Welcome + Please introduce yourself!



  • Hello everyone, I am Laura (:

    I am 20 years old, 5'3 and this morning I weighed in at 136.6 pounds. My goal weight right now is actually 120 pounds but I don't know what I'll look best at so we'll see when that comes. (I figure that has to be close though lol)
    Right now I don't really exercise though I do eat my calories or very close. (A little over, a little under, it doesn't hurt) I actually hope to be at my goal weigh by the end of April which is about a pound a week I need to lose. Blah, enough about me, good luck to everyone!

    Edit: Which btw, I don't ever not exercise and am taking gym classes this semester! Sorry, I made it sound like I sit and do nothing all day ha ha

    Hi, you don't sound like you sit all day! Can't wait to support you to lose those pounds! X
  • kittycat7580
    kittycat7580 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! I'm Susan and I have always had a problem with my weight. Last month I made up my mind that I am going to lose the weight I have gained over the past 7 years and then some (hopefully). I am 5'6" and 271 lbs currently, when I started my transformation in November I was 286. This is a very hard process for me because I am a stress eatter and I work in a stressful job. My current goal is to lose 70 lbs but I know that it will take a while but with short term goals set at 2 lbs per week I know that I can get to my long term goal :)
  • Hey kids :)

    I'm Lorraine, I'm 30 years old and 5'6". Last time I checked the scale I was 200-dead but over Christmas I maaaay have added a couple of pounds back ;)

    I'm looking to be 140lbs (10 stone here in the UK) for my first goal. After that I'll re-evaluate and see if strength training could make me look slimmer if not necessarily helping me lose weight. I'm not so fussed about the number on the scale as I am getting into smaller clothes :)

    I'm still trying to figure out my TDEE and all that stuff, it's confusing to me so I'm experimenting with different numbers and currently trying to find my groove. I'll probably take longer than the summer to lose the weight but if I can get half way by then I'll be laughing.

    LET'S GO!

    Great! Can't wait to help work those pounds off, I agree I've sort of slipped up on my dieting with Xmas ;)
  • Hey guys! I'm Pear. I'm 18 and a college student, and for a while in high school I was very health-conscious, but my super long commute (and much more difficult classes D:) beat that out of me. I'm hoping to get back into the habit of exercising regularly (starting with a challenge to exercise for at least 20 minutes every day for a month, then we'll take it from there; I love challenges) and eating healthier, no matter how busy I get with school and other responsibilities. I'm 5'5", and the last time I weighed myself, I was 136 pounds, and that was only a few days ago so I should be the same. I don't have a whole lot of muscle, so at this rate I think I'll look my best at around 110-115, but if I build a lot of muscle, probably more around 120. I don't care as much about the actual number as I do about looking good!

    Can't wait to work with you! Lets burn those pounds haha!
  • HI! I'm a stay at home, homeschooling mom of three. My youngest just turned a year old :D. I am 4 11 and before my first child was born I weighed 209. Of course I lost a bunch after I had her BUT gained all but 9 lbs back. Year and half later got pregnant again but this time I lost around 30 lbs being pregnant. Once he was born life through us curveballs and I ended up gaining it all back. 2 and half years later I said enough and lost 50 lbs in 5 months. I felt amazing and even though it wasn't goal weight by any means, I loved it. Well That was when I decided to add another little one to our crazy house. gained it ALL back being pregnant. Lost a bunch and gained some after he was born. Im sitting at 40 of those 50 lbs gained and feeling pretty bummed. I know what to do but I just can't get the motivation. It also doesn't help that my youngest has always been a very high needs little man and still is but not as bad. I NEED to get this weight off and I need to feel better about what I look like before summer when the I can't hide behind my jacket or hoodie. I may not have the time or energy just yet to exercise but I need to get ahold of my eating. I know that once I do that it will come off easily. So here I stand at 190 lbs. I would love to be atleast 150 again by summer. No more excuses for 2013!

    I love your passion to lose weight! Can't wait to start properly ! :)
  • Hi everyone. Great idea for a group. I've been on a roller coaster for a long time! I really want to fit into my cute skirts and dresses again by next summer. I need to lose about 20 more lbs. If anyone wants to be accountability buddies on the app itself, my username is kermy1. I log in everyday to at least record exercise and my food log I am keeping again starting yesterday. Lets be healthy and fit!

    Thank you! I've got a few dresses I wanna fit into again! I am on this everyday as well :) x
  • I log in every day too - feel free to add me!

    Really want to get to goal this year. 2013 = healthy choices and happier lives! x

    Good to hear! X
  • Hi, I'm Karen, 47 years old, and struggling with my weight for the past 13 years, since the birth of my 3rd child. Over the past few years, I've had alot of challenges (death of my father, mother diagnosed with alzheimers, husband had a nervous breakdown), and I've consoled myself with food. Result was on Dec. 1, I weighed 175 pounds (I'm 5'3") which I weighed the day I gave birth to my 3rd child. Since that time, I've been logging in consistently and walking daily. Happy to report I've lost 6 pounds, 2 inches off my waist, .5 inch off my hips and 1 inch off my bust. I'm feeling really motivated, and my mantra for 2013 is "lose the weight", which applies to many aspects of my life! Today I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure for exceeding my fitness goals this month. Best wishes to every member of the group - together we are strong!
  • jimmyalice1984
    jimmyalice1984 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi I,m Michelle, been on MFP nearly 2 months and lost 12 lbs so far, I think I've put on a few over Christmas but nothing compared to other Christmas seasons over the years. I am 45 years of age and all my life struggled with weight,last time I weighed myself (a week ago) I was 152 lbs, I would like to get down to 140, (I'm 5'5). I exercise at home most days and walk a lot, and one of my Christmas presents from my children was a barbell with weights, so I can include some strength training workouts in my quest for a nice toned tummy!!

    Good luck everyone, I hope we all reach our goals and feel fabulous by June, (my birthday :-D )
  • Hi Everyone!
    I'm Terry.I am 49 and weigh about 157 and am 5'7". This menopause has got a hold of me and the pounds are stacking up! I would love to get 20lbs gone by summer. I hope yall will keep me accountable. I am going to a party in a few minutes and hope I don't go crazy "grazing" the food table. I'll look foeward to checking back in with a weigh in next Saturday.
    See ya-

    Haha! Be careful with the booze and party food, lots of calories!
  • Hi all. I'm Bex and am 25. I weigh 188lbs and am 5ft7. I put on so much weight with my first child (around 3 stone) and never lost it. I have since had my second child and most likely the last.

    I love walking and exercising but find I still manage to come up with some excuse not to workout. Children seem to get in the way. 2013 I have 3 weddings to go too and would love to look my best for once in the photos.

    Sorry not very good at the whole introducing myself bit. x

    Don't worry! You will look fabulous, you just need motivation! Haha! My sisters wedding is 2014!
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all! I'm Lynnelle and I'm hoping to lose some of my post-wedding weight gain before our second anniversary in June! I'm also in the process of starting to train for an Iron Girl sprint triathlon in August that I'm doing with my cousin. I'm currently at 190 lbs, and at 5'6" that puts me in a not-so-healthy weight category... if you know what I mean. :-) After a year of some stressors, between on going stress at my old job and then being let go, I didn't take care of myself and ate poorly (Mexican food is my downfall) and stopped working out since I would come home completely worn out emotionally from work. Now I have a great job that I enjoy and I'm going to work towards a healthier lifestyle... 2013 is going to be the year of great things and great changes!!
  • Hi, I'm Dawn. I'm 35 and live in England. I was overweight as a teenager but lost loads of weight at university and got down to a UK size 10/12 (I'm 5'6") by exercising and not eating enough basically. I weighed 147lbs at my lightest.

    I put on weight again when I did my teacher training (very stressful year!) and then lost loads for my wedding in 2008. I got pregnant a month after my wedding and put on probably 3 stone, lost it all, got pregnant again when my son was 1, put on loads in that pregnancy. Anyway, my daughter is now 19 months old and I'm 164lbs (I was around 220lbs when I started exercising when my daughter was 8 weeks old). I can fit into a lot of my old clothes from when I was 24/25, so I am mainly a UK 12 (US 8) now.

    My aim is to get to 150lbs and to tone up.

    I have a personal trainer and do 1 or 2 sessions a week, go to the gym on my own, and do aerobics, spinning and zumba.

    I'd really like to be able to wear a bikini on the beach this Summer!

    I understand! You are doing well with exercise by what you've told me! Keep it up :)
  • Hi, my name is Kathrin, I am 35 and I am a German girl living in Ireland the last 15 years. I got 2 boys (1 just turned 13, the other will be 11 in January)
    I only found MFP yesterday but truly enjoy it here. 2013 is the year I don't want to hide in baggy cloth during the summer. I got a wardrobe full of nice cloth what I cant wear as they don't fit me anymore. My goal is to fit back into them again this summer.
    I am 5ft6 and my current weight is 156 lbs. I want to get down to 138 lbs and tone up.

    Good to hear! I'm hear to support! X
  • hello im crystal im 200lbs 18 5;7 ive lost 30lbs over the period of 4 months but it was without trying to plus it was on my vacation it motivated me to lose even more so im current doing the paleo lifestlye its been almost a week 6 days and i feel great and plan on doing it for a few month unless i get into the habit and just making it my whole life feel free to add me :D im really bad at introducing myself so if you want to send me msgs and get to know me that way its fine
  • Hi! I'm Amber and weight has been an issue as long as I can remember and so has been yo-yo dieting. I'm 36 y/o and 5' 4.5". My highest non-pregnant weight was 194. My average weight was always around 172....that was my only maintainable weight. In March of 2010 I discovered WWs and went from 182 to 152 by December 2010. That was when they changed up their program and I stopped losing weight. I basically plateued. I never exercised, I lost all of it with a deficit. I then quit paying for WWs and I managed to maintain up and down 5 pounds with including exercise until this summer when I went on vacation and never got back on track and the scale peaked out at 166. I rejoined WWs on my Bday..9/17 and got back down to 153. This time I started up with exercise and got a bit obsessed. That is when I found MFP and decided to track WWs and MFP. I then discovered that eating back my exercise calories is a good thing and I am still losing weight while eating more than I felt comfortable eating on WWs. I quit WWs and have been strictly doing MFP and Insanity as my exercise and am down to 149. I haven't seen the 140's since Jr High school!

    I'm happy to be part of a group smaller than the whole MFP community. I enjoy reading the forums, but haven't yet felt comfortable posting anything until here.

    I am the same! I love getting motivation from the forums ! I've had a few days on here and absolutely love it! I'm proven to yo yo diets too! I know I'm going to slip without people supporting me. So that was my idea of creating the group! :)
  • Hi!! I'm Susan and I have always had a problem with my weight. Last month I made up my mind that I am going to lose the weight I have gained over the past 7 years and then some (hopefully). I am 5'6" and 271 lbs currently, when I started my transformation in November I was 286. This is a very hard process for me because I am a stress eatter and I work in a stressful job. My current goal is to lose 70 lbs but I know that it will take a while but with short term goals set at 2 lbs per week I know that I can get to my long term goal :)

    Hi Susan! I'm sure we will try and help you get rid of those annoying pounds!
  • 38 members, my gosh we have done well! Welcome! Sorry my replies aren't great to you all but the amount that want to join is amazing! Roll on 1st Jan to our new sexy bodies!
  • Half_of_Bri
    Half_of_Bri Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone! My name's Brianna and I'm 28, married to the love of my life and I have a beautiful 10 year old daughter. My journey has been long with LOTS of ups and downs and some health problems, especially in the last year. My highest weight back in May of 2012 was 292.8. My current weight is 283.7. I recently started keeping a blog to track my progress... it can be found at www.halfofbri.blogspot.com. Does anyone else have a weight loss/ fitness blog? I look forward to getting to know all of you and supporting one another on our journies!
  • Hi! My name is Coral Hammond and I am 20 years old. My height is 5'3 and my weight is....225. I am a freshman in college and my major is Creative Writing. My weight lose goal is to lose between 50-75 pounds. About 3 months ago, I started to go to my university's gym to swim. Going 3 times a week really helped me lose weight. I would lose 2 pounds a week. I encouraged my friends to go swimming and work out with me and they were very much persuaded. If anyone needs motivation, I am a go to girl for that. :)