


  • cassielburns
    Hello, I'm Cassie. Haven't really been trying to lose weight for the 5 months my little one has been here, but I'm ready to start. I was really unsure as to what the affects would be if I tried to lower my caloric intake, but I'm done lots of research and I've already lost 4 lbs. I'm making sure to eat at least 1700 calories a day and I feel great :)
  • ellehcimyelhsa
    Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm 23 years old and nursing my only baby, Ryleigh, who is six months old. I went from being on a super strict training schedule with a lot of dietary restrictions to getting pregnant. Needless to say I went a little overboard and gained too much weight. Pregnancy took a huge toll on me, I was constantly exhausted, and I worked two jobs, so I barely exercised. It is really nice to see a group of moms who can relate, even if all of our goals aren't the same.
  • jocybee83
    jocybee83 Posts: 155 Member
    Hello!!! My name is Jocelyn, I'm a 28 year old SAHM to two girls, 2.5 years and 5 weeks. I am EBFing my second. I gained over 50lbs with my first and only lost about 20lbs of that. I am 5'4'' and currently 158lbs, I'd love to lose 30lbs and get toned. One of my goals is to run my city's Marathon in October of 2013. This will be a difficult challenge for me because I have NEVER run before. I also want to get in shape and live a healthier lifestyle so I can enjoy doing fun activities with my kids and live longer. Please feel free to add me! I'd love to go on this journey with you for mutual motivation and encouragement.
  • Augustsnow
    My name is Diadem and I am breastfeeding my 1st. He is 3 months right now. I wasn't worried about losing until now because life was just too hectic. He was born, we closed on a house, moved, drove across country for my brothers wedding, and had to go back to work only after 8 weeks. Our house is a work in progress, we still have boxes pilled in the dinning room, started painting the living room- I don't like my job. I have so much stress. The only time I have to "myself" is when I am nursing.
    I am hoping that my daily walks will help with the stress and give me some quality time with my little man along with getting me started on weight loss. I was 15lbs over goal weight when I got pregnant and now I'm 32lbs over. My first goal is to lose 20lbs (to pre-pregnancy) and then 2nd goal is to get to target weight of 140lbs.
    My inspiration is that when I get to 140 and can think about baby number 2.
    I am having trouble with being hungry, all the time, I eat my lunch at 10am some days. I think I might have to switch to a higher protein breakfast like Greek yogurt.
    Anyways, I am looking for support with nursing, being a working mother that nurses, and with weight loss.
  • Nicolemarie1503
    Hi there, my name is Nicole. Am currently Breastfeeding my second who is almost ten weeks. I really need to lose some weight. I was already at least 28lbs overweight before falling pregnant and this has obviously got worse since then. managed to lose seven pounds last week but am getting worried that this is too much, too quickly. I want to get down to a maximum of 140lb. Preferably lower but that is my goal atm
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Name is Gloria and I'm so excited to get back on track. MFP was a huge help for me getting fit again ... until i got pregnant. I did not use the site during my pregnancy, but i was mindful of my calories. I gained 12 lbs total during my pregnancy, he came 3 weeks early. He's now 5 weeks and i'm EBF. I've lost all 12 lbs plus 5 extra, this i can only accredit to breastfeeding and the fact that i have a 20 month old daughter that i'm also running after. Since i have this kick start, i'm looking to get to my goal weight-- 155. i'm 172 as of today. :D

    So excited to have found this group here!! Support for us is so important and helpful!
  • JodyLynn
    Hi Mamas!

    My name is Jody and I'm back on MFP looking for support / advice from of other health-conscious, breastfeeding moms. My son was born on 10/13/12. I'm currently struggling getting enough calories in, but my milk supply has not been an issue. I enjoyed a healthy pregnancy and am not overly concerned about losing the excess baby weight. I'm currently 12 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight and 22 lbs from my ultimate goal of 135 lbs. I also have two teens (busy household) that I nursed for 18 and 24 months. I'm excited to have a new baby again! I'm getting into the swing of things again - it's been 15 years since there was a newborn around.
  • sherryshell55
    sherryshell55 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm a new Mom, 41 years old with a 4 month old son. Breast feeding is going very well after several weeks of challenges. I am trying to get back into the routine of eating well and being active consistently. I have lost much of the baby weight (all but about 12 pounds) but would like to loose another 40 pounds or so (I was overweight when I got pregnant).

    I'm starting off slowly, walking at least a mile every day is my plan and tracking everything i eat and drink. Its only been a few days but i already feel better/more energy. Looking forward to great progress.
  • jenngolych
    My name is Jenn, mom to 3-month-old Cameron, who is just waking from his nap, from the sound of things. I am struggling, as a busy teacher, to balance eating well (which requires some planning, cooking and some clean-up), finding time and energy to exercise, lack of sleep, and grading/ lesson planning. Oh, and spending time with my wonderful husband, our cats, and other family and friends. Sometimes it feels like just too much! I'm still 170 lbs (lost 25 since birth, but I was 10 lbs overweight at conception) and have been for over a month. Trying to find balance.
  • hmnoyce
    Hi, my name is Honesty, mom to two little girls. I am currently nursing my 9 month old preemie. I am down to my pre-baby weight but I have been overweight since I hit puberty. I struggle with eating healthy and exercising on a daily basis. I have a problem with motivation. She has never been my friend. ;) Just looking for people to help with the motivation. :) Feel free to add me as I always use the app and am not sure where to find my groups yet.
  • MrsScott06
    Hello everyone my name is Joanna. I joined my fitness pal to lose 100+ lbs and need all the support and help I can find. I gave birth to my second son in October and was blessed to be able to nurse him unlike my first son. I gained 20 lbs with this pregnancy and was able to drop the baby weight in the first month but now I'm at a stand still. I was wondering if any of the other mom as are in my situation or have been and have some tips to help me get back on track.

    I know I need all the calories I can get due to the nursing and right now I'm on a 2000 calorie diet (500 included for what's lost during nursing) but I just can't seem to get them all in with exercise. Please please help=) I look forward to meeting the other ladies!!
  • srosee1983
    Hello my name is Sasha. I joined over a year ago to help with weight loss.... I needed to lose 50 lbs.. I lost 25 pretty quickly just by becoming more aware of the things I was eating and making changes.. after 25 lb loss I became pregnant.. I am now breastfeeding a 6 week old.. I was back at my starting weight 2 weeks after giving birth so now I just have the remaining of my original weight loss left to go.. 25 lbs.. I am disappointed that myfitnesspal doesnt take into account things like breastfeeding which changes the amount of your caloric intake.. I wish it was more personalized.. the biggest problem I seem to be having is not getting enough calories.. I am just not that hungry.. I eat when I am hungry but always seem to be much lower on my calories than I should be.. I am sure this will help with the weight loss but I am more concerned with my babies health than anything.. I dont want him to not get all the nutrients he needs..
  • mommy102712
    Hi everyone , i'm Devan and I've been exclusively breastfeeding my daughter for 4 months now and plan to keep it up atleast till she is 2 years of age.. In the beginning I lost all the baby weight I had gained but then I found I wasn't losing it as much. I had also gotten to where I "thought" I was eating a lot but it turns out now i'm not eating enough. Especially since I recently learned i'm burning 500 calories everytime I breastfeed. I'm just looking to meet other moms trying to lose weight while nursing to see what they do to maintain a healthy diet. My food diary said i'm not eating enough and my body could go into starvation mode. Anyways it would be nice to make some friends on here going through what I am. My goal is to lose 100 lbs. Keep up the great work ladies!
  • cathleen1091
    Hey everyone! I am 22 years old, I just had baby 5, and we've been breastfeeding for 6.5 months now, but I seem to be GAINING weight. I don' tknow if it's because of the cravings, the possible water retention linked to some breastfeeding mommies, or if it is Karma for losing all of my weight so fast after my first three pregnancies. I gained 26lbs by the day my water broke, and I had an almost 7lb baby with a 6lb placenta...and I am only down 2 lbs. Tell me how tha's possible! I need to keep my cravings in check and really push myself every day. I have my next surrogacy in about 6 months and I want to lose 20 lbs and be in great shape for my IVF transfer!
  • cathleen1091
    just remember that it's 500 calories per day of breastfeeding :)
  • PhatMama9
    PhatMama9 Posts: 298 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a 31 year old breastfeeding mom of an almost 9 month old. I had a hard time getting myself together after baby and gained a ton of weight during pregnancy and right before pregnancy in law school. Now its time to get in shape and get it together. I am happy to find this group of fellow breast feeders to support and be supported by along the way.
  • Greedoe
    Greedoe Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Boobie Buddies! I'm Laura and I am trying to shed about 30 lbs. while nursing my son who is 7 months old. I haven't lost ANY of my baby weight and I'm ready to let start shedding slowly while I'm still taking in extra calories to nurse. I'm in my thirties and I'm finding that this baby weight wants to stay put unlike my weight after my first son eleven years ago which seemed to come right off. be in my twenties again! Excited to really give it a go. Thanks for the support!
  • stephaninicole
    stephaninicole Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm Steph, 28 years old and mother of two ( 2 1/2 years and 2 1/2 months). I am currently breastfeeding my son, but am new to it as I did not breastfeed my first son. I was really hoping to find a group of breastfeeding moms who were/are struggling with their weight, and know the wrench that it throws into attempting to lose weight. Sure you burn extra calories, but I am always wondering, am I eating enough, eating too much, exercising too much, exercising too little. I wish there was an easier way to know, and I could know I was doing it right while not jeopardizing my milk supply. I really really want to get to a weight where I can be happy, but I don't want to sacrifice breastfeeding, as it is also very important to me. Just looking for motivation and support from ladies who know where I am coming from :)
  • kcpenney
    kcpenney Posts: 1
    Hi All,
    My name is Casey and I am 36 yrs old. I have 3 boys....8yr, almost 4, and 10 months. I am still nursing my 10 month old. I only gained about 12lbs with my last pregnancy but I have gained 12 more since I had him.
    I am SO over my pants not fitting. I started a new job in Sept 2012, and I also work a pt job from home when my kids are in bed. I have ZERO time to work out unless I do it at 10pm and by then after being up since 5am I am about worthless.
    I used to use this app when I was pregnant for my gestational diabetes but once I had my baby, I quit using. So today I just started it up again. Really hoping it will make me more aware of what I am eating.
    I have to get this weight off because I am beginning to become consumed with thinking about it.
  • ladykc013
    ladykc013 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All,

    First off, great job to all of you guys! Breastffeeding is not always easy and honestly not even understood in some cases (at least in my experience), so it's awesome to see other moms reaching their breastfeeding goals

    I'm 24 years old and am a new mom to my almost 7 month old baby boy who I'm proud to say has only had BM (besides a couple of solids). My first breastfeeding goal was 6 months, and now I'm aiming for a year at least! I was overweight when I got pregnant and then gained about 45 llbs. After delivery I dropped about 15 llbs but have been packing it back on, lately! I work around 50 hours a week and am constantly on the move with that. Just finding time to pump when I'm at work can be difficult, so I rarely take the time to plan out my meals and usually end up snacking all day or grabbing fast food. I feel guilty having such a bad diet when I'm supplying my baby with his. :(

    I'm ready to make a change! To feel better about myself, my body and my lifestyle. I want to set a good example for my little one and be able to have fun with him as he starts walking and running.

    I am really new to all of this and would love some friends to help keep me accountable!! Please add me.
