


  • krstn102109
    krstn102109 Posts: 20 Member
    I prefer the idea of mini goals over long-term goals. Of course the long term goals are in my head, but I don't like to focus on those as it makes it entirely too easy to get discouraged. For the month of my December, my goals are to work out more than I have been thus far, add strength training and weight lifting to my work outs, find some new fun & healthy breakfast ideas (it's the meal I struggle most with typically), and I would love to lose at least 8lbs or 7 inches (I seem to lose inches much more than pounds - not sure why). This is the first month that I am making goals for the month...I thought it would help me get through the holidays without getting off track. Thanks for adding me to the group - I definitely could use some support! Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend (:
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member

    I'm Jill. 5'0" HW: 164 SW: 162 CW: 155 GW: 110-120 (we'll see). Mother to a 5 month old cutie.

    My December goals are to maintain my workout schedule as best as I can through the holidays (my gym has pretty pathetic hoiliday hours), substitute walks on the days the gym is closed, and stay within my calorie goals on all days except Christmas supper with my side and the day with hubby's side. That said, my goal is to be within my calorie goal for the week of Christmas, just not those specific days.

    I weigh in and am measured at the gym on Dec 12 and Jan 12... My goal is to be down SOMETHING both times. I get that this is a sprint and not a marathon, but I am afraid of any setbacks particularly because I return to full time shift work in June and find t incredibly difficult to lose or maintain while working shifts. So I kind of feel like I should try my best to drop the remaining 45lbs before I go back. That way with fewer workouts I will maybe still hav hope of maintaining due to a good workout ethic and ingrained healthy eating habits!

    All that to say I really can't afford to slack this December!
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    I work out with a trainer twice a week and would like to continue doing half hour of cardio a minimum of 4 times per week. I would really like to lose 7 lbs by the new year. I will then be at the lowest weight I've seen in my post college adult life. It would be a great gift to give myself.
  • kissmisskate
    kissmisskate Posts: 92 Member
    Hello all! I'm Kate, and I'm so excited to be part of this supportive, motivated community. Age: 24, Height: 5'4", SW: 150 CW: 146. I'm hoping to lose 15-20lbs by April, something I think is totally doable if I keep my head straight; but my goal for december is mostly to not gain anything! I'm wanting to look chic in a shift for my husband's graduation receptions/ceremony in 3 weeks, and so I'm trying to be very active (30 Day Shred) and mindful of what I eat. So hard though! Why do carbs have to be soooo delicious?
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Georgia, 24yr old Aussie :-)

    I joined MFP in Jan 2011. I quit smoking and started regular exercises and C25k and lost a few kilos. I started to take it really seriously this year in Feb.

    I workout a lot and absolutely love it, but food is my weakness. I am good most of the time but often have blow outs. I am trying to reduce my sugar intake...I go way over a lot, even without chocolates or lollies. I think the overdose in sugar is what is causing my tummy to not leave.

    I really need a challenge to keep me motivated over the holiday season. I will be at our beach house for at least 2 weeks and I want to make sure I can stick to good foods and being active over that time, even if I can't go to a gym (which will kill me!!!) Lots of Kayaking, swimming, running etc instead so it's ok!

    I need friends that yell at me if I log bad foods.

    Goals between now and Christmas: I have made a vow to log every day until Christmas day and focus on lowering my sugar intake. If I see results in BF% and how I feel by Christmas day, I'm hoping it will give me the will power to keep going.
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    My goal is to lose the 17 pounds I have gained back since I started MFP 2 years ago. I used to run regularly, and then I allowed busy-ness to keep running from being a priority. Looking forward to running long distances again.:happy:
  • mdb543
    mdb543 Posts: 219 Member
    You guys all have great goals!! I would like to add that I definitely need to work on in-taking more water through the day!! I'm terrible at this and I really feel it during a workout. I'm home all day so there is no excuse!!!
  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    You can get the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred on youtube.... just an idea! I did the 30 days and it was great!

    For my goals, I have lost 26 since I started on MFP and I still have 34 to go. I want to lose another 12 before the end of the year, then I will be under 200 enough to really say I am under 200! I am doing 2 weeks of circuit training right now, I am going to do a week of lifting and running and then start Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD to get me through the Christmas and the new year!
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    You can get the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred on youtube.... just an idea! I did the 30 days and it was great!

    For my goals, I have lost 26 since I started on MFP and I still have 34 to go. I want to lose another 12 before the end of the year, then I will be under 200 enough to really say I am under 200! I am doing 2 weeks of circuit training right now, I am going to do a week of lifting and running and then start Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD to get me through the Christmas and the new year!

    Indeed, there are lots of cool videos on Youtube and Hulu, although clearing enough space for the moves can be an issue, but at least they are free! I found alot of them out at the library, or put request holds on the ones more popular. Where there is a will, there is a way and with my current situation of being off from work till surgery, I'm all about being cheap cheap! :)

    Goal 1 Exercise 6 days a week, 45 minutes
    Goal 2 Eat cleaner, less processed
    Goal 3 Cut back on sodium, I can gain 8lbs in one day after a sodium blowout and feel blah and bloated.

    That's it for now, mini goals :)
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    My goals through to the new year are to continue with a minimum of 3km run every morning with the dogs, I really need to work on toning now that I have made some significant progress so I have set some goals for push ups, dips, crunchs, lunges and squats to get myself started for more aggressive goals starting Jan 1, 2013.

    I also want to continue to track all my food, no matter what I eat which has been great at keeping me accountable. As well to maintain my eating what I want within moderation, this time around I have made huge progress since I have not been extreme with my changes to what I eat, more changed how much I eat and drink :drinker:

    Here`s to ending the year strong and healthy :drinker:
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    My goals are to lose about 10 more pounds and tone up. I have numerous DVD's and I workout from home. I have the Insanity program at home but I think I am still intimidated to try it out. I did one session and I haven't done it again. Tonight I will do either Zumba or CArdio Kickboxing by Jillian Michaels. Even if I lose the weight I really want to really get toned. I work out at night because I have 4 kids and I need every minute of sleep I can get but I am really trying to start working out in the morning. I find that when I work out in the morning I feel better throughout the day and If I workout in the day I won't have to worry about it until the next morning.

    Im good at tracking my food but sometimes I make bad decisions on the food that I eat but I make up for it by working out harder.
  • libbygrl
    libbygrl Posts: 10 Member
    My goal is to stay within my calories each day, especially since I don't know when I'll be able to do real exercise again since I hurt my foot.

    I want to be down 10 lbs. by Jan. 2, which could be possible if I can start working out again within the next week.