Weekly challenge January 1 - 7 - what's your poison?



  • Gethot2015
    Gethot2015 Posts: 6 Member
    Apples and peanut butter is my favorite snack but I'll have apples without the peanut butter for this week!
  • vonns36
    vonns36 Posts: 50 Member
    It has be chocolate for me..over did it over Christmas now I'm kinda hooked :(
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    I'll be giving up soda and sweets. Hoping to make this change more permanent than one week though! ><
    I went to the kitchen last night and ate 2 hand fulls of peanut m&m's before I even knew what I was doing! I failed this one! UGH!!!!

    Don't quit! Just start again right now :smile: Now you know to watch yourself more closely. :wink:

    Done good so far today! :embarassed:
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    ICE CREAM. The greatest invention known to man. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love to eat it, and hate myself after I've finished a pint (by myself, yikes)!

    My favorite flavors: Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, and Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
    So good, and so so so bad.

    I hereby give up ice cream for this challenge. :(

    Let's stay strong, friends!

  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I gave up my diet coke addiction last year, after 3 months I cracked on a super hot day and got a maccas coke, I had one sip and threw it out, yuck! now I cant stand the taste, I drink water. ;) I wonder if that would work for chocolate as well?

    How is everyone going with their challenge? I had 2 doritos without thinking, so I wont be 100% successful.
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    Mum just walked in with 2 bags of chips :) I want them lol.
    ME TOO :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    I bought a little bag of combos yesturday and was halfway thru when I remembered I was giving up the salty treats so I had to start over.:sad: :blushing: Today is a new day and so far so good:happy:
  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    I'll give up snacking on a piece of chocolate on an evening!
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    I'll be giving up soda and sweets. Hoping to make this change more permanent than one week though! ><
    I went to the kitchen last night and ate 2 hand fulls of peanut m&m's before I even knew what I was doing! I failed this one! UGH!!!!

    Don't quit! Just start again right now :smile: Now you know to watch yourself more closely. :wink:

    Done good so far today! :embarassed:
    No sweets yesterday!! woohoo
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    I'll be giving up soda and sweets. Hoping to make this change more permanent than one week though! ><
    I went to the kitchen last night and ate 2 hand fulls of peanut m&m's before I even knew what I was doing! I failed this one! UGH!!!!

    Don't quit! Just start again right now :smile: Now you know to watch yourself more closely. :wink:

    Done good so far today! :embarassed:
    No sweets yesterday!! woohoo

    Nice! Great job everyone!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Doing well on my no chocolate challenge, but I was craving it this morning. I normally have a mini protein bar in the afternoon, and they are chocolate, so not sure if im going to skip them this week or still have them as they are chocolate but they arnt, if you get what I mean.
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Doing well on my no chocolate challenge, but I was craving it this morning. I normally have a mini protein bar in the afternoon, and they are chocolate, so not sure if im going to skip them this week or still have them as they are chocolate but they arnt, if you get what I mean.

    I think protein bars should get a pass if they're part of your regular schedule. I mean, they're not SWEETS, and you don't want to mess up your calorie allocations. We're behind you whichever way you rule though :)
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Ugh, just realized some "poison" snuck onto the grocery cart today. But I didn't eat it!
    Ben, Jerry, you'll just have to wait another week or more for our next date.

    Stay strong ladies!
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Staying on my no fast food plan this week.

    Also steering clear of diet sodas this week, though that wasn't part of my challenge. I'm just taking a break from the carbonation as I try increase my fluids to a minimum of 8 cups a day. It's a little easier to chug down 8 ounces of Crystal Light than it is 8 ounces of soda pop.
  • Bebeharden
    Bebeharden Posts: 76 Member
    A little late, but I guess I'll just go with it! Um... I think I'll give up alcohol for the remainder of the week. I drunk a lot over the holidays and find myself only stopping when the wine runs out!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I only eat them at work so just the one this week.

    Good job everyone on giving up your food nemeses! Only a few days to go :)
  • alyssam6
    alyssam6 Posts: 16 Member
    AH! I caved last night! I was craving chocolate all day and when I finally got home from work, I had a few chocolate chips. Not very many, but I definitely gave into my craving! Oh well, No chocolate the rest of the week (the whole 3 days!) for me!
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    Still no sweets!! yay! Everyone is doing so well!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    A little late, but I guess I'll just go with it! Um... I think I'll give up alcohol for the remainder of the week. I drunk a lot over the holidays and find myself only stopping when the wine runs out!

    Haha Bebe you're my kinda buddy!

    Great job everyone - keep it up!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    AH! I caved last night! I was craving chocolate all day and when I finally got home from work, I had a few chocolate chips. Not very many, but I definitely gave into my craving! Oh well, No chocolate the rest of the week (the whole 3 days!) for me!

    No worries - just stay strong the rest of the week! You can do it girl!