I am!

    ^^This! I am such a neat freak too. I know exactly what you mean.

    Glad I'm not the only crazy one!!!! :laugh:
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    30 more days until my due date!!!! 12-13, Can't believe how it is right around the corner :noway: These coming weeks will be super busy... 2 year Anniversary on the 20, Thanksgiving, DD 3rd birthday on 12/02 and than baby!!!!! Hoping she holds up until after December 3 lol Besides the excitement of having a new baby I'm excited to start my weight loss journey again. I was only using myfitnesspal for a month when I found out I was pregnant and hadn't lost any weight. I started the pregnancy at 180lbs and based on my last appoint, 11/07 I am currently 190lbs. Which is not bad, based on my BMI it is recommended I gain btw 11-20lbs with this pregnancy. With DD I gained 31lbs and started the pregnancy at 160lbs. Hopefully with my moderate weight gain and breastfeeding hoping to start my weight lost journey weighing less than 180lbs. Can't weight for the New Year to start setting up Mini Goals!!1:happy:

    Wow the next month is busy for you! I too am ready to get back to losing weight!! I was on mfp for a year before getting pregnant and I'm so ready to get the weight back off after baby! That is fantastic you have kept your weight gain down!!!!!!!!!! I was 150 when I got pregnant but am only 5'1" so my goal was 15-25 lb gain but I've gone over that by 10 thus far so not terrible.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I totally forgot about this group!!! My baby had been measuring right on until last week, now the lil guy is measuring not so little. lol. he is measuring 2 weeks ahead, I am hoping we will get to meet him before christmas!

    Ahhhh lol! When is your actual dd? Are you hoping he comes early? I asked my dr yesterday how much he thinks my little man weighs and he said maybe 5 1/2-6 lbs and will gain around 1/2 lb each week from now on so I think he's going to be about average :)
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I totally forgot about this group!!! My baby had been measuring right on until last week, now the lil guy is measuring not so little. lol. he is measuring 2 weeks ahead, I am hoping we will get to meet him before christmas!

    Ahhhh lol! When is your actual dd? Are you hoping he comes early? I asked my dr yesterday how much he thinks my little man weighs and he said maybe 5 1/2-6 lbs and will gain around 1/2 lb each week from now on so I think he's going to be about average :)
    My actual due date is 12/27, I would like him to arrive just a tad early just so i can have him home to wake up with us on Christmas morning. We bought the baby his first teddy bear and would like it to be his first gift as well.

    We also have to deal with insurance deductibles and since mine is really high and we have already met it this year i would hate for the baby to be late and arrive after the 1st of the year and put us in financial trouble. I know that is a very selfish reason but i worry that the deductible we would ahve to pay twice ( this year and next year) would make it hard to provide much for the baby, especially since i will be out of work with not pay
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I totally forgot about this group!!! My baby had been measuring right on until last week, now the lil guy is measuring not so little. lol. he is measuring 2 weeks ahead, I am hoping we will get to meet him before christmas!

    Ahhhh lol! When is your actual dd? Are you hoping he comes early? I asked my dr yesterday how much he thinks my little man weighs and he said maybe 5 1/2-6 lbs and will gain around 1/2 lb each week from now on so I think he's going to be about average :)
    My actual due date is 12/27, I would like him to arrive just a tad early just so i can have him home to wake up with us on Christmas morning. We bought the baby his first teddy bear and would like it to be his first gift as well.

    We also have to deal with insurance deductibles and since mine is really high and we have already met it this year i would hate for the baby to be late and arrive after the 1st of the year and put us in financial trouble. I know that is a very selfish reason but i worry that the deductible we would ahve to pay twice ( this year and next year) would make it hard to provide much for the baby, especially since i will be out of work with not pay

    That's totally understandable!!!
  • Skatha89
    Skatha89 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm due the 1st, no progress but very anxious! Lots of braxton hicks, and false labor. Even some timeable 7 minute apart painful contractions that last a few hours but go away!

    We are washing his bedding today and than we're all ready!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Shopping this weekend for a few items we are missing and doing lots of laundry this weekend. Due date is 12/15 and had an appt today and am 1 cm dilated but they believe she is breach so have some decisions to make over the next few weeks. Just been really tired and if one more person tells me I look exhausted I am going to scream. Not sure about you guys but I am getting really depressed when I look in the mirror. Yes I know I am having a baby, but I can't help feeling huge. I only gained 7lbs but I didn't lose all the weight I wanted to lose before becoming pregnant. Ok I know everyone is excited and I am just complaining. I think I am just ready to meet her and to have my body back and to stop taking all these iron supplements. Plus I looked at all my exercise videos that I had to stop (bled everytime I did them) and am getting ansy to have my dates with Tony, Bob and Jillian. Hopefully I can start my weight loss at a lower weight than when I became pregnant. With my son I walked out of the hospital 11lbs lighter than when I became pregnant.
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I'm due on Jan 2nd but went for a scan last week and my little fella is measuring big so they want to re-scan in 3 if the little fella has grown more than he should have done they may induce me, so hope you all don't mind me gatecrashing this group ;-) you are you all feeling? I'm tired, fed up and just want him here now and I want my body back!! Roll on the next month for us all :-)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm due on Jan 2nd but went for a scan last week and my little fella is measuring big so they want to re-scan in 3 if the little fella has grown more than he should have done they may induce me, so hope you all don't mind me gatecrashing this group ;-) you are you all feeling? I'm tired, fed up and just want him here now and I want my body back!! Roll on the next month for us all :-)

    Aww well maybe he will decide to come in december!! I'm feeling great!! I've had a fabulous pregnancy :) but I am getting antsy and anxious for my little man to get here!!! And I am ready to get back to losing weight instead of gaining...but he's totally been worth every pound :)
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    Ahh, 3 weeks left for me! So excited but still so much to do! In the next three weeks, besides getting stuff ready for baby, I have to put on 2 birthday parties, attend 2 baby showers (for me, so not complaining), go to 2 Christmas dinners, one Christmas party....oh, and hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow for 22 people. I three daughters, so lots of school stuff going on, couple days of work thrown in there, and of course be ready for Christmas before baby's arrival. Also having construction done -turning our loft into a bedroom for baby. Was supposed to be done on the 19th, probably wont be done til the 30th. Phew....21 days is going to go sooo fast!

    On a different note, had a doc appt today. No progress or anything, which is fine -not ready for baby to come early. They did a growth u/s and looks like the baby is 5 lbs 12 oz, could gain another pound and a half or so in the next 3, average size baby. Baby is still frank breech, though.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Getting so close to our December babies!!:)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Ahh, 3 weeks left for me! So excited but still so much to do! In the next three weeks, besides getting stuff ready for baby, I have to put on 2 birthday parties, attend 2 baby showers (for me, so not complaining), go to 2 Christmas dinners, one Christmas party....oh, and hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow for 22 people. I three daughters, so lots of school stuff going on, couple days of work thrown in there, and of course be ready for Christmas before baby's arrival. Also having construction done -turning our loft into a bedroom for baby. Was supposed to be done on the 19th, probably wont be done til the 30th. Phew....21 days is going to go sooo fast!

    On a different note, had a doc appt today. No progress or anything, which is fine -not ready for baby to come early. They did a growth u/s and looks like the baby is 5 lbs 12 oz, could gain another pound and a half or so in the next 3, average size baby. Baby is still frank breech, though.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Getting so close to our December babies!!:)

    HOLY COW!!!!!!!!! You're going to be SO busy! Be sure to take some time (especially tomorrow) to rest! Plus side to all your business is that time should FLY! I've got 2 weeks and 3 days till my due date and for me all my running and last minute things are all done for the most part so really this is like the calm before the "storm" so to speak! We recently did some remodeling on our house and I still have a few small things to do over the next couple weeks but since I've slowed down some so has time! So at this point im just going to enjoy the last couple weeks (if that) with my husband :)
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Ahh, 3 weeks left for me! So excited but still so much to do! In the next three weeks, besides getting stuff ready for baby, I have to put on 2 birthday parties, attend 2 baby showers (for me, so not complaining), go to 2 Christmas dinners, one Christmas party....oh, and hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow for 22 people. I three daughters, so lots of school stuff going on, couple days of work thrown in there, and of course be ready for Christmas before baby's arrival. Also having construction done -turning our loft into a bedroom for baby. Was supposed to be done on the 19th, probably wont be done til the 30th. Phew....21 days is going to go sooo fast!

    On a different note, had a doc appt today. No progress or anything, which is fine -not ready for baby to come early. They did a growth u/s and looks like the baby is 5 lbs 12 oz, could gain another pound and a half or so in the next 3, average size baby. Baby is still frank breech, though.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Getting so close to our December babies!!:)

    Wow, you are going to be busy! I went for a growth u/s at 33 weeks and baby was 4 lbs 5oz!! I have another u/s at 37 weeks. I have a feeling my baby is already over 5 lbs and I still have 6 weeks left to go :-( very scared about the size of this baby :-(
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Ahhhhhhh its almost December ladies!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting SO anxious and running out of things to do to stay busy! So not cool! besides keeping the house clean/laundry done, I'm ready! How's it gong with yall?
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Today my Dr gave me all the paperwor that I need to carry with me all the time in case I 'll go to labour.
    I am so not ready and not even full term yet. My EDD is December 28th, so I have a full month , and I have so much thing to do.
    I am still waiting for many parcels to arrive that I need for my new baby.
    I feel guilty not being prepared better, as I dind;t needed to buy much. This is my second, and I really had everything: crib, carseat, stroller, dresser etc. I only needed to buy a bigger diaper bag, a new mattress to the crib and some clothes because this is a girl and I had a boy before.
    Still my diaper bag is just shipped yesterday, and my baby girl do not have a homecoming outfit yet.
    I pulled out everyhing, but I haven;t washed anything yet. Yikes, I better get work on this.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Ahhhhhhh its almost December ladies!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting SO anxious and running out of things to do to stay busy! So not cool! besides keeping the house clean/laundry done, I'm ready! How's it gong with yall?

    I have everything set up for the baby and all his clothes washed. We are ready and waiting but i am a little OCD and freak out if i dont have stuff completely planned out and ready way ahead of time. PLus i am so looking to some time off work! lol
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Today my Dr gave me all the paperwor that I need to carry with me all the time in case I 'll go to labour.
    I am so not ready and not even full term yet. My EDD is December 28th, so I have a full month , and I have so much thing to do.
    I am still waiting for many parcels to arrive that I need for my new baby.
    I feel guilty not being prepared better, as I dind;t needed to buy much. This is my second, and I really had everything: crib, carseat, stroller, dresser etc. I only needed to buy a bigger diaper bag, a new mattress to the crib and some clothes because this is a girl and I had a boy before.
    Still my diaper bag is just shipped yesterday, and my baby girl do not have a homecoming outfit yet.
    I pulled out everyhing, but I haven;t washed anything yet. Yikes, I better get work on this.

    Everyone gets ready at different speeds, I wouldn't stress too much about it!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Ahhhhhhh its almost December ladies!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting SO anxious and running out of things to do to stay busy! So not cool! besides keeping the house clean/laundry done, I'm ready! How's it gong with yall?

    I have everything set up for the baby and all his clothes washed. We are ready and waiting but i am a little OCD and freak out if i dont have stuff completely planned out and ready way ahead of time. PLus i am so looking to some time off work! lol

    I bet you are ready to be off work!!!!!! And I am the same about things being ready and perfect! And I start freaking out if the house doesn't stay spotless! Lol
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    I was due Dec 5 and my baby girl was born November 15. I got off work at 1am on the 14th then at about 6am my water broke. I called my husband's work to tell them to let him leave in a couple of hours. I use to manage that location so they all know me. I told them that I still had a few things to get at the store. That day was my first day off in forever my restaurant has been undergoing a major remodel so I'd been working 60ish hours a week. We'll they told my husband and he of course hurries home. He works like thirty miles away. So I told him we had to stop by my restaurant to get some items we were taking to the Ronald McDonald house. So against his desire we did and we dropped off the stuff at the rmcc house. Which was in the same hospital I was delivering at. So then it's almost ten and I was suppose to be at a drs appointment at 1015 so we walked over there and I tell my Dr my water broke. He says go to the hospital and he will be over in a bit. So they register me because I still didn't pre register because I was suppose to that day after my appointment. Then we go back to the room. I'm at 4 dilated. Well hours later I'm at 4 still they start pitocin. I decide finally I want to sleep as I got only 3 hours so I am ready to do an epidural. Well I freak myself out start hyperventilating and they hurry the epidural up before I pass out. Well for an hour it works then it starts leaking. I'm now super tired in a lot of pain. Pit is at 65. I'm still at 4. I decide to get another epidural to sleep. Well at ten something they get it. My Dr then comes in and they find out she is actually in a second water bag hers didn't break. Well they break that one and I went from a 4to 10 in like 2.5 hours. Then it's time to push i do one push she says oh hold on we need to get your dr. He was waiting cuz i had problems with bleeding with my son and he wanted to control what he could. So he shows up one set of pushing she is out. It's the easiest part lol. So Adia khalen was born at 155 am weighing 7lb 13 oz 21in. She waited till the 15th because I kept joking to my boss is was going to have my baby on her birthday which I did. FYI My boss is awesome and so is my company so it's okay she was born then. She is doing excellent is going to undergo some testing for aspiration and laryngomalacia as our son has it and she has the symptoms already. But I did attempt to have a blood transfusion against what I wanted for 6 hemoglobin. Because I was slurring my words and couldn't walk the Dr on call ordered it. Well I had an allergic reaction to the blood and it stopped my lungs and when I woke up from flat lining my right side of my body was temporarily paralyzed. It was the scariest thing ever. I'm so thankful my husband was in the room because he had just showed up from work shortly before that. I might have been dead if it wasn't for him. But she was worth it all:) sry this is so long lol also I typed it on my phone so forgive the grammar lol
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I was due Dec 5 and my baby girl was born November 15. I got off work at 1am on the 14th then at about 6am my water broke. I called my husband's work to tell them to let him leave in a couple of hours. I use to manage that location so they all know me. I told them that I still had a few things to get at the store. That day was my first day off in forever my restaurant has been undergoing a major remodel so I'd been working 60ish hours a week. We'll they told my husband and he of course hurries home. He works like thirty miles away. So I told him we had to stop by my restaurant to get some items we were taking to the Ronald McDonald house. So against his desire we did and we dropped off the stuff at the rmcc house. Which was in the same hospital I was delivering at. So then it's almost ten and I was suppose to be at a drs appointment at 1015 so we walked over there and I tell my Dr my water broke. He says go to the hospital and he will be over in a bit. So they register me because I still didn't pre register because I was suppose to that day after my appointment. Then we go back to the room. I'm at 4 dilated. Well hours later I'm at 4 still they start pitocin. I decide finally I want to sleep as I got only 3 hours so I am ready to do an epidural. Well I freak myself out start hyperventilating and they hurry the epidural up before I pass out. Well for an hour it works then it starts leaking. I'm now super tired in a lot of pain. Pit is at 65. I'm still at 4. I decide to get another epidural to sleep. Well at ten something they get it. My Dr then comes in and they find out she is actually in a second water bag hers didn't break. Well they break that one and I went from a 4to 10 in like 2.5 hours. Then it's time to push i do one push she says oh hold on we need to get your dr. He was waiting cuz i had problems with bleeding with my son and he wanted to control what he could. So he shows up one set of pushing she is out. It's the easiest part lol. So Adia khalen was born at 155 am weighing 7lb 13 oz 21in. She waited till the 15th because I kept joking to my boss is was going to have my baby on her birthday which I did. FYI My boss is awesome and so is my company so it's okay she was born then. She is doing excellent is going to undergo some testing for aspiration and laryngomalacia as our son has it and she has the symptoms already. But I did attempt to have a blood transfusion against what I wanted for 6 hemoglobin. Because I was slurring my words and couldn't walk the Dr on call ordered it. Well I had an allergic reaction to the blood and it stopped my lungs and when I woke up from flat lining my right side of my body was temporarily paralyzed. It was the scariest thing ever. I'm so thankful my husband was in the room because he had just showed up from work shortly before that. I might have been dead if it wasn't for him. But she was worth it all:) sry this is so long lol also I typed it on my phone so forgive the grammar lol

    Very cool story! A million congratulations to you and your family!