Let's get to know eachother -- Self-introduction

How much would you like to lose by the end of the New Year New You 2013 challenge??

Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix!


  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    Hey Everyone,

    My name is Taylor, and I am 19 years old. I am currently 205 lbs and am hoping to lose 15-20 pounds in 10 weeks. I am aware that this is going to be difficult but that is why we are all here right, to get healthy? I have always been over weight but it seems that when I moved away for my first year of college it went to an extreme. When I graduated high school I was 180 and that was the biggest I have ever been at that point. When I moved back home last March I weighed 221. I have already started my weight loss journey and am really happy to have you all here to help motivate me through this next part. I will honestly cry tears of joy when I am below 200 lbs again.

    Okay so enough about my weight and on to the stuff about me lol. I live in Ontario, Canada and will be starting college again in January for nursing (living at home this time). I first realized that I wanted to be a nurse when my boyfriend of 3 years, Josh, was admitted into the hospital last November for gallbladder stones, which turned into him having a really rare liver disease. He was in the hospital for almost 2 months, and I only left his side when I was forced to. Seeing how his nurses were and how they made him as comfortable as possible made me realize it was the career for me.

    My favourite colour is lime green, favourite season is autumn. I love to read, lately I have really been into Sylvia Day's books. I just finished watching the tv series Dollhouse on netflix and have recently moved on to Sanctuary. I use to be a big World of Warcraft nerd, I just recently stopped playing, it use to be an obsession. I have 3 cats; Salem, Hank and Leo.

    Josh is my main supporter in my weight loss journey and has been pushing me harder and harder at the gym every time we go. If it wasn't for him I would still be 221 lbs and crying into a piece of chocolate cake with mint chocolate chip ice cream.

    It is nice to meet you all and I can't wait to start the new year!
  • FeatherBoBeather
    FeatherBoBeather Posts: 255 Member
    My name is Heather & I'm SO excited and SO motivated to get to my goal. I'm 24 years old & haven't spent my early 20's healthy & fit! I'm hoping to change that well before I hit 25, so that I can enjoy the rest of my 20's.

    Ok now for some rambling:

    I'm from California, but now live in Oregon. My favorite color is purple. I love spring & fall.. but warm summer weather is awesome & snow in winter is beautiful! I just enjoy having seasons.

    :P I don't pay for cable, but have Netflix & Hulu.. sooo not a huge TV nerd, more of a movie buff. :) I love science fiction/fantasy books but definitely dabble in a little bit of everything. I'm starting to collect my favorite 'reads' and create a nice little library at home.

    I'd say my main 'hobby' is also my job.. I work from home as a concept artist for my fiance's company. I draw -a lot- .. basically every day & all day if I can lol. I'm currently a student at a local art academy and should be graduating in 2014/15. I enjoy video games of all genres. As for MMO's, I'm currently playing GW2 when I have the time. Used to play a lot of WoW & SWTOR.

    I've always loved travel but have never been out of the US. If I could pick anywhere to go right now, it would have to be the Greek islands... sooo gorgeous! I'm engaged to the man of my dreams (whom I've been dating for 8 years.) We are planning on tying the knot June, 2013. The upcoming date & our impending tropical honeymoon has *realllly* kicked my butt into gear.

    I started my journey in Spring/Summer 2012 with sooo much to learn & a lot of weight to lose. Recently I discovered I had issues with my thyroid and have been treating it with natural methods; detoxified iodine, etc. I'm so excited to say it's actually working for me, and weight loss has become possible again.

    To date, I've lost 32 pounds & hope to make it 40 pounds by early January. I'm committed to eating healthy foods. I really enjoy exercise, but have an old back injury that limits me a little. I love swimming/walking/hiking/lifting.

    I'm always up for adding new friends on here, so feel free to send me a request. :-) Happy almost New Years!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hello Hello again...

    I am Julie, I work as a nanny of 3 little girls (twins, and a younger sister) who all are in kindergarden this year. :)

    I am hoping to drop about 15-20lbs durring these 10 weeks. Not sure of start weight as still have 3 weeks to go and am doing a new years eve challenge as well. Hoping to be around 190 to start and down to 170 ... my goal weight is 160-165 and I want to reach that by the end of May.

    I am from outside Philadelphia, PA
    Colors is Black and Purple
    Season: Spring
    Food: Pizza
    Tv- Breaking Bad, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire,
    Books: Southern Vampire Mysteries (true blood), Black Dagger Brotherhood, Dark Hunter Series, Um... Game of thrones / Fire and Ice Series
    Visit: Ausralia... they have some wicked cars. :)

    Oh and I have 2 crazy savannah cats, Miracle and Whip (ticker is Whip) :)
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    How much would you like to lose by the end of the New Year New You 2013 challenge??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix!

    I would like to lose 10 lbs in the 10 week challenge. I've been at a plateau for quite some time and it's so frustrating. Hopefully you can all push me along.

    I'm from New Jersey.
    Fav Color - Yellow
    Season - fall
    Food - stuffed shells.
    television - private practice
    hobby -couponing.

    I'm a 33 year old mother and wife of twin 3 1/2 year olds. I've always been overweight but really started getting out of hand after having my girls, I packed on quite a bit of weight after having them. I've lose 60 lbs so far, since I started MFP on Jan 9th, 2012. I've been at a stand still since October and really want to lose another 40 lbs.
  • Heynow33
    Heynow33 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Roeshell and I would have like to have lost 20lbs by the end of this challenge:

    I am from Michigan(burrr)
    right now my favorite color is blue
    i like spring and fall
    I love fish foil pockets(fish, spicy seasoning with onions, zuccini and squash)
    I like tia and tamera reality series and family fued
    I read everything from history to sex books
    I am trying to learn how to make earings and braid hair.
    I would like to go to New York, just seems like a cool place to go

    I love to dance so i am into Zumba. I have a xbox 360 Kinect and i just recently played Wipe out (lol) and Just dance 4. Let me tell you. these two games are workouts but fun.

    Feel free to add me
  • I would love to lose about 15 lbs during this challenge which will end right at 6 months from having my baby. I haven't really been the one to struggle with my weight was usually the smallest of my friends and always the smallest in my family. However this last childbirth put me at a weight I had never seen before at 205 I was devasted with what I saw. I quickly made the move to get the weight off as quickly as possible. I have lost 38 lbs so far and all my skinny girl clothes in my closet push me everyday. At 29 I know that it will not be as easy as it was when I was 24 but hope I can still get it off.

    So a little about myself I'm from Texas been here my whole life and have so much pride in my state regardless of the crazy views we hold. I'm a single mother to 3 wonderful kids a 7 year old girl a 5 year old boy and my new baby boy that will be 3 months on Monday. I'm a licensed therapist but I'm currently staying home raising my kids and trying to finish my dissertation.

    My favorite color is purple and I love Italian food which does major damage to my waist line. I've always enjoyed working out and would love to do it more if I had the time. For fun now a days I enjoy going to the store without my kids, yea I know I have no life. I would really like to return to having a social life when I have the time and some clothes I can fit into.

    Feel free to add me if you like I'm here throughout the day ready to help anyone with whatever challenges they may have.
  • Hello! I'm Brianna. I'm 18 and from Reading, PA. I just started my diet and I am already down 3 pounds. I'm so excited to lose this weight. I currently weight 271 pounds. It's a lot but I know I can lose it. I love the fall and spring with my favorite color being lime green. I am single and not really looking for a guy lol. I love to read so there's a lot of favorite books of mine. My favorite show right now is The Big Bang Theory and Dexter. I'm obsessed with working out but due to a recent surgery I had (brain surgery actually) I haven't been able to work out for months and I gained a lot of weight. Very ashamed of myself.

    I'd like to lose about 2 pounds a week. So if we are doing this for 10 weeks then I want to lose 20 pounds.

    Good luck to everyone. I can't wait to see how everyone did.
    I'll be here to encourage anyone that needs it

    Add me as a friend!
  • healthymein2013
    healthymein2013 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Melisa and would like to lose 5 lbs for this challenge. I know it don't sound like much, but I have learned that the slower I lose the more successful I am :smile:

    I'm from Chicago
    My favorite colors are: Pink, Green, and Black
    My favorite season: Has to be Fall
    I like all types of food but my favorite are Blueberry Muffins-I"m an addict! Every time I walk by a Dunkin Donuts I have this urge to run in a buy a blueberry muffin.
    My favorite TV series had to be Big Bang Theory- It's my geeky side coming out
    I read a lot of girly mystery books. I'm in the middle reading Stuck in the Middle by Virgina Smith (not a girly mystery,but still a good book)
    My only hobby is shopping...lol
    My workout routine is walking as much as I can, even in the cold. I'm not comfortable working out in a gym.

    My question: Does anyone do any other type of weight lose program? ie: weight watchers, jenny craig, sparkpeople....

    I'm also looking for friends, so please add me!

  • brihodges
    brihodges Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all! I'm Bri. I'm a 28 year old (will be 29 when the challenge officially starts) mother and teacher. I am hoping to lose between 10 and 15 pounds during the challenge. This should bring me pretty close to my ultimate goal of 130 pounds!

    I am from Erie, PA and actually teach in the same school district I went to. I currently teach Learning Support (Special Education) for grades 4-6. I absolutely love my job, even though it can be super stressful and frustrating. I finished my Master's degree this past August, and now I'm working on getting my Leadership Certification (to be a Principal or Supervisor of Special Education). My ultimate goal is to get my PhD and teach on a college level. I have a 3 year old daughter, who keeps me on my toes! I'm still working to lose all the weight I gained while pregnant.

    A little bit more about me:
    Favorite color: Orange
    Favorite season: Fall
    Favorite food: Homemade bruschetta (I could easily eat an entire baguette worth of bread along with it!)
    Favorite TV series: There are several I watch on a weekly basis including Grey's Anatomy, Glee, and Smash
    Books: I like to read a little of everything. I just finished Sylvia Day's "Reflected in You." Before that I read "Jane Eyre." And I just started "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green.
    Hobbies: Working out, running, and making cake pops

    If I could travel anywhere it would be to Ireland. Both my family and my husband's family have some Irish roots and I've always been interested by the culture. Plus, I've heard it is absolutely gorgeous!

    I'm currently working my way through the Insanity program and I really like it. In the past I've tried both 30 Day Shred and P90x. Both worked ok, I just couldnt get interested.
  • Devil6972
    Devil6972 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Katie. In the new year, I hope to not only meet but exceed my goal of losing the 25lbs that won't let go. I have to date, lost 74 pounds. In May, I had a major meltdown about my weight and what I looked like while on a road trip with my husband. I started crying and asked him how he could ever love me looking like I did. I hated who I had become. I ate for any reason..I was also a diabetic and I was prescribed cholestorel meds. It was a sad time. I finally said enough was enough...when we returned from the road trip I decided to make life changes. I started off making small changes and swapped things out for better choices. 74lbs later, here I am :) Life is awesome. People often ask me the ridiculous question of how I lost the weight....eating better duh. ;) There is no trick to this. I know that I will reach my goal by May 2013..that is when I graduate with my BSW :) I wish I could write more but I am officially tired from working all day and my brain is pretty much mush. Please add me to your friends list. We can get through this together!!
  • My name is Courtney and I'm 23yrsold and I'm 5'9.
    I would like to lose 20 lbs in the 10 week challenge.

    State- PA
    Favorite Color - Blue
    Season - Summer
    Food - beef or chicken(picky eater)
    Television - mob doctor, scandal, revenge etc.

    Exercise programs I'm using- Insanity 20min workout(which actually takes me longer than 20mins lol) and Barrys bootcamp.
    Also can use a gym if I feel like it.. not a fan of the gym, rather do my dvds they seem more intense to me.

    Looking for buddies that are serious about losing weight and stuff (:
  • Hello everybody. I'm Mel and originally from Ontario, Canada but now living in Michigan. I have always been on the heavier side and think it's time I feel what it's like to be fit. I m active and like to bike ride, but now that it's winter I have to find a new activity to keep my body going. I am trying yoga a bit as I have noticed it does not hurt or compress my joints and I always feel SOOO good afterwards. I try to get my husband to do it with me, and bless his heart he did give it a go, but just not for him. My husband is very fit and active. He has a very fast metabolism, where I do not. It's hard because he can eat lots and late at night when its very tempting to me and not gain a pound. In fact, he has trouble maintaining his weight and not losing it.
    okay, more about me.
    I am turning 27, I have two feline sons and I want to wear a bikini this summer (never have) , at least for the hubby when we go on vacation. I know it's going to be hard work and I am afraid of failure as I have tried to lose weight and never reached my goal. I need the support and I think that is where I have went wrong.
    I am 165lbs standing at 5'61/2. My goal weight is 145lbs.
    Let's all help each other reach our goals and feel great in 2013!!!
  • Hello everyone! My name is Candace and I am 21. I have 2 children and a mommy tummy :P I am married and I want to lose the weight because that is who my husband fell in love with. I use to be a state championship powerlifter and could squat over 300 pounds and I want that body back! I could bench press more than half the football team and I was proud of it! Once I got pregnant the first time and moved to a different state away from family, it was hard and stressfull and all I did was eat. He will love me no matter what, but I can tell that it does bother him but he would never say so. I also have an out of state wedding to attend this summer and would love to look awesome in a dress!

    I had a total of 100 pounds and now have about 75 left.

    If I could go anywhere in the world: There isn't anywhere that I don't want to go. Well, everywhere except the dangerous and violent countries. I have been to over half of the united states including Alaska and I have been to Canada all by the age of 12. My 12th birthday was in Whitehorse, Canada (: I have lived in Oregon, California, and Texas.

    My motivating credentials:
    -I have lived the military lifestyle. I know what it feels like to truly feel alone. Pregnant and "alone" at that. He deployed twice. He sadly missed the birth of our first son.
    -I know what it is like to have a child fighting for their life and you can't do anything about it.
    -I know what depression feels like to the very core.
    -I have 2 children so I know the mommy body and kangaroo pouch you have afterwards. I know the stress and understand the postpartum.
    -As I said, I was a powerlifter for 3 years and I know every exercise for everybody part.

    So, along with this challenge feel free to add me for extra motivation because I could always use it too! I am so ready to be "skinny". One thing I love about my body is that I will never be skinny skinny because I have a German build and I will always be think and big boned and I love that! (:
  • allycat5723
    allycat5723 Posts: 189 Member
    How much would you like to lose by the end of the New Year New You 2013 challenge??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix!

    Hello everyone! My name is Alyssa, and I am 25 years old. I am currently between 144 and 142 pounds. I work full time as a cook, and I'm also in school full time for dietetics. I'm married and the mother of a six year old boy. My weight started to become a problem during my pregnancy, and I never was able to get it back off. I am still recovering from a foot surgery I had in November. I broke it while running a 10K race this fall :(

    I would like to reach my goal weight of 125 along with toning up by the end of this challenge.

    I am from a little tiny town in Michigan.
    My favorite color is green, favorite season is fall, I love seafood and pasta, Once Upon a Time and The Walking Dead are my favorite tv series, I don't have much time for reading outside of college text, but I did enjoy 50 Shades ;) , and my hobbies are photography, geocaching, kayaking, and camping.

    I would love to someday visit Alaska and Ireland because I love landscape photography. I think it would be AMAZING to have the opportunity to photograph these places (and run in them as well!).

    I am a runner. Running is by far my favorite exercise. However, while I'm still recovering, I've been playing Just Dance on the Wii and attempting Zumba. I'm learning very quickly that I am NOT a dancer and have zero grace :D

    I'm so excited to be a part of this group. I can't wait to see everyone's transformations!
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Tak, and I would like to lose 15 lbs by the end of the challenge. I still have a few weeks so I will wait to post my starting weight until January 1st.

    I am 22, married and live in lovely Colorado. I work full time at Wal-Mart while I am going to college for a degree in history education. I don’t have a favorite color though I am partial to the blue green purple end of the spectrum. I adore fall and always get bummed out when winter comes.

    My favorite food is peanut butter, but it has to be the old-school kind with just peanuts and a little salt. My favorite television series is Doctor Who. I am so impatient for the Christmas special to air. My favorite books series is probably still Harry Potter. I don’t really have a particular hobby. I like to read if that counts. That sounds incredibly nerdy but I would rather curl up with Austen than knit any day of the week.

    If I could visit anywhere in the world it would probably be Greece. I love history (obviously since I am getting my degree in it) and Greece is just one of those places you HAVE to go. Greece was arguably one of the most influential civilizations of all time: philosophy, mathematics, political discourse, democracy, theater and science were all revolutionized by the ancient Greek civilization.

    My favorite workout routines include anything that I can trick myself into not thinking of it as working out. I like aerobic dancing and jogging outside. If I am on a treadmill, forget it.
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Tak, and I would like to lose 15 lbs by the end of the challenge. I still have a few weeks so I will wait to post my starting weight until January 1st.

    I am 22, married and live in lovely Colorado. I work full time at Wal-Mart while I am going to college for a degree in history education. I don’t have a favorite color though I am partial to the blue green purple end of the spectrum. I adore fall and always get bummed out when winter comes.

    My favorite food is peanut butter, but it has to be the old-school kind with just peanuts and a little salt. My favorite television series is Doctor Who. I am so impatient for the Christmas special to air. My favorite books series is probably still Harry Potter. I don’t really have a particular hobby. I like to read if that counts. That sounds incredibly nerdy but I would rather curl up with Austen than knit any day of the week.

    If I could visit anywhere in the world it would probably be Greece. I love history (obviously since I am getting my degree in it) and Greece is just one of those places you HAVE to go. Greece was arguably one of the most influential civilizations of all time: philosophy, mathematics, political discourse, democracy, theater and science were all revolutionized by the ancient Greek civilization.

    My favorite workout routines include anything that I can trick myself into not thinking of it as working out. I like aerobic dancing and jogging outside. If I am on a treadmill, forget it.

    Peanut Butter Rules!! so wish it was healthy.. Can't even keep that stuff in the house.. i dont know what you mean by old school pb though? lol
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    Hello Everyone

    I'm Vanessa and i need to lose about 15 pounds. Back in 2002 i weighed 220 pounds and that is a lot for my 5'2 frame. I got down to 118 back in 2009 but since turning 46 last New Years Day the weight has just been adding on . I have finally got myself back under control and have lost 5.8 pounds in the past two weeks so i am down to 140. My goal is 125

    I live five minutes from Charlotte NC. I am married and have one daughter at Guilford College. I also have my little baby chihuahua Muffin.


    TV Show- American Horror Story
    Color- Green
    Book- Everything...lol..i read about three-four book a month.
    Hobby- Gardening,birdwatching
    Place to visit- Scotland
    Workout- I use to be a diehard runner but now i love doing workout at Dailyburn website and yoga
  • JHoelck0928
    JHoelck0928 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Jenn I am 23 years old and recently got married in September. I have a three year old daughter. I have always been a little overweight but it didn't bother me a whole lot. I had a rough pregnancy and was alone a lot. My daughter's father was not supportive and jobless which left me to work double shifts to take care of my daughter. I only gained about 20 pounds during the pregnancy (due to all the work I did) which put me at 205 lbs. After the birth I lost all the weight I had gained in about 2 months (not trying, just loss of appetite and breastfeeding) nothing had changed with the father, it was the same he wouldn't help me with her and my parents worked a lot so that left me alone at home with the baby. I began to just eat all my sadness and depression and gained the 20 lbs back plus an extra 10 lbs. I had no real urge to lose the weight after that, because of the depression I just didn't care. The next 2 years were the same, I joined the gym with the intentions but no real dedication. I would workout but never count my calories so I wasn't losing weight but maintaining. I started talking to a long time crush, and without trying I noticed I had actually lost 12 lbs without realizing it just by going to the gym and not eating as much because he was occupying my mind. and then We started dating and I gained all the weight back over the course of 6 months, from eating out, date nights ect.. We got engaged and just 2 months before the wedding it clicked and I actively tried to lose the weight and actually got down to 199, which was the smallest since delivering my daughter in 2009. Then the honeymoon happened and I got back off course. I am now at 208 and starting over again. So I am hoping to at least get down to 190 by the ten weeks.

    I enjoy my family, church, music, movies. My favorite color is blue (any shade) and I love to cook. I love video games and WoW. I am going back to school for dental hygiene and am currently a SAHM. I hope to have another baby but would like to lose some weight first. I am currently doing the 30 DS but also enjoy spin classes, and doing the elliptical and treadmill at my local YMCA.

    Along with regular family life the things I look forward to every week are time with my hubby (when daughter is asleep) a weekly bible study my husband and I attend with two other couples, and church on Sundays with my family( sister, husbands mom, my mom) then dinner with my husbands parent's afterwards. I am very blessed to have a wonderful supportive husband when it comes to this weight loss journey and in general.

    Anyway that's me, my life in a nutshell. :) Happy weightloss everyone!! :)
  • ah27205
    ah27205 Posts: 12 Member
    How much would you like to lose by the end of the New Year New You 2013 challenge??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix!

    Hi everyone!! My name is Autumn, I'm 26 from North Carolina. I would love to love 15-20lbs by the end of this! I'm engaged and want to lose weight before going dress shopping!


    Food- Lasagna
    Season - Fall
    TV Show- Big Bang Theory
    Color- Blue
    Hobby- Shopping lol
    Place to visit- Australia
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    Hi Everyone! My name is Nancy! I'm from a small town in Michigan. I have lost weight many times before but seem to find it hard to keep off. This time I need to lose and keep it off for good due to health reasons. I'm at my heaviest I've ever been. I've lost 7 pounds so far but I have a long way to go. I weigh 274.4 as of today. I'd like to lose 20 pounds in this challenge. My favorite color is purple and black. My favorite food is CHOCOLATE! Yes, folks, I'm a chocoholic! My favorite books and TV shows are mystery and/or crime. I haven't been able to do much exercise due to my medical problems. I do work full-time and get some exercise that way. It's partly due to my meds that I've gained so much weight and the doctor told me it will be hard to lose. So, I need as much support as I can get. I don't have a great support system at home. FEEL FREE TO ADD ME AS A FRIEND! I'm looking forward to the challenge and getting to know all of you better!