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New to Group, but not new to addiction

wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
Hello all,

I am a long-time binger but a recently admitted food addict. I am now relying fully on God to overhaul my life from the inside out, and I am finding that losing weight and feeling healthier are some of the happy side effects.

The friends I have made here on MFP have been invaluable and I am incredibly grateful that I found this site. But even as supportive as they are, I find that most don't fully grasp the concepts of addiction and abstinence. I would love to be able to connect with others who compulsively overeat so that we can share tools and encourage one another.

I hope to hear from you and make some new friends. :smile:


  • Elizabeth,

    We are a big group but not a very active one. I would love to change that. So I really appreciate your post. We benefit so much when we reach out to others who understand.

    I agree with you about the motivation on this website. There are some very loving and compassionate people on this site (and some not so). But many do not understand about food addiction. And even fewer have the benefit of having Overeaters Anonymous in their lives. OA is such a blessing. So many people out there have problems with food and other weaknesses but they do not have anything in their lives to help them change.

    Welcome to the group, Elizabeth. Hopefully you can help us change our group to be more active.

  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Welcome! I'm Jessie, relatively new to both MFP and this group myself. Glad to have you!
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, ladies! I would love it if this group was (were?) active. I am on MFP daily and I find great motivation in being encouraging to other people.

    Just before Thanksgiving I saw a lot of posts in the forums regarding eating over the holidays, and so many of the responses were "eat anything you want, just limit your portions." It made me realize that we may all be here to get healthier, but that doesn't mean we all have the same struggles.

    I look forward to getting to know more folks and being able to help where I can. :)
  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member
    Elizabeth I saw where you posted here and followed you! So not a stalker, I promise! LOL

    I'm not sure if I belong here but I know that it is worth my time to research it. Thanks for leading me here.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I like how you put it... we may all be here to get healthier but not all have the same struggles. I agree. Thanksgiving was tough for me, not necessarily worse than others, but it seemed different. I don't know how to indulge "a little." The enormity of food present makes me anxious. Permission for a "cheat day" has consequences beyond a few extra calories. I don't have this all figured out ... but I know/accept that having an obsession with/addiction to food requires a different mindfulness... different attention. Keep writing, talking, sharing. This isn't the quietest group on the web... maybe we're on our way to a "revival." :)
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Welcome!-let the good times roll... And the bad.....roll? Oh know ya ever notice food is ubiquitous??
  • Oh know ya ever notice food is ubiquitous??

    Ubiquitous! Good word! Means everywhere. Food is truly everywhere.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Elizabeth I saw where you posted here and followed you! So not a stalker, I promise! LOL

    I'm not sure if I belong here but I know that it is worth my time to research it. Thanks for leading me here.

    Hey girlie! You may stalk me any time! :)

    Food addiction and compulsive eating are tricky little devils because (at least to me) they can disguise themselves in all different ways. Sometimes when I think I have my eating under control, I realize I am over spending like crazy. The steps, traditions, and tools in the OA program help me to deal daily with the cause, not just the symptoms, of compulsive eating.

    I think it's awesome that you are taking the time to research here. I'm happy to help if you have questions... although my help will likely be to direct you to someone far more knowledgeable than I. :)
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    I don't know how to indulge "a little." The enormity of food present makes me anxious. Permission for a "cheat day" has consequences beyond a few extra calories. I don't have this all figured out ... but I know/accept that having an obsession with/addiction to food requires a different mindfulness... different attention.

    Beautifully and simply put! I think "different mindfulness" may just be my mantra for the day! Thank you!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Hello sister OA person! Welcome to the group!

    There's a book out saying that COE is the "good girl's addiction" IOW, there but for the grace of G-d go I with addiction.

    Welcome welcome with open loving arms. You're home now.
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    Jane, that was a book that led me into OA. Food, the "good girl's drug". And I've found it's very true. I am finding my struggles less around large quantities of food, for which I am very grateful. But I still have far to go. And I am glad to be here.
  • jacmom29
    jacmom29 Posts: 11 Member
    Add me to your list of followers (not Stalkers!!). I fell off the wagon AFTER Thanksgiving when I went on a work related trip then just kept eating and avoiding MFP purposefully. Got on today trying to feel motivated but really feeling mad and depressed about gaining back half the weight I had lost. Wanted to just keep pretending and wait until New year's resolution time but then went back and read some of your blog entries and realized to keep waiting is to keep gaining. I am trying to get back on the wagon. As I used this term it occurred to me I sound like an addict and looked up OA on MFP and saw you my friend----it has to be a sign! Anyway, wish me luck---the journey begins AGAIN!
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Add me to your list of followers (not Stalkers!!). I fell off the wagon AFTER Thanksgiving when I went on a work related trip then just kept eating and avoiding MFP purposefully. Got on today trying to feel motivated but really feeling mad and depressed about gaining back half the weight I had lost. Wanted to just keep pretending and wait until New year's resolution time but then went back and read some of your blog entries and realized to keep waiting is to keep gaining. I am trying to get back on the wagon. As I used this term it occurred to me I sound like an addict and looked up OA on MFP and saw you my friend----it has to be a sign! Anyway, wish me luck---the journey begins AGAIN!

    Welcome back, my friend! And remember that every time you draw a breath, it's another chance. Another chance to choose. That means you never have to wait till next year, or next month, or next week, or even the next day. With each breath you can choose to get back on the wagon. :)
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    [And remember that every time you draw a breath, it's another chance. Another chance to choose. That means you never have to wait till next year, or next month, or next week, or even the next day. With each breath you can choose to get back on the wagon. :)

    Couldn't say it any better!
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Went to my second meeting on Saturday morning. Once again impressed by the warm welcome from the group. Will go to a third meeting tonight. My town has a total of 3 meetings a week available; Monday and Thursday nights and Saturday mornings.

    How often do you go to meetings? Do you have favorite meetings? What format do you prefer?
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Gosh, I'm embarrased to say that I haven't been since having children. The oldest is now (a-hem) 5. Your post inspired me to look up my local meetings, since I haven't been since being at my current address. I'll have to get back to you on how it goes!
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    Food addiction and compulsive eating are tricky little devils because (at least to me) they can disguise themselves in all different ways. Sometimes when I think I have my eating under control, I realize I am over spending like crazy. The steps, traditions, and tools in the OA program help me to deal daily with the cause, not just the symptoms, of compulsive eating.

    Oh that is so true for me! I have to hand my life and my will over on a daily basis ( I use the 3rd Step prayer) and often through the day too :) I agree that this OA programme is a blessing and I am so grateful for how it has changed my life.
    Glad you are here and it is very good to have a place here where people understand about this disease. Welcome home
  • I just came across this group. I discovered OA about a week ago and have "attended" a few online meetings, mostly just observing. I have ordered the book "The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous". I wasn't exactly sure where to start, so that sounded like a good place. I don't have a sponsor. I haven't decided if I want to try face to face meetings and find a local sponsor, or if I want to stick with doing it all online. Anyway, I am happy to have found this group.
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    It took me about 15 years to be willing to -- once again -- face my addiction to food and compulsive overeating. The awareness that has risen in my in just the last six weeks of returning to meeting is huge! I am now re-aware that I have a compulsive thought before I take a compulsive bite. Duh. Not rocket science. The thought "I will eat this" is followed by the "it's only just this time" thought process (words are often interchangeable).

    I do know one thing pretty clearly: I am angry at having to "do" this. To not be "normal". To "have" to come back to OA, work the steps, find a sponsor, make changes. Just as clearly, I know that this is in my life again for a reason: that reason is My Life. The freedom that comes from having a Plan of Eating (haven't done that yet), writing on the Steps (kinda doing that), using The Tools (good with literature) -- taking ACTION on the 9 Tools means I HAVE A LIFE. I mean, I've had a life since I've left OA, but it hasn't had the same kind of freedom quality to it.

    I want that. I want that a LOT. "Willing to go to any lengths" means I will live that on a daily basis. That can either be a struggle. Or the blessing it was designed to be. The choice is mine. In each moment, in each moment of abstinence. The Choice Is Mine.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    It took me about 15 years to be willing to -- once again -- face my addiction to food and compulsive overeating. The awareness that has risen in my in just the last six weeks of returning to meeting is huge! I am now re-aware that I have a compulsive thought before I take a compulsive bite. Duh. Not rocket science. The thought "I will eat this" is followed by the "it's only just this time" thought process (words are often interchangeable).

    I do know one thing pretty clearly: I am angry at having to "do" this. To not be "normal". To "have" to come back to OA, work the steps, find a sponsor, make changes. Just as clearly, I know that this is in my life again for a reason: that reason is My Life. The freedom that comes from having a Plan of Eating (haven't done that yet), writing on the Steps (kinda doing that), using The Tools (good with literature) -- taking ACTION on the 9 Tools means I HAVE A LIFE. I mean, I've had a life since I've left OA, but it hasn't had the same kind of freedom quality to it.

    I want that. I want that a LOT. "Willing to go to any lengths" means I will live that on a daily basis. That can either be a struggle. Or the blessing it was designed to be. The choice is mine. In each moment, in each moment of abstinence. The Choice Is Mine.

    I am sitting here with a grin, nodding my head, feeling motivated, connected. You're doing a lot of work, and thanks for putting it to "paper" and sharing it. One choice at a time.