Weigh in cycle 1

It's a new day, in a new year, and let's start it off right! Today is Jan 1, let's start off by weighing in today. If you want to join we can do weekly weigh ins or do every cycle weigh ins.


  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    Okay! Jan 1 weigh in.
    SW: 243.2
    GW cycle 1: 233
    Ugw: 160

    We only have 17 days for cycle 1. Anyone can do anything for 17 days. I don't want this to be "just another diet" for me. I am ready to make this a step toward a lifestyle change! I am tired of being fat and today starts my new day to start over!
  • spaethv
    spaethv Posts: 8 Member
    Good for you, Mshanson10201! 17 days is easy to stick to a plan and that is why I LOVE the 17DD!

    I will be more than happy to weigh-in with you, but I am currently in the process of moving and my scale is packed-up! I will be in our new house at the end of the month. By then I will have started cycle 2 already, but once I can get my scale, I will be logging my weight on here! :)

    Awesome job, so far! :)
  • Jaynewalking
    Jaynewalking Posts: 14 Member
    Morning Mshannon

    Jan 2 WI: 198.6
    C1 GW : the 180's
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Hey good morning everyone.
    SW: 164
    GW for Cycle 1: 157
  • SW 165
    GW 155 (Cycle 1)
    GW 150 (Cycle 2)
    GW 147 (Cycle 3)

    (Green Tea) Cheers to a Healthy 2013!
  • Swissfit
    Swissfit Posts: 7 Member
    My day 1 206.8.....I don't know how many calories or fat, carbs, salt and ect.....I should limit myself to. But hopefully someone helps me out with this....I am 5''6.
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    Day 1 for me. Beginning weight 183.4 lbs. I have started my day with the hot cup of water with lemon juice and a touch of the sweetner allowed to start my digestive system. :)
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning all and Happy New Year! Today is my day 1.

    SW: 173.6
    GW (cycle 1): 167
  • MrsNelson0904
    MrsNelson0904 Posts: 122 Member
    I started today and so far so good!

    Starting Weight: 159.2

    C1 Goal Weight: 150
  • moveitmoveit
    moveitmoveit Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I actually sorta started on Sunday, but New Years was too tempting. :) Giving all the leftovers to my kids and weighing in with you guys to help keep me on track. I can do this!

    Starting weight: 147
    Goal Weight: about 130ish I think.

    I'm actually focusing more on inches and less on pounds. My true goal is to not worry about being apple shaped, and unhealthy like the rest of my side of the family... So I'm guessing on the goal weight. Hope that counts!
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    Hi, All! I'm on Day 5.

    SW: 220.6
    CW: 215.2
    C1GW: 208.0

    I've done Cycle 1 before, I lost 12 lbs, so that's my goal.
  • delyn356
    delyn356 Posts: 145 Member
    Yesterday was my Day 1

    SW: 151.4
    C1 GW: 143.0

    I'm hoping to lose 8lbs during cycle 1, which I think should be fairly achievable.
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    So I'm on day 3.

    SW: 243.2
    CW:237. 8
    GW c1: 230

    I think this is very doable. I also believe I still have some bloating bc TOM :(
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    So I'm on day 3.

    SW: 243.2
    CW:237. 8
    GW c1: 230

    I think this is very doable. I also believe I still have some bloating bc TOM :(

    Wow! You are doing fantastic!!! You will reach your Cycle 1 goal without any problem by the looks of it. I am just on Day 2, but did well yesterday. I just need to look through the recipes to find some creative ways to cook chicken for Cycle 1 because I hate fish.
  • Hi everyone - I am starting today:

    SW: 228
    C1GW 217 (5%)

    Good luck everyone!
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    Good luck everyone!
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    Today is day 4 and ik you're not supposed to weigh in daily, BUT I did my little morning glance and I'm Dow to a number I haven't seen in forever! 8lbs down, but since its not my official weigh in day I am not recording it.
    GW c1: 230

    Yeah buddy! Weight is just falling off... well could be bc I'm still sick too. Oh well I love seeing these numbers I haven't seen in forever!
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    Isn't it great to see the numbers moving in the RIGHT direction!?! I am down too but I am only starting Day 3 so I am not recording it. I am going to make Sunday my official WI day even though I did not start until Wednesday the 2nd.
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Starting a little late - weighed in yesterday, 131. Not sure what I should make as my goal weight for end of cycle I am only trying to drop 10/12 pounds. Is 5 a good goal for cycle one?? Or should it be a percentage?:smile:
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Today is day 4 and ik you're not supposed to weigh in daily, BUT I did my little morning glance and I'm Dow to a number I haven't seen in forever! 8lbs down, but since its not my official weigh in day I am not recording it.
    GW c1: 230

    Yeah buddy! Weight is just falling off... well could be bc I'm still sick too. Oh well I love seeing these numbers I haven't seen in forever!

    Mshanson, this is fantastic! You should definitely reach your goal weight for cycle 1 without any problems! :)

    I am starting day 3 and am down 2 pounds so I'm hoping to see those number continue to drop at a good pace.