What are you looking to achieve in week 2?! (Week 2)



  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    No pizza or dorritos! I can not say no to them.
    My diet is usualy clean since I live by myself and I hardly buy any junk food but I lose control when it comes to free junk food.
  • sheppasm
    sheppasm Posts: 6 Member
    I'm looking to get under the 130 mark. I've got a bad cold, though, and it's hard to push myself when I exercise without coughing up a lung, but I'm gonna try to really watch the food.
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I am looking to survive this week and the first half of next week (finals for my classes-which all include big projects, my internship, etc) then re-focus on me.

    Reading everyone's enthusiasm for their goals this week is inspiring though. So, I think I want to make my goal to get in more water the rest of this week. I have been pretty bad about it lately.
  • demmy2012
    demmy2012 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm keeping up with my 5 days 10km walk every morning and keeping my carbs down. Looking to see a good reduction when I climb my scale.
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    Going to try to continue eating right and make an effort to pack my lunch. Lunches are my BANE! Did you know a taco salad from Taco Casa has 1000 calories? found that out AFTER i bought it, ate half, then decided to look at the nutrition. I'm going to continue working out close to 60 mins per day atleast 5 days a week. Hoping to see a pound or two lost.
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    Gonna keep doing what I'm doing, but try for less sugar and carbs maybe. :)
  • akd06004
    akd06004 Posts: 13 Member
    I really turned it around after Thanksgiving festivities. I have been at the gym going hard for an hour everyday since Monday, and sticking to my diet..high protein, low carb (not going crazy with the low card but staying away from bread and pasta) Already down 5 lbs which makes me even more motivated to keep it up. Its crazy what a few days of eating healthy can do, a lot of my usual junk food cravings have pretty much stopped, and I have more energy even though I am eating less calories. Very happy :):)
  • CAMP30
    CAMP30 Posts: 17
    hey morning mud, I think you might like learning to cook new things. pick up a cookbook or borrow one from the library. I enjoyed cooking after I got used to it. I am still learning. that is a great goal.

    My goal is to hit the yoga mat daily.
  • Csurviver
    Csurviver Posts: 17 Member
    I would like to lose at least 2lbs, I weigh in on Wednesday. Last week was a big drop, but I also had the flu a couple of days. Did a 5k yesterday and boot camp this am which was a really tough one. Joined three days a week through December and I run one day a week and weights one day with biking and eliptical.. should be a good week. I have a fun Christmas party on Saturday and I hope I don't undo what I did all week! It will be hard to restrain, but a fitness pal buddy will be there to keep me on track!
  • ameena76
    Okay I am doing horribly so I haven't lost. So I'm not posting. The scale is starting to go down so next week I will post my loss!