Day 1 of our next 50!!!!



  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Very impressive! Have you ever done Air Force marathon in September?
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    So far exercise staying strong and dedicated!! Dinner out tonight negligent on my part...I did not plan ahead by researching calories at Ruth Chris... Typically I shared a ceasar salad but tonight I ate an entree salad...500 calories (my dinner calories over all), plus halibut, mushroom and geen beans side dishes total of 1200 calories but 500 for breakfast and lunch. Not bad at all but this means maintaing same scale reading. Planning works!!!!! I am having fage yogurt with fruit or veggies for breakfast and lunch all this week to see if scale starts to move after a week.
  • -to start turbo fire.
    -to lose at least 15-18 lbs!!! yay so excited.
    Good luck everyone. We got this!!!!!!
  • Gaynor_
    Gaynor_ Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone. My goals for the next 50 days are to...

    Run 4+ week.
    Workout every morning.
    Complete 30 day Shred.
    Lose around 5-7kg (11lb - 15lb) without getting obsessed with the scales!
    To fit back into my cutesy red dress.

    I'm brand new to MFP and would be keen to make more friends, so please feel free to add.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Kelly - I'll be 30 in May and I plan on it being my lightest birthday in 10 years. I remember turning 20 like it was yesterday, standing on my scales and seeing 104kg and thinking WOW I AM FAT. 10 years on, and I gained up to 135kg, and am now back down to 112(ish), so need to lose about 10kg to get to my 20-year-old weight. Once I get there, I won't stop until I'm a healthy weight for my height (75kg) so I still have a long way to go.

    For the next 50 days, I plan on the following:
    -Follow my 12WBT diet and exercise plan
    -Exercise daily - either at the gym, at the lake, or pounding the pavement.
    -Drink 2l of water daily (64oz for you US friends!) minimum

    And of course get to know all you lovely people!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend! My food and exercise status has been switched off my news feed (I only use fitbit exercise adjustment and can't bring myself to close out my diary any day!) but I do comment on other's status updates!!!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Hi 50 Day Challenge:

    January 2-March 2, 2013

    -Serenity Prayer
    -Increase time contribution to my community
    -Lose (1-1.5) pounds per week to be at a (8-12) pound loss by March 1, 2013 (154-150 pounds) end goal.
    -Continue MFP daily Journal log
    -Attend GISFW 3x week
    -Try a new activity or class
    -Reduce clutter in my life

    After years of all kinds of diets & fitness memberships I lose weight and make better life changes when I do it this way: Slowly, Set Realistic goals, Eat natural foods versus using diet aide food substitutes, When I go off course I don’t kick myself in the head but pick myself up and just get back on track, Try not to sweat the small stuff and keep things simple.

    Best to everyone on their 50 days!

    Di :smile:
  • Nikkismission
    Nikkismission Posts: 54 Member
    My goal for this 50 Day Challenge is to become consistent. Being able to commit to this will help me to stay on focus. I'm hoping to lose 15 pounds, but will settle for 10. I also want to establish routines that I can live with and stick by and have a no excuse attitude towards this. I'm syked and looking forward to this Challenge... Can't wait for Wednesday :smile:
  • alissamoat
    alissamoat Posts: 15 Member
    My goals are to...
    1. Lose 12 pounds (already down 46)
    2. Lose 5 inches from my body (already lost 18)
    3. Strength train 3 days a week
    4. Walk/Bike/Elliptical 5 days a week
    5. Rest for 2 days (I have a hard time resting and sometimes over do the workouts)
    6. Look back and say "That was a great 50 days!"
  • HeatherStorey
    HeatherStorey Posts: 52 Member
    Over the next 50 days, this is my plan:
    1. Exercising at least 1 hour per day, 6 days a week.
    2. Stick to my calorie daily calorie goal.
    3. Eat more fruits and veggies.
    4. Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day.
  • Hi Everyone - I am brand new to MFP, and looking forward to the support of community offered here.
    I am excited about the 50 day challenge as well - anything to get me going.
    My goals RIGHT NOW are to:

    Walk 3 times a week for at least 50 minutes
    Recording and keeping track of my food
    Look for the positive - everywhere!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    <Hopping up and down> It's almost here, It's almost here, It's almost here!!!! ARE YOU READY?!?!?!

    I am!! We have enjoyed a fabulous holiday season and the whole house is ready to get back on track, get motivated, and get movin'!!!

    Got a pot of healthy homemade chicken soup on the stove, have no-salt saltines for the family to dip and generous bowl of fresh cut veggies for me to crunch instead... we are SO SET!

    We need a battle cry... "TAWANDA!" may be mine!!!!!!!! So, TAWANDA!!!
  • zhiking
    zhiking Posts: 161 Member
    Well since I'm going to be starting the " Eat More To Weigh Less" - I think it would be unfair to expect too much weight loss when I'm still adjusting to this. -Hopefully no serious gain!!
    However - I would like to be more toned (at least if measurements went down)
    I want continued 30 day shred (add heavier weights?)
    Bootcamp and one other class a week
    Continue swing dancing and hiking.
    Meet with a trainer so I can start lifting heavier weights the right way!
    Eat healthier, try only eating out 1 every other week and trying to always preparing my lunch for work.
  • zhiking
    zhiking Posts: 161 Member
    Over the next 50 days, this is my plan:
    1. Exercising at least 1 hour per day, 6 days a week.
    2. Stick to my calorie daily calorie goal.
    3. Eat more fruits and veggies.
    4. Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day.

    These are great goals too!! especially #4 sounds so easy but can be challenging. One trick that helps for me is adding "Emergency - 1000 Mg Vitamin C Tangerine" to water - and it only adds 25 calories.
  • I want to drop 21kgs by the 8th March so this is the place for me to start! the 9th March is my 30th birthday and I refuse to look crappy in photos on the day. I have two kids and there are so few photos of me with them I would like to change that!
  • airforcemom12
    airforcemom12 Posts: 3 Member
    My goals for the next 50 days
    1. lose at least 15 pounds
    2. work out 5 days a week
    3. get up early 3 days a week to do some type of exercise
    4. eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Grissay
    Grissay Posts: 112 Member
    i'm excited!!! My goals are to:

    - Lose 7 lbs (from 159 to 152)
    - Sleep 7 hours every night (from the 4.5 that I've been averaging since Aug)

    Let's do this!
  • This will be my first 50 day challenge and I'm so excited to start!!! Goals that I would like to accomplish would be to:
    1. Make time to exercise daily, I have a crazy schedule with my job so I need to make a routine so that my workouts do not get forgotten.
    2. Lose about 15 pounds..I'm hoping thats an attainable goal...someone let me know if its not lol
    3. Train myself to think before I eat or snack or drink so that I can make healthier decisions and not have to go on a "diet"
    4. Get to know everyone here better!

    ~some say it takes 66 days to form a habit, so let the 50 day challenge be the perfect kickstart to it!!!
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    i'm excited!!! My goals are to:

    - Lose 7 lbs (from 159 to 152)
    - Sleep 7 hours every night (from the 4.5 that I've been averaging since Aug)

    Let's do this!

    I got the same problem. I rarely go to sleep before midnite and i got to wake up by 530 to go to work. Def need to improve my sleepg habits.
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    Over the next 50 days, this is my plan:
    1. To not have a hangover on the first day of this challenge:bigsmile:
    2.Exercise 5 days out of 7:noway:
    3. Stick to my calorie goal. :happy:
    4. Drink more water.:drinker:
    To get me one step closer to Onderland!:heart:
  • Xineoph
    Xineoph Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone, I thought I posted this earlier.
    My name is Michael, I am 67 and need to lose about 13 pounds. Not a big goal but I have managed to kid myself for several years that I'm getting on with it. So . . . it's high time that I did. i'mstill finding my way around MFP but I already feel quite motivated just by reading other peoples' stories. Looking forward to getting to know everyone better as the challenge gets underway