Officially Cancelled MY WW Acct! New TO Counting Calories!



  • v65magna
    v65magna Posts: 27 Member
    I also cancelled my WW. Was on and off it for 3 years. Did have success initially but the pasy year I have been slowly creeping up again. First week on MFP was amazing. I thoung maybe I'm meant to count calories instead of points. There are some foods that I have cut out completely since finding out the calories they contain. Wishing you all great success here on MFP. :happy:
  • I tried WW for a month before I cancelled. To me, it was not a user friendly site. I enjoy this site and all the great tips, info, stories on the message boards. Welcome aboard.

    I am always looking for new MFP friends.

    Also, check out Phat to Fit Mamas group.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I used we after I had most of my kids and always worked well for me until I hit about 38 and things just changed as I aged:( I started MFP in March and have had great results, currently 4 lbs from goal! Best of luck to you!!!
  • Pammy820
    Pammy820 Posts: 117 Member
    welcome!! Feel free to add me!
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    I never went to WW .... but it does work for some people.......

    I have had the most success here on MFP keeping track of my food intake AND use of my new FitBit One. I now go out of my way to get in the extra steps during the day!
  • RLehotsky
    RLehotsky Posts: 27 Member
    I am serious about weight loss. So right now I am a member here, on weight watchers and iFit. I do alot of meal entries comparing weight watchers to mfp. MFP is easier by far and mfp gives me more calories than iFit so I try to balance all three and between them I should see some results.
  • yanasmom
    yanasmom Posts: 27 Member
    I am also a former WW member. I was able to lose weight with the program however I find MFP a lot more user friendly. Not having to convert what I see on labels to points works better for me. I also believe that fruits and vegetables should be counted as they do have calories. I cancelled my WW the beginning of the year and not looking back......
  • cdiele
    cdiele Posts: 34 Member
    I have to agree with all of you! I always had trouble with WW and not counting the fruits and veggies for the calories. I really like the community feel of MFP better. It's very supportive!
    Please feel free to add me as your friend :smile:
  • I was AMAZED at the amount of food items on the MFP database, as compared to the one on WW! And no need to bring my little calculator to figure out points in the grocery store or before I ate my food.

    SEEING the breakdown of calories, fat, protein - etc was a big help to me - and I am much more motivated here!!!
  • luv_2_lift
    luv_2_lift Posts: 38 Member
    I started WW in May and then joined MFP in June. I have had great success but am contemplating cancelling WW soon. I found WW helped me know the right foods to eat within my calorie goal to achieve balanced nutrition. However, now that I'm getting close to my goal weight I realize that WW looks at the number on the scale and that's about it. Although I have a goal weight, ultimately I want to stay fit which may not keep my weight within 2 lb of my goal weight which is what WW requires. They actually told me at my last weigh in that I should tell my personal trainer to back off my workouts so I can stay within the 2 lb of goal weight. Really??!! Think I'll be cancelling sooner rather than later. I really like the MFP website much better anyway.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    i did WW for a while, and it worked in the beginning. then the weight started creeping back on. i find this site to be much more user-friendly and the database is extensive. i like the reports. i like being able to see the nutritional breakdown of what i'm eating. this helps me make informed choices. i like not figuring out how many points my food is. MFP is just easier and less time consuming. and it's free.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I did WW in the early 90s and lost 52 lbs. I gained it back when I went up 3 lbs, lost the Lifetime Member status and just gave it up. I tried it years later, didn't understand the points thing - my frozen yogurt was pretty unlimited and that didn't make sense. I've tried once or twice on my own, but needed to be accountable to someone. I did open a WW online account last year but never did anything with it and just let it go. Found this place and fell in love. The community support is great, I've learned a lot about what I've been doing wrong all these years. And no weekly dues :happy:

    I'd love more friends. I have a couple here, but they're not too big on the motivation part. More would be nice.
  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    I am still a member of WW. I really like the ppl there and I have a lot of friends. I cant say I have followed the points in a long long long time. I have lost like 56 lbs there but I really love MFP.