Hello!! Introductions



  • aditifoodie
    aditifoodie Posts: 125 Member
    Hey everyone...

    I hope its ok to post in kgs rathr than pounds...

    I am 25 yrs old with a height of 5'7" ,female from India. I am working from home as a food researcher.I have been fat rather obese most of my life...and whenever I started on a wt loss program, I lost motivation after a month or so. But this time I am highly motivated as I want to change my lifestyle for good. My wt loss so far on mfp has been without excercise so far but I plan on joining a gym from jan 2013. I am to be healthy, fit, toned and above all look good.

    I think my passion for food has helped me understand healthy food better and make low cal and healthy foods taste good as per my palatte.

    Highest wt: 124.6 kg
    Starting wt on mfp : 118 kg
    Current wt: 103 kg

    Goal wt: 70 ( then reset my goal again for better shape according to how I feel then)

    I am really looking forward to being a part of my 1st group( this one).
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    Starting to worry & hope that I might yet make my original goal for the end of this year. If I do, then when January 1st gets here, should I really be joining this challenge group? Is it okay if I'm under 200 then? Just reached 203.
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    Of course you can still join the group! You are welcome here. We all need support, even under 200 pounds! :)
  • a_better_me_for_me
    I love seeing all the wonderful people who have joined the group!! Of course you can join even if you are a little under 200. We are happy to have you.
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    Betsi James
    Knoxville TN
    3 kids 10, 8, and 2 2 girls one boy
    2 dogs

    Started at 239 lost a little, quit...started back 3 weeks ago and I am so ready to shed this weight. I am going on a crusie in March and would like to be at 200 at least. I am trying to be reasonable. I am now at 224. I am going for small goals to work toward the big goal. I am very excited about this group. This is my first group, oh and I need so friends on here!!
  • jessgetshealthy
    Jess here.
    21 years old.
    Aiken, South Carolina.
    1 daughter, Savi (2 years old).
    Married to an awesome man.

    I rescue and rehabilitate dogs for a living. I also work as a cashier at a

    I've tried MFP before... numerous times... fell off the wagon... numerous
    times. I am beyond ready to get this weight gone. I told myself I wouldn't
    turn 21 years old and still be overweight like I am now... but I did! I'm ready
    to get rid of it now.

    In July, my husband and I got our dog rescue up and running and it has
    been nonstop since then. I feel like I can't keep up all the time and hate
    the way I feel daily. It's time to change. I want a better me. For myself, mostly,
    but also for my family and my rescue babies.

    I have a goal of around 100 pounds to lose! Starting weight is 146.
  • coasting7
    coasting7 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been fighting this battle my entire life. I am getting too old to keep doing this to myself so I am determined to get to Onederland in 2013 and keep it off this time! I lost 25 lbs being very strict the last couple of months, but I am taking the last 10 days off to let my body reboot and will be starting fresh on Dec 31st. Happy Holidays! :-)
  • talozie
    Hey Kitten, thanks for being my friend.. I am excited as well...
  • talozie
    Well tomorrow I weigh myself and I pray that I am not disappointed, I worked out 4 days this week..the beginning of the week started out very slow but I ended good. I have been posting my food each day and really watching it so we will see....either way I feel better and moving a lot faster this week.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I am 53 in the mid-200 pound range and extremely out of shape.
    I have been dieting every few years since my mid-20s.
    In September, I started yet another low-calorie diet. I lost 10 pounds, most of it in the first two weeks. And then I hit a stall.
    My metabolism is messed up and worse, I have a problem with exercise.
    So ...
    Today, I start a new approach: Eat More 2 Weigh Less.
    It is a SCARY concept, especially since I've read that I could actually gain more weight before I start to lose.
    My new eating program may not fit in with the challenges, but I'll keep checking in and work on the parts that do fit.
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member

    49 years old
    horse addict
    dog, cat, bird owner
    country girl

    in the mid 200's after losing 100!
  • a_better_me_for_me
    Remember everyone- We can only do what we can do.

    Some of the challenges may not fit everyone, thats alright. Modify the challenges or make a similar one to follow along with that reflects your plan.

    This group is here to help, not to hinder. We are just a big support system to help each other get where we want to be.
  • aaflowers12
    Ashley here :)
    21 years old,
    married in October this year,
    a puppy, and a 1 year old
    ughhhhhhhhhhh weight...
    200 usually
    235 before baby
    260 baby born
    275 since baby :sad:
    story is in my blog which I mostly write
    to entertain myself and not loose focus.
    if i get back to 200 in a size 18, i'll be thrilled,
    but hopefully i'll keep going after that :)
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    37, married, 2 kids aged 2.5 and 8 months.
    Started mfp while pregnant at doctors insistence. 330pounds/150 kg. lost 6 kilos/13 pounds by the time baby was born and now down 56 pounds/25 kilos. Currently 117kg/254 pounds.

    Was doing 30 day shred but got a chest infection so on a break till it clears, at the moment just walking the dog. I work in a call center so 8 hrs sitting but I walk in my break just to be moving.

    My goal by end of 2013 is to be 80kg/175 pounds.
  • alyssam6
    alyssam6 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! My names Alyssa and I'm 22 years old! I've been on myfitnesspal for a few weeks now and am just starting to get the hang of this calorie counting thing after doing weight watchers previously. I lost 36lbs then but over the course of the last 6 months have slowly started to gain some of it back, bringing my weight from 226-230ish (still down from the original 253) but I'd like to use mfp to get help me lose the weight I gained, plus lots more! I plan on reaching my eventual goal of 145 and Im going to use this to help me keep focused :)
  • Madalynne
    Madalynne Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Madalynne,
    I'm 22, and just graduated from college this month.
    I've lost and gained more weight than I'm willing to admit, and I'm currently waltzing around wearing dresses, leggings, and the same two pairs of pants because everything else is too small, so I know I need to get back into being healthy.
    I've started swimming again, but haven't been watching what I eat because of the holidays.

    Weight is nearly 260 (I'll officially weigh on Tues :P)
    I want to be under 200lbs. The only time I've been under 200 was on my way up as a teenager.
    My ultimate goal is 160.

    I'm excited to have some extra motivation!
  • AliciaCharmaine
    Hello group! My name is Alicia. I am a 37 year old teacher in the beautiful state of Georgia. I am married and have one child, my precious baby boy who will graduate from high school this June. I joined MFP in May 2012 and dropped about 50 lbs. Once the holidays got here I kind of let loose and intentionally stopped logging. I want to weigh myself on January 31 and start 2013 working toward my goal. I am not sure what I want to weigh, but I know I would like to be a size 14 again. I look forward to being in this group and wish success to us all. I will post my measurements, weight, and pictures on tomorrow.
  • AnaMarian
    AnaMarian Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Ana and I'm 33 years old. Married, but not children yet. We just have a 1 year old dog.
    I have on and off diet since two years ago. I want this time be consistent because I need to be on my best shape for a future pregnancy.

    Actual Weight: 210 lbs. I'll officially weigh on january 2nd.
    Weight Goal: 140 lbs.
  • jwall956
    jwall956 Posts: 35 Member

    My name is Jennifer. I joined MFP last year and have been yo yo-ing for a while, i lost about 20lbs but gained quite a bit back. I work on a ship and my watches are crazy, so my biggest challenge is eating properly and squeezing in exercise between overtime and 5 hours sleep.

    My biggest weakness is food in general, i have a nastey habit of munching all the time, and end up grazing the cupboards and kitchen or the crews mess for anything available. so that is what i need to kick.

    I don't have any friends doing this app, so its been very hard with no support. im open to encouragment and being friends on MFP.

    I am looking forward to this group!
  • kellygeorge8182
    kellygeorge8182 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm KG, and I live in FL with my husband and 2 cats. Currently I'm at 231, which is where i've been for about the last 10 years. I started going to a boot camp 2-3 days a week (when i'm in town) about a year ago, which I love, and my husband bought me a bike for my birthday, which i also love.

    the problem is that i travel for work. a lot. like 200 days a year. which is probably why after a year of actual physical activity i'm still at the same weight, though i am in MUCH better shape and have lost a few inches all over.

    i also have the "must start on Monday" problem, combined with the "now i've gone and blown it so i should just surrender for the week and start over next week" problem. these are dangerous alone, and deadly in combination.

    looking for help with accountability, especially when i travel.