Find your accountability twin!



  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    Age: 22
    Hieght: 5'5"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1590
    CW: Between 195 & 200 (haven't weighed in a few weeks, waiting till January to take a current weight)
    GW: 150
    Preferred work-outs: yoga and walking, I enjoy weights as well (will have access to this soon)

    We seem to be pretty similar. Have you found your twin yet? If not just add me and we shall be twins :happy:
    Age: 27
    Height 5'4"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1470
    CW: 206
    GW for 10 wks: 186 (20lbs)
    GW for the yr: 140
    Preferred workouts: Just started a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme Hyrbid this week. So I'll be two weeks into it by 1/6.
  • llmcconnell
    llmcconnell Posts: 344 Member
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'8"
    Daily Calorie goal: 1400
    CW: 184 (!)
    NYNY'13 challenge GW: 165
    UGW: 130-140
    Workouts: Running, yoga, elliptical, zumba, jillian michaels 30DS, stationary biking, weight machines

    Very motivated to lose for this timeframe (end of march!) for specific reasons. Ready to get back on the wagon and permanently lose some weight!!
  • hunnyhun921
    hunnyhun921 Posts: 20 Member
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 206
    CW: 200
    GW(for challenge) 180
    GW (final) 160
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1300
    Preferred workouts: walking, running, wii fit, elliptical, light weight lifting,
  • Saritamac25
    Saritamac25 Posts: 83 Member
    Just looking for a twin , hope its not to late. Here is my info:)

    Height: 5'2
    Calorie goal :1200
    Current weight:210
    Goal weight for challange: 15lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: 140
    Preferred workouts: walking

    Hope to find an accountability partner, this is a really good idea.

    Wanna be partners?

    Ibleaveinme & Saritamac25, Can we be triplets!? Both of you seem to be a great match for me, but looks like you might already be paired up? Here is my info.

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1350
    CW: 198.6 (12/23/12)
    GW: 140lbs
    Preferred work-outs: Walking. I need to start doing my Zumba on xbox kinect again. I'd like to lost 15lbs on this challenge.


    Jennifer, Lets do it!
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Twins we are!!!!
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'8"
    Daily Caloric Intake: 1510
    CW: 205
    GW: 160
    Preferred Workouts: Zumba, 30 Day Shred, or really anything I can fit into my insane schedule!

    Need a partner!

    Hey there! I think we are pretty darn similar.
    Age: 33
    Height 5'7"
    Daily Caloric intake 1000 (medically supervised, will increase when I lose 8-10% body weight)
    CW: 208
    GW: 160
    Preferred Workouts: Walking, (trying couch 2 5k), Xbox Kinect/Dance Central, and anything I can fit in my hectic schedule
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    I like the idea. Here's my info--

    Age: 29 (and will hold there even tho my bday is in Jan)
    Height: 5'2"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1600-1500
    CW: 234
    GW: 200
    TGW: 130 (total Goal Weight)
    Preferred work-outs: zumba, elliptical, walking, cycling, up for a new challenge.

    Anyone that thinks we match please feel free to message me.
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3
    Daily calorie goal: 1680
    CW: 230
    GW: 150
    Preferred work out: wii, walking, stationary bike, work out dvs

    I would really love a twin! I will look back to see if anyone matches me! I hope I find someone :-)

    Hi I think we are pretty close. How about you?
  • TexMexBel
    TexMexBel Posts: 54 Member
    Hi... I love this idea, I need a twin :bigsmile:

    Age: 44 (45 next month)

    Ht: 5'2"

    Calorie Goal: 1200

    CW: 175

    GW: 125

    Preferred Workouts: . I've started up walking until I can build my endurance to jogging a complete 5k I've also dusted my Jillian Michaels DVD's off to do 3 of them per week. I just started strength training and stretching exercises
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 206
    CW: 200
    GW(for challenge) 180
    GW (final) 160
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1300
    Preferred workouts: walking, running, wii fit, elliptical, light weight lifting,

    do you have a partner yet we have similar stats
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 227
    CW: 195
    GW(for challenge) 180
    GW (final) 160
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1400
    Exercise: running, eliptical, treadmill, weights and insanity
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    Hi! Im not looking for anyone who is exactly like me but someone who is motivated and that would keep me accountable and I would do the same for them!

    Age: 29
    Hieght: 5'5"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1350
    CW: 195
    GW: 150lbs
    Preferred work-outs: Running and the elliptical.

    HI there! I think we'd be great account-a-bili-buddies

    Age 30
    Height 5'4"
    Daily Calorie Goal 1500 ish
    CW 185
    GW 170 (for the challenge)
    UGW 130
    Preferred Work outs: Yoga, walking, bicycle-riding, jumping on trampoline...whatever works!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'6"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1200 net
    CW: 149
    GW: 135 (LTG and challenge goal)
    Workouts: starting insanity in new year!

    If this sounds familiar, please friend me!

    If you do not have a twin yet, I think we are pretty close.

    38 years old
    daily calorie goal less than 1500
    CW 147
    GW 130
    Preferred workouts: treadmill but I am going to try yoga, cycling etc starting in January.

    Hey if Micheleld73 doesn't mind being triplets?
  • BobzStuff
    BobzStuff Posts: 121 Member
    I need a twin. I need a twin!

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'7
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1400
    CW: 230
    GW (for challenge): 205 (the weight I was last new years after losing 67lbs before gaining 25lbs back)
    GW (total): 148

    I graduate college in May so I want to be in Onederland by then!

    I love cardio in the form of basketball, bike riding, jogging, elliptical and tennis but I plan on doing weight training more this time to help with the skin and toning. I also plan on drinking a ton of water since that's how I lost so well last time and my skin looked amazing from it.
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    This is a really good idea :-)

    Age: 32 (33 end of January)
    Height: 5'3"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1400
    CW: 265
    GW: My total goal is 135, I'd take 150. Goal for challenge, to be down 15 pounds
    Preferred workouts: dance DVD, Pilates, strength training

    I have exercise induced asthma so I can't really do anything too strenuous.
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    I need a twin. I need a twin!

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'7
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1400
    CW: 230
    GW (for challenge): 205 (the weight I was last new years after losing 67lbs before gaining 25lbs back)
    GW (total): 148

    I graduate college in May so I want to be in Onederland by then!

    I love cardio in the form of basketball, bike riding, jogging, elliptical and tennis but I plan on doing weight training more this time to help with the skin and toning. I also plan on drinking a ton of water since that's how I lost so well last time and my skin looked amazing from it.

    Hey there, we are close-ish in stats. What do you think?
  • melkayco
    melkayco Posts: 9 Member
    I'll be your twin! I'm 37. CW 195, goal wt 130, challenge wt 175. I'm doing 30 day shred, strength training and starting to run. If you'd like add me as a friend~ melodie
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    I love this idea!!!

    Age: 27
    Hieght: 5'7"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1660
    CW: 200.2lbs
    GW: 185lbs (all time GW: 140lbs)
    Preferred work-outs: Cardio - have a treadmill at home, but also go to gym occasionally to use other machines.

    I'm really looking forward to this challenge starting! :)
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    I'll be your twin! I'm 37. CW 195, goal wt 130, challenge wt 175. I'm doing 30 day shred, strength training and starting to run. If you'd like add me as a friend~ melodie

    Need a twin? Although I have a bit more weight to lose than you but our ages and what we are doing is very similar. I just started 30DS as well as running & strength!
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    GoingAllTheWay4MeDee says
    Who would like to be my accountability twin!!?? Please message me if you are interested. Thanks :)

  • Hey (:

    Age: 20
    Daily Cal Intake: 1200
    CW: 205.9 lbs
    GW (for the challenge): 175.9 lbs
    GW: (final): 130 lbs

    New to all this, so I'm kind of like a lost puppy. I'd like a veteran as my accountability buddy.