Official Week 2 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon Dec 3)



  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    179 lbs, did not lose any weight so far.
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    :bigsmile: Last week I weighed in at 190.2 pounds this week I am down to 187.6! :bigsmile:
  • brittanyholocker
    brittanyholocker Posts: 53 Member
    Weighed in last week at 200.6
    This week weighing in at 198.4
    Goal for this challenge was 195
  • erikaaaaaaaa
    erikaaaaaaaa Posts: 155 Member
    SW: 169

    Last Week: 166.5

    CW: 164.5

    Lost This Week: 2

    Total Lost: 4.5

    To Go: 5.5 (Four Weeks, 1.375 lb a week, we’ll see!)
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    SW: 161.2
    Week1 - 161
    Week 2 - 159

    Total Loss - 2.2lbs
    Goal - 11
    2nd Goal - 16
    Left To Lose - 8.8 / 13.8
  • Kaylao7i987
    Kaylao7i987 Posts: 33 Member
    My offical weigh-in is tomorrow but im not sure if ill be able to weigh myself so i figured id do it today :-P

    When I started my MFP weight was 184Lb
    My SW for this challenge was 181.2Lb
    My week 1 weight was 178.8Lb
    My week 2 weigh-in weight is 177.6Lb

    So for this challenge im down 3.6Lb which means I only lack 6.6Lbs from meeting my NYE goal weight :-)
    For my entire weight loss im down 7Lbs total!!!! Im so excited ive never loss this much at one time (unless it was from stress or something crazy) and it dont even really feel like a diet...I LOVE MFP <3

    I hope everyone else is doing awsome..I believe in every one of you .......and I can always use some more friends!!!!
  • Starting wt: 128lbs
    Week 1: 128
    Current wt:125
  • akd06004
    akd06004 Posts: 13 Member
    After last weeks disastrous Thanksgiving, I kicked it into high gear..stuck to my diet, worked out 6 our of 7 days of the week, and lost 5.2 lb!!! Feeling great and really motivated...7 lbs to go!!

    SW (with this challenge): 140
    Week 1: 140
    Week 2: 134.8
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    SW: 123

    CW: 121

    GW for New Years: 115

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 105
  • prillygirl
    prillygirl Posts: 52 Member
    SW: 160
    CW: 157
    GW: 153

    Very excited! Looks like I'll get there!
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    My goal was to lose 10 pounds: Week One -4.4, Week Two +1.5 = Net -2.9 pounds! I am still on pace to meet my mini-goal!
  • BeckyD1105
    BeckyD1105 Posts: 444 Member
    SW: 196

    CW: 196.6

    I lost most of what I put on during Thanksgiving. So happy about that!
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    The day after Thanksgiving I weighed 150 which was my lowest weight in a long time. I still weighed
    exactly the same this morning. I have stuck to a diet of 1200 to 1400 calories with two hour
    workouts including weights, spinning, yoga and cardio. I am 63 years old so the weight comes off
    very slow. I have lost about 5 pounds a month since I started in August. My goal is to get to 145
    by January 1st.
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    Not going to weigh in this week! See you next Monday!
  • 041jackson
    041jackson Posts: 36 Member
    SW: 189
    GW: 175 (14 lbs)
    Week 1: 185.5 (-3.5lbs)
    Week 2: 183.5 (-2lbs)

    Total: -5.5lbs

    Hope everyone is doing well :)
  • KamalBhai
    KamalBhai Posts: 79 Member
    I lost 1.5 kg (3.3. lbs) this week.

    Start Weight : 80 kg (176 lbs)
    Goal Weight : 75 kg (165 lbs)
    Week 1 : 79 kg (-2.2 lbs)
    Week 2 : 77.5 kg (-3.3 lbs)

    Total : -2.5 kg (-5.5 lbs)
  • fedorpuppy
    fedorpuppy Posts: 39 Member
    SW: 128

    CW: 127

    GW: 120

    Stayed within calorie goals and exercised all week but same weight. Oh well, maybe the scale will budge next week! Making progress whether it shows on the scale or not. :happy:
  • strive2012
    strive2012 Posts: 14 Member
    Great Job everyone!!

    SW 213.8
    -7lbs so far

    3.8 lbs more to my NYE goal
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    I actually gained 3 lbs over night and lost two of those, so since my weigh in last week i put on a lb. Frustrating. Several ppl pointed out that my sodium was to high (I wasnt really paying attention to that). This week i pledge to lose two pounds and to keep my sodium intake down and to continue working out 5-6 days a week.
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    SW: 128

    CW: 127

    GW: 120

    Stayed within calorie goals and exercised all week but same weight. Oh well, maybe the scale will budge next week! Making progress whether it shows on the scale or not. :happy:

    I had this exact same problem (actually put on a pound). Makes me want to scream!