


  • Staceyp76
    Staceyp76 Posts: 83 Member
    Yes we are adopting domestically. We live in Canada and are adopting in the province of alberta. There are only about 55 babies put up for adoption a year here (Alberta) and about 150 waiting parents.
  • ideliver
    ideliver Posts: 114 Member
    Hi friends,

    I didn't realize that I haven't posted an introduction. I am 30 years old and a proud Papa to 2 beautiful girls, 2 years old and 4.5 months old.

    We adopted domestically (Canada) as most countries have closed the door to same sex parent adoption. Our first came to us as a voluntary placement through the public system. We waited about 9 months from the time our home study and training were completed (in Ontario, training is mandatory). We were eligible for a second at 18 months, and were matched within 2 months, and flew to the birth in Calgary. We met this birth mum online. Although we are very busy, and, in retrospect view the process positively, we're done with two - we don't want to be greedy.

    Happy to chat to those in waiting and anyone else. My best advice is to keep an open mind to the process, and only start when you're ready.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    What is a home study? Sounds like something they should do in the US...!
  • ideliver
    ideliver Posts: 114 Member
    Lol...the home study entails multiple questionnaires and home visits by the social workers. I think that's a relatively universal practice. In Ontario, we also take a mandatory pre placement class called PRIDE training, and I think that varies from place to place. It's not a parenting class, but it is meant to help prepare parents for some potential issues for adopted kids. Thankfully, you don't need to do it all over again for number 2!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Lol...the home study entails multiple questionnaires and home visits by the social workers. I think that's a relatively universal practice. In Ontario, we also take a mandatory pre placement class called PRIDE training, and I think that varies from place to place. It's not a parenting class, but it is meant to help prepare parents for some potential issues for adopted kids. Thankfully, you don't need to do it all over again for number 2!

    I think the Pride training sounds like a great idea as well. I'm not so sure they had these sort of things in the earlier years of adoption or even when I was adopted in the 80's.
  • ddwillett
    I am new to this website and this group. I am the proud mom of two kids adopted internationally. My son, now 11, came home from Guatemala when he was 7 1/2 months old (we just celebrated our family day yesterday) and my daughter came home, now 7, came home from Colombia at age 19 months.

    Glad to "meet" all of you!
  • liketoyak
    liketoyak Posts: 187 Member
    Glad to meet all of you! Thought I'd introduce myself after joining the group a few months ago. Feel free to add me as a friend. I know all about long waits and all about instant placements!

    I'm Michelle and my husband and I have two children via adoption. We live in Edmonton,Alberta. Before adoption, we tried IVF (5 times) but were unsuccessful. Sometimes I can't believe we tried for so long before examining this route. Our oldest is 9, and came to join us after a 3 month wait. We had two days notice with him. Our youngest is 31/2 (going on 13), and joined us after a 41/2 year wait. We had her at home three hours after being called. Both are open adoptions. Our first birthmother doesn't come to visit anymore, but did visit infrequently for the first 3 years. Our second birthmother/birthfather visit about every 6 - 8 weeks. More people to love!

    Glad to be part of this group and hear everyone's stories!

  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Hi all. My name is Addi and my husband and I are in the process of adopting a 14 year old through foster care. We began our home study process in 2011 and began inquiring on children online. We were interviewed for several children, but nothing ever seemed to work out. We came so close to giving up so many times. And then on December 11th, 2012 we got our call! We had been matched. :) We have spent several weekends with our little lady....and she comes home for good May 17th!
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all.. I am new to the group... I have been having fertility issues for about 10 yrs now and adoption seems like the next thing to do. My husband and daughter (11) wants to do this. We are at the point of the family saying yes ... but really don't know where to start. I want a baby......... my husband doesn't care as long as the new addition is younger than my daughter. I want to make sure all of our t's are crossed and the I's are dotted.

    I do know we need a home study ... making sure there is no house issues so ....many projects to come. I also have making sure we ok on paper.

    Other than this I don't know what to expect.

    Anyone can add me
  • edisonswifey
    edisonswifey Posts: 459 Member
    HI all. I recently adopted my foster child last year. The day my husband and I found out we could adopt him (it was quite a battle) we found out we were pregnant. After 10 years of marriage we received two on the same day! =) Feel free to add me. Anyone here tell their adopted child that they are adopted? If so, how? He's 4 and I want him to grasp the concept as young as possible.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I see this group hasn't been active, but here I go anyway.

    My adoptive parents took me home from Riverside Hospital in Newport News, VA in 1960. They were great parents. They are both deceased and I am searching for birth family and/or medical information. I was listed as Baby Girl Stewart on the Final Order in Adoption.