Official Week 2 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon Dec 3)

041jackson Posts: 36 Member
Hey all!

Hope everyone is good and on track! Log your results from your second week (depending on what day you started), up to next Monday!

Good luck!


  • pjrbs
    pjrbs Posts: 179 Member
    Tuesday is my weigh in day.

    SW Nov 13 190 (GW 179)

    CW Nov 20 188

    CW Nov 27 187
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    Weighed in today and I am down to 132. 2 more to go for NYE and ultimate goal!

    Good luck this week everyone. :-)
  • Hello everyone i missed the first weigh in :( But I weighed myself today and I eweighed in at 169 lbs..thats one pound loss for me since we started!
  • I lost 5 pounds....Feeling great!!!
  • I weigh 164 lbs now, 2 pounds down since we started :)
  • Down 2.6 this week!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I didnt do week one - it was Thanksgiving and I maintained!

    This week i am down 2.4 pounds. So far ive lost 12 pounds, I'm aiming for another five to eight more by end of December for new years! I wanna rock in the new year looking sweet.. :)
  • thejess
    thejess Posts: 33 Member
    SW 154
    CW 150.4
    GW 148

  • snykim2005
    snykim2005 Posts: 26 Member
    SW 255.2
    Current wieght 253

    Goal by new year 250

    Down 2.2 lbs , 3 more to go!
  • EmmaleighM
    EmmaleighM Posts: 32 Member
    When we started the challenge I was down 13.3 pounds, now I am down 22.1

    SW: 278
    Start of Challenge: 264.7
    Week 1: 259.3
    Week 2: 255.9

    Challenge total WL: 8.5
    Challenge goal: 20 .... 11.5 left to go!!!
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    set back last week put me behind but it seems things are right back on track and I still think I can make my goal if things continue the path they have these last couple of days.
  • weightnomore33
    weightnomore33 Posts: 64 Member
    163 this morning. I was stuck on 164 but moving now. Good Luck all! : )
  • hunnyhun921
    hunnyhun921 Posts: 20 Member
    My weigh in day is Wednesday. As of Wednesday I am down 4 pounds total. I didn't weigh in last week.
  • 219 this morning. I started the challenge at 222, and last week I was 221, so I'm pretty pleased with my progress! Only 7 lbs to go for my challenge goal!
  • arikag
    arikag Posts: 94 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    SW: 125
    CW: 122 (as of 11/30)
    GW by 1/1/13: 118
    Final GW: 115

    Woohoo! Dropping those lbs :)
  • Hi All

    I stayed the same this week.... Was kinda expecting it as I have not had a very good week.

    SW 157 lb
    CW 153 lb
    GW by 01/01/13 is 143 lb

    Think I was being optimistic when I set that goal....

    Good luck everyone
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    26 inches at stomach! My stomach hasn't decreased, but my waist has. Excited to see my progress!

    Don't forget to do your measurements, girls! Accurately gauging your loss is through measurements, not the scale.
  • MunchkinWizard
    MunchkinWizard Posts: 12 Member

    I am having a hard time sticking to my diet, but I am renewing commitment. :)
    Next week is a new week.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I gained like 4 pounds from all the sodium last week and then lost it all so I am down 1 pound from when I started the challenge.
  • I lost 1.7 kilos this week, my goal is 8.8 kilos at the end of the challenge so I've got 7.1 kilos to go!