Protein Shakes - All YUK??



  • Optimum Nutrition is the best one in its price range. 10 lbs bag cost around $145 from ebay with free shipping. The problem with ON plus is that it remains watery no matter how thick you make the shake. But if you take it with milk. Its alright.

    i have tried many brands and flavors. the best tasting ones i found are Dymatize Elite or Dymatize ISO 100.

    Dymatize ISO 100 is WPI . Its 106 cals per scoop and 0% fat.

    5 lbs ISO 100 is around $120 in aussie stores. But if you order 2 x 5lb boxes from US store Vitacost. It costs you $180 with international shipping. But It takes 10-15 days for shipping.
  • Have you tried making a pancake with it?
    I don't really like the taste of my protein powder by itself (mixed with water) but I LOVE them in smoothies or pancakes!

    The pancakes are delicious.
    Here's a recipe if you are interested
    1 scoop of protein powder
    1/2 - 1 banana (depending on the size)
    1 egg (whites only)
    water or milk as required
    this makes about 1 serving.

    mash the banana and mix through your powder and add your egg white - you can adjust the consistency with more bananas (to make it thick) or more egg white or water/milk (to make it runny) and just cook it like a regular pancake (flip it when little bubbles start to form)
    I have my protein pancakes with a side of fruit (usually bluberries or raspberry crushed up with a fork mixed with a freshly squeezed lemon :-) it sort of turns in to a jam but very low cal).
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    Im currently using isowhey complete in French vanilla and previously was using Pro Matrix - Wicked Whey Protein Shake, mixed up in the blender with some fruit and milk
  • I will 3rd Optimum Nutrition, it has little to no sugar and still tastes awesome. If you want a cheaper option I recommend buying a plain (unflavoured) bag of whey powder and mix it with cocoa powder and a banana in a blender, tastes just like a chocolate milkshake
  • Im currently using isowhey complete in French vanilla and previously was using Pro Matrix - Wicked Whey Protein Shake, mixed up in the blender with some fruit and milk

    I also like IsoWhey Complete in French Vanilla :)

    I incorporated one scoop into my hi-fibre oats this morning with almond milk....was absolutely delicious!
  • LosingMandy
    LosingMandy Posts: 41 Member
    I use complete whey protein - vanilla bean. My trainer recommended it as it has less added crap then most others (I haven't checked this, but I trust her) I found the taste at first was pretty average. But I've gotten used to it and now I quite like it. I think you have to preserve with the protein shakes for a bit, the good ones don't tend to taste quite right first.

    I found the chocolate and strawberry bsc hydroxyburn taste pretty awesome, but they are not as clean. I try to use them as treats.

    I also tried the bsc body for women one in swisse chocolate, not a fan at all really.
  • I use a protein shake for convenience.

    I am not actively trying to build muscle. My health practitioner recommended it because of insulin resistance - I need a much higher protein content than I could get from my diet on a daily basis (like 100g of meat or similar every meal).

    I take it on an as needs basis as a supplement (mainly at breakfast) . I find it really helpful if I don't have time to prepare a meal like meat or eggs with sufficient protein in it. Sometimes I find it a bit hard to stomach grilled chicken or meatballs at breakfast :o)

    I use Metagenics (gluten free) vanilla. It doesn't have any additives or preservatives - some I looked at in supermarket had loads. The taste is not offensive IMHO but it is quite plain - I just mix it with water. I carry a serving dry in a tupperware mixer cup with me when I am out. It's a good back-up.
  • ActiveAli78
    ActiveAli78 Posts: 8 Member
    The Tony Ferguson one's are OK but I don't like the cost. I prefer to get the Vanilla Benefix ones from Aldi and just add fruit. Mango works great, nice and creamy.
  • SlidingDown
    SlidingDown Posts: 64 Member
    Personally I found Musashi P30 tasted good. I especially liked the chocolate flavour :D
    Tastes quite similar to Sustagen Gold.
    Haven't had any for ages because I've been sidelined through injury, but once my protein needs and calorie budget are back up there, I'll be slipping a couple into the trolley each week ;)
  • Does anyone have any feedback on the Trainers Choice Lean Matrix protein powder? I saw it mentioned in some clean eating recipes and have given it a go. Seems ok but I don't really have anything else to compare it to.
    Just wondering if anyone else is using it and is happy with the product
  • stormydaze_02
    stormydaze_02 Posts: 68 Member
    I use Horleys Sculpt. I'm not one for banana milkshakes, but their banana flavour it just devine... really hits the spot after a workout, plus makes me feel i'm having something naughty. To make me feel fuller, i have it with half water and half skinny milk. I've tried the chocolate and coffee flavours - they're both ok, but the banana rocks!
  • If you don't like the shakes then how about making some protein bars? there are some really yummy looking recipes on here if you do a search :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    bulk nutrients is the go. Or I now get a similar product from PTC brisbane. (don't think they ship though)

    I don't drink shakes. I just use it for making proats and sludge mixes with yoghurt or cottage cheese. Much nicer that way IMO. And I like to chew.
  • alicewa88
    alicewa88 Posts: 17
    body science slimming protein for women in vanilla is pretty nice, but a bit on the pricey side....
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    I use GNC brand (chocolate flavour) and use a little bit less water than what they reccomend (approx 200ml) and it tastes pretty good + is fairly cheap with a GNC card.
  • cactuspetal1
    cactuspetal1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi wannabefit,

    My hubby and I are on the Medical Vita Diet (approved by doctors) Shakes, Soups and Mousse packets. We find it quite tasty. We have a shake with psyllium husks (fibre) for breakfast, there are quite a few flavours, chocolate, strawberry, banana, french vanilla, caramel bliss and iced coffee. For lunch or tea we have an alternating soup or mousse. We prefer the Tomato Soup, they do have a Chicken, and there is a Banana Mousse and Chocolate Mousse.

    When you start the programme you buy the Starter Kit which includes an instruction book (which outlines the plan very well), 14 mixed shakes, and a shaker bottle. So after the initial outlay it will then cost one person $39.95 for 14 meals. I usually buy a fortnight which costs me $80 near enough.

    To start with, after trying the first week to see if I liked it, I bought a month's supply - a box of 14 shakes, a box of tomato soup, box of banana mousse and a box of chocolate mousse costing me almost $160.

    You replace two meals a day and then have an ordinary main meal which I really look forward to each night. Sometimes depending on what we are doing, I have it at lunch time. You also eat lots of unlimited vegetables or salads. You can make your own dressing for salads, equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. They like you to have some olive oil every day on your food but not to cook in it as it loses nutrition value.

    If you just want to try a shake, you can buy a single packet $2,95 but it is cheaper to buy a box.

    I am 65 and I have hypothyroidism (am on medication for it) but have a real battle to lose any weight. Since the beginning of January (with a month's holiday caravanning which included eating out, happy hours etc.) I have lost 5 kgs which I am very pleased with. At the end of April I am having my left knee replaced having had the right knee replaced last April. I have been able to walk for exercise only about 15 minutes a day, when I push myself, but since joining My Fitness Pal, am feeling much more motivated.

    Wishing you all the best with your weight loss, hope this was helpful to you.

    PS: In Victoria, I buy the shakes from the Nova Pharmacy, and after spending $250 they give me a $15 voucher which helps towards my next purchase, but I have to buy from just one pharmacy as I can't go to another one in a neighbouring suburb and get discount, it is a loyalty programme to just one pharmacy even though they ar a chain.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Blackmores pro definition. Trust me.... yumm
  • musclepharm combat banana flavor is my new favorite.
  • I use BNRG Proto Whey in Vanilla good source of protein but still only 120cal. It's all about getting a mid you like. I add ice cubes and a scoop of instant coffee. Ice Coffee anyone? lol
  • SandiMarieC
    SandiMarieC Posts: 19 Member
    I love BSN Lean Dessert Protein , they have yummy flavors like Fresh Cinnamon Buns, Banana Cream Pudding, Choc Fudge Pudding.