
  • princess0jessica
    princess0jessica Posts: 35 Member
    i finished day 2 about 2 hours ago...i cant wait for day 30 lol its a really good workout i feel it allover
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    I can't wait for day 30 also! I think when it is all said and done I may restart the cycle.
    I just finished my second Level 2 workout. And I don't feel like crap afterwards which is a bonus. I feel quite refreshed actually!
  • I'm extra sore today and yesterday I fell on the ice going to get the mail. ;( I'm taking the day off so I'm able to work out tomorrow.
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    I'm extra sore today and yesterday I fell on the ice going to get the mail. ;( I'm taking the day off so I'm able to work out tomorrow.

    I hope you feel better soon!!
    I'm just about to get started day three of level 1!!
    Where is everyone feeling the most burn? I feel it in my back and in my shoulders the most.

  • I always try to get up and work out but usually it never happens and I end up doing it after work. I too need a good sports bra. My 7 year old had to comment how much my boobs were bouncing yesterday when I was working out! Out of the mouths of babes ...

    Today I'll do Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I work at home on Wednesdays and Thursdays so I'll do it immediately after I sign off.

    I got a Danskin Now sports bra from Walmart. It makes working out much better. Now I can jump freely without worrying if my boobs are going to go flying across the room! :laugh:

  • I always try to get up and work out but usually it never happens and I end up doing it after work. I too need a good sports bra. My 7 year old had to comment how much my boobs were bouncing yesterday when I was working out! Out of the mouths of babes ...

    Today I'll do Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I work at home on Wednesdays and Thursdays so I'll do it immediately after I sign off.

    I got a Danskin Now sports bra from Walmart. It makes working out much better. Now I can jump freely without worrying if my boobs are going to go flying across the room! :laugh:

    I'll have to look into that. Thank you! I'm taking another day off, may still do some Yoga though yet today. My hip is still pretty sore. My right hip has been sore though since August from doing CrossFit. I don't do it anymore as my hip couldn't take it. I think falling on the ice aggravated it even more. I'll be more vigilant having my husband adjust it, he's a Chiro and hopefully that helps otherwise I may need to look into PT. Momma's a mess.
  • I'm extra sore today and yesterday I fell on the ice going to get the mail. ;( I'm taking the day off so I'm able to work out tomorrow.

    I hope you feel better soon!!
    I'm just about to get started day three of level 1!!
    Where is everyone feeling the most burn? I feel it in my back and in my shoulders the most.

    Thank you!

    For me I feel the most burn in my Legs and Back I would say.
  • princess0jessica
    princess0jessica Posts: 35 Member
    i feel the burn in my shoulders while im doing the workout but after and the next morning i feel it in my thighs/butt cheeks
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    See, I have a lot of stairs at work so I think my legs are already use to exercise. I've also been doing yoga so i think the extra work on my back and shoulders is not/ is helping.
  • princess0jessica
    princess0jessica Posts: 35 Member
    im getting ready to do day 4 :bigsmile: so only 26 more days after this work out ...its crazy that i actually look forward to exercising everyday :huh:
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    im getting ready to do day 4 :bigsmile: so only 26 more days after this work out ...its crazy that i actually look forward to exercising everyday :huh:
    I almost look forward to it. I don't really look forward to waking up early. But I have been going to bed earlier so its okay.
    I also just completed D4. Cant wait to see the results on D30!!
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    Just completed day 5! How is everyone doing?
    Does anybody modify anything?
    I have to modify a few things. I don't do push ups as it puts strain on my wrist (which I am currently doing physiotherapy for). So I do a modified plank instead. Still works my arms and my abs quite a bit. I also cant do the bicycle crunches because the leg movements cause my hips to pop out of place which is very painful. So I just leave my legs in table top.
  • princess0jessica
    princess0jessica Posts: 35 Member
    Just completed day 5! How is everyone doing?
    Does anybody modify anything?
    I have to modify a few things. I don't do push ups as it puts strain on my wrist (which I am currently doing physiotherapy for). So I do a modified plank instead. Still works my arms and my abs quite a bit. I also cant do the bicycle crunches because the leg movements cause my hips to pop out of place which is very painful. So I just leave my legs in table top.

    today is going to be day 7 for me, and i modify the push-ups. i have NEVER had alot of upper body strength so they are kind of hard for me. u think thats all i modify. the side lunge with arm raise hurts my shoulders so i have to drop my arms down a few times..im pretty excited for level 2 i made it half way through level2 last time i did 30ds
  • gracec523
    gracec523 Posts: 9 Member
    I just finished day 4 this morning! I have been doing modified push-ups also, but soon I think I will be able to do regular ones. Also, sometimes I have to modify some of the cardio because it's too much up and down with my chest. haha, Since I breastfeed my twins I haven't found a good enough sports bra! haha...
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    I modify the side lunge to.. sorta. I don't hold the dumbbells the whole time. Only about 5 reps each time.
    Tomorrow will be day 6. Today was a rest day for me. I still did my night time yoga though.
  • princess0jessica
    princess0jessica Posts: 35 Member
    SO i didnt do the workout yesterday( day 7 )it was such a bad day for me but i did day 7 today and i feel great. im ready for level 2.!
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    SO i didnt do the workout yesterday( day 7 )it was such a bad day for me but i did day 7 today and i feel great. im ready for level 2.!
    Thats great. I skipped yesterday as well. Used it as my first rest day. Are you gonna be starting level 2 early?
  • princess0jessica
    princess0jessica Posts: 35 Member
    SO i didnt do the workout yesterday( day 7 )it was such a bad day for me but i did day 7 today and i feel great. im ready for level 2.!
    Thats great. I skipped yesterday as well. Used it as my first rest day. Are you gonna be starting level 2 early?

    no im not gonna start early. i did that last time and gave up :)
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    Oh good. I'm glad you want to make it through!! Cause you are strong enough and can!
    Also, you have lost 1.5 inches. Go back and check your stats!
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    I did day 7 today. I can't believe I have only 3 more days and then I'm on level 2! I'm pretty pumped to do it!