


  • quinntendo
    quinntendo Posts: 34 Member
    I am Quinn, my husband is a Marine and we just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary. We are stationed in Norfolk, Va and are about to go through deployment #4! We are wanting to try for kids when he gets back, so it's really important for me to get healthy! I have PCOS and that makes dieting a little discouraging since sometimes it can really hinder weight loss. So I am really trying to find some extra motivation.
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    I am Quinn, my husband is a Marine and we just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary. We are stationed in Norfolk, Va and are about to go through deployment #4! We are wanting to try for kids when he gets back, so it's really important for me to get healthy! I have PCOS and that makes dieting a little discouraging since sometimes it can really hinder weight loss. So I am really trying to find some extra motivation.

    I'm in Norfolk too! How long have you been in the area?
  • quinntendo
    quinntendo Posts: 34 Member
    We got here in May :) We'll be here 3 years because my husband is doing his b-billet before returning to a grunt unit.
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    My husband is in the Navy. We've been here for about a year and a half and we'll probably be here until 2015. Have you been to any of the gyms on base?
  • quinntendo
    quinntendo Posts: 34 Member
    My husband is in the Navy. We've been here for about a year and a half and we'll probably be here until 2015. Have you been to any of the gyms on base?

    Yeah, I have been to one of the small gyms because it was the only one open at that time on the weekend or something? lol I can't remember why we went to that one. I've wanted to go swim laps at Q-80 though, but I DO NOT know my way around that base at all. lol
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    Haha, I've tried finding the Q-80 gym because I wanted to try the zumba class there. I got some bad directions and couldn't find it. I think I know where it is now and want to try again to find it after the new year. Perhaps two heads are better than one when it comes to finding the Q-80 gym? I've been here for a year and a half. I've only been to the gym on the Little Creek base because that one is nice and easy to find. :)
  • craftyarmywife
    craftyarmywife Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Michelle

    My husband and I have been married since april of Last year. He was sworn into the army national guard in an smp program 2 years ago, and he just reenlisted to active duty and is currently on his way to BCT in Fort Benning. WIth BCT and AIT (88M) I probably wont be seeing him until May (which should be our first PCS) and I want to have a huge change to show him when he gets home. He is super supportive and went through his own weight struggles when we were in high school. I want him to be as proud of me as I am of him.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    I can't find the gym on little creek! (not that I've looked very hard, I only know where the NEX gas station and Boone Clinic are)

    On Norfolk if you drive straight back to the McDonalds next to the piers where the carriers park Q80 is in between McD's and the piers about 1/2 a block east of McD's
  • amdumbaugh
    amdumbaugh Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Ladies! My name is Amanda and I am 21! My husband is in the Navy (surface) and we are currently stationed in Bremerton, WA and will be headed to San Diego in March. He has been in for 3 years and used to be a Nuke, but is now a GM. My husband is originally from PA and I am from MD. So far the Navy has taken us to SC, NY, CT, and WA. So we travel a lot.

    I am really trying to lose weight. Between moving, not making/leaving behind friends, my parents having financial issues, and the stress of work/ school, I've gained WAY more than I wanted and I am sure I am the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I started this site a few months back and then lost motivation through bouts of depression. But, I am trying to re-kindle my motivation to work out again and eat right so I can look good in California ;)

    My hobbies include: photography, sheep herding with my dog, digital art, crafting, hiking, working on cars, going for rides on the motorcycle, cooking, and traveling.
  • apedawg85
    apedawg85 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is April and I am 27 years old. My husband is in the Navy and we are currently stationed at NS Mayport. I have had the app for myfitnesspal for a while now, but I recently decided to use it and get healthy. I am tired of being fat and it is time I got in shape. Please feel free to add me! It would be great to have some fellow military wives supporting each other through this weight loss journey!
  • dominiquedell
    dominiquedell Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    My name is Dominique and I am married to my Airman. We have been married for almost a year now. We are stationed in GRand Forks, North Dakota. Between moving 1200 miles away from home, starting school, living in a hotel for 4 months while waiting for a house (Im sure we can all relate), working at a restaurant, getting the Implanon birth control, and everything else in this crazy life.. I have managed to gain about 40 lbs if not more since last year. I am completely disgusted with myself. So I have started going to the gym with a fellow military wife as well as trying to eat a bit healthier, plus eat three meal a day rather than one or two.

    I absolutely would LOVE some support as well as help. I have no idea what Im doing lol. I don't know how to really eat or workout to lose the weight I need to. I have started drinking 8 glasses of water a day if not more, and working out 30mins-1 hour after work. I know it will take time but I need to see results to keep myself motivated. Monday we are going to try the Three Day Military Diet, any of you ever try it??? Opinions??
  • ReneeBackSewell
    ReneeBackSewell Posts: 9 Member
    My name is Renee. I am 35 and I have been married for 17 years! My kids range in ages from 15-11. My husband joined the Army in 2005 after 4 years of talking me into it. Currently we are at Fort Benning, GA and he is a Drill Sergeant. I know the healthy sexy woman in me is ready to make an appearance's been a long time!
  • ekrivera84
    ekrivera84 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Elizabeth. I'm an army wife stationed at Ft Hood TX.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Hi. I'm an Army wife. My husband is stationed at Fort Carson. We live in Colorado Springs. I love going to the gym, hiking, walking, and kickboxing. Add me if you want a workout buddy.

  • msbonniemarie
    msbonniemarie Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Bonnie. Im 26. I have 4 amazing kids; Kota (6), Xavier (5), Jaemi (4), and Madi (3). My husband, Jason, and I have been together for 12 years, married almost 6. We are stationed at Hunter Army Air Field, Savannah GA.

    I am looking to lose about 56 lbs in all... but going slow. Cause I like food and exercise is the enemy. Id like to make a few friends to support me. Cause I know myself well enough to know I cant do it alone... and my friends here dont share my struggle.

    My husband is deployed and I would like to lose a good amount so when he comes back, we can be more active together and share that part of our lives as well.
  • msbonniemarie
    msbonniemarie Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Holly. Im at HAAF!
  • kg4ulu
    kg4ulu Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Kimberly! I am a Navy wife in Groton, CT. I just started using MFP this week. I have normally been an advocate for Weight Watchers but the last few months I have not been able to keep with the program. I've maintained but haven't been losing because I haven't been strict. My initial weight was 250 lbs when I graduated from college. I've struggled the last 12 years to get it off. Last year I finally lost 100 lbs total and have maintained between 145-150 for almost a year now. My goal is 15 more pounds and continue toning up.

    I choose to use MFP because I have several friends using it, I like the accuracy that I use with calories rather than points, and it's a fresh take on my healthy journey. I'm also pretty active. I workout roughly 6 days a week for usually an hour or more. Additionally, I play volleyball once a week with a rec league. Looking forward to getting to know y'all. :)
  • laurapro
    laurapro Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, my name is Laura. I'm a Navy wife and mother to a beautiful little girl. My husband is currently deployed and we're taking this as an opportunity to to get our family fit. My husband has already lost 9lbs and I've lost 6lbs. I would love to build a support group to help me stay focused and keep my goal of losing 35lbs. before he comes home in the Spring.

    We're currently at Camp Pendleton, CA.
  • fablevins
    fablevins Posts: 111 Member
    Hi my name is Anna and I've been a Navy wife for 3 years. :smile:
  • Hi,
    I'm Brittany. My husband is in the Marine Corps and we are currently stationed in Okinawa Japan. We've been married since 2007 and we have 2 adorable little dogs that are our babies. I have done diet after diet since I was a Sophomore in high school. I successfully lost 40lbs on Weight Watchers from 2010-2011, quit in 2011 (not long after moving to Oki) and since then I have gained back 10lbs. I am wanting to lose another 40lbs and hoping to do it with MFP. I love doing outdoor activites, especially exploring near the ocean, and taking my dogs for a walk.
    I am looking for friends to keep me motivated and accountable. It would be SUPER awesome if I could meet another wife from Oki.