Weigh-in (Wed. Nov.28th)

lao482 Posts: 68 Member
I hope you guys don't mind me starting this thread, but I'm excited to see how everyone did this week.

SW: 175
CW: 169.6
GW by Jan 1, 2013: 155

Hope everyone had an amazing week. We can all do this....so let's hear your mini goals for this week. Mine is to burn 3500 calories again and to drink more water. Congrats on all your hard work so far!:drinker:


  • SW 127.0
    CW 125.6
    GW 117.0
    Goals: I failed my goals last week (didn't start 30DS or track food/exercise) but I tracked Monday and Tuesday, so I'm going to try to stay on a roll! Need to do a lot of housework/yardwork to prep for winter, so that will be my main type of exercise this week!
  • SW: 168.0
    CW: 162.5
    GW: 152

    Well I made some progress to meeting my loose 10% by 1/1/13 goal. I worked out and I tracked every day. That's been the best. And I got my boyfriend in to do it as well which has totally helped me stay good. We can do this! I actually feel motivated to keep this going. Week 2 here we come!
  • coburngirl
    coburngirl Posts: 69 Member
    I started this challenge at 246 and am still 246 however lost inches of waist, hips and thighs and met my goal of 30DS every day and a 30-45 minute walk and kept within my calorie goals. To hell with the scale this week I definitely have more endurance :)
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    SW for this one was 203. I'm going to say that this week I'm at same weight. It will be next Wednesday when I go to the dr. office to weigh in. Hoping to lose at least 2 lbs by that point. The holiday is over so I'm getting back into things. Re-started the c25k last night for the umpteenth time and will be starting the Slim in 6 program tonight. I didn't eat that badly as far as meals go over the holiday. I just had a few too many snacks. But I did walk the dogs each day while at my mom's so I did get in some exercise. Hoping my check-in next week will be much better.
  • jonnie7053
    jonnie7053 Posts: 48 Member
    SW: 92.6kg
    CW: 91.4kg
    Goal: 76-80kg

    Try to lose more weith to stay on track for this challenge : )
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    SW: 152
    CW W2: 150
    GW by Jan 1, 2013: 140

    Hopefully by next week, I can be down another pound or two.
    I plan to work out 3 times, Kettlebells probably HIIT.
  • nortiz3
    nortiz3 Posts: 9 Member
    SW 11/21: 246.5
    CW 11/28:243.5
    GW 1/1/13: 220

    Weighed in myself this morning and went down 3 pounds since last week!!!

    Had a huge plate of pad thai for dinner tonight in order to celebrate which was my craving this week!! it was amazing! but now I feel guilty -_-....whatever hard again tomorrow and giving it my all this upcoming week!
  • coburngirl
    coburngirl Posts: 69 Member
    SW 11/21: 246.5
    CW 11/28:243.5
    GW 1/1/13: 220

    Weighed in myself this morning and went down 3 pounds since last week!!!

    Had a huge plate of pad thai for dinner tonight in order to celebrate which was my craving this week!! it was amazing! but now I feel guilty -_-....whatever hard again tomorrow and giving it my all this upcoming week!

    Dammit now I have to catch up to you:tongue: Great job, you will reach your goal in no time
  • momof377
    momof377 Posts: 198 Member
    SW: 196.4
    CW: 195
    GW: 150

    Not much of a loss but considering it was Thanksgiving and I had company all weekend and a birthday party, I'll take the 1.4 pound weight loss! Next week will be better!
  • kindgirl
    kindgirl Posts: 4 Member
    I am writing down everything I eat, so far I have lost 2 pounds. I do 2 15 minute walks with my co-workers. They didn't want to go so I put my headphones and and listened to comedy on pandora. I'm staying on track.:smooched:
  • whiskeyhut
    whiskeyhut Posts: 59 Member
    SW: 161
    CW: 158
    GW (for this challenge): 136

    Wow...I still have 22lb to lose by Dec 31st! Fingers crossed :)
  • SW: 275
    CW: 270 (As of 11/26/12)
    GW: Healthy
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    SW: 62kgs
    CW: 61.3kgs
    GW by Jan 1, 2013: 59kgs
  • BLTemple07
    BLTemple07 Posts: 10 Member
    Down 5 lbs this week ::)
  • whiskeyhut
    whiskeyhut Posts: 59 Member
    Amazing! Keep up the great work!
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 97 Member
    Starting weight : 167
    Current weight 165