Friendship & Intro Thread

debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
Hi & welcome!

I thought it might be nice to have a "community chat" thread here. We all seem to rub elbows here quite a bit, but not enough to really get to know each other.

I live in British Columbia, Canada. Just found out that I had hypothyroidism in April, and found this forum extremely helpful to answer the questions I had, and point me in the right direction to getting proper treatment, and understanding what was happening to my body.

I hope that all newcomers (& old-timers) experience the same support & encouragement that I have & do from all of you. :happy:


  • plserio
    plserio Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I am new to myfitnesspal and have been a member since mid-September 2012. It is the most used app on my iPhone. I love it and have learned a lot about exercise, calories, etc. My Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism was first diagnosed over 2 years ago by my old primary care physician. Currently, I go to an endocrinologist for my follow-ups and maintenance. I was recently told that I can reduce my medicine (Synthroid) from 100 mcg to 88 mcg. I am very happy about that!!! It seems as if I may be healing. I have almost always tried to eat a balanced and healthy diet and just a couple of years ago, have started exercising. The exercising really helps in many ways. :smile:
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :smile: Hi there! Nice to meet you,
    How great for you getting your meds right & to be getting better! :drinker:
    Exercise sure is a big help, as is a clean diet. What kind of exercise to you do?
    I'm enjoying x-country skiing daily, presently & strength training on a flex machine.
  • Qwiss
    Qwiss Posts: 13 Member
    I'm new to this website/app. I have Graves disease but have flipped to Hashimotos. I've gained so much weight now that I want to jumpstart my metabolism again without stirring up my Graves.

    Nice to meet everyone.
  • wslocumb
    wslocumb Posts: 1 Member
    I have thyroid condition 4 yrs now, haven't been able to lose weight no matter what i try and believe me i have tried everything, doc says not to worry about it but i do. I weigh 204 and should weigh 125-140...I am soooo frustrated
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm new to this website/app. I have Graves disease but have flipped to Hashimotos. I've gained so much weight now that I want to jumpstart my metabolism again without stirring up my Graves.
    Nice to meet everyone.
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Qwiss!
    I don't know anything about Graves, sorry. But have you tried alternating your calories & low carb diet? that's what I did. Also got active. I do 40 minutes @ day of exercise (not quite aerobic, but working it... walking, elliptical, whatever works). I also added Coconut oil to my diet & it is amazing!
    I think there are threads here that you can find by "search" tool, put in weight loss success, and see what people shared.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    I have thyroid condition 4 yrs now, haven't been able to lose weight no matter what i try and believe me i have tried everything, doc says not to worry about it but i do. I weigh 204 and should weigh 125-140...I am soooo frustrated
    Hmm.... like they say at I think you should fire your Dr.! :wink: Have your read what they share there? Its invaluable!
    I've shared a few tips (above). Have you tried them? I would not take "no" for an answer. Hope you can find answers!!
  • Hi ladies, just joined today. I was diagnosed with Graves' disease 8 months ago, and have hyper thyroidism. I am one of the small percentage who actually gain weight with a hyper thyroid. I have gained 50 lb in the last 18 months. But I have no excuse as I knew my appetite was increasing, I just couldn't stop eating as it all tasted so good. My goal now is to lose the 50 lb and return to my normally slim body. I am 170 cm and currently weigh 84kg. Up until 18 months ago I weighed 62 kg. I am 49 and live in Australia.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi Julie :flowerforyou: welcome!
    Sorry about the increased appetite & wt. gain! What are they doing about the hyperthyroid condition? Are you getting any help from your Dr?
    I am clueless about Graves. Sorry. But I believe that once you get the condition regulated you should be able to lose the wt. In the meantime a low-carb diet & regular exercise certainly couldn't hurt. I know getting exercise was the turning point for me, which led to a better diet, etc.
  • Qwiss
    Qwiss Posts: 13 Member
    I'm new to this website/app. I have Graves disease but have flipped to Hashimotos. I've gained so much weight now that I want to jumpstart my metabolism again without stirring up my Graves.
    Nice to meet everyone.
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Qwiss!
    I don't know anything about Graves, sorry. But have you tried alternating your calories & low carb diet? that's what I did. Also got active. I do 40 minutes @ day of exercise (not quite aerobic, but working it... walking, elliptical, whatever works). I also added Coconut oil to my diet & it is amazing!
    I think there are threads here that you can find by "search" tool, put in weight loss success, and see what people shared.

    So nice to meet you debbylee. I've been off meds for 1.5 years and have gone to kinesiology through natural supplements. I have actually tried an exercise regiment over the last 2 years but I continue to throw my back out. I was laid up for over 30 days last year. So now I've resorted to a recumbent bicycle which seems to be working for me. When I can get the strength in my back to normal again, I can start walking, hiking and aerobics once again.

    When I was in the Air Force for 10 years I cycled 75 miles a week (for over 7 years), played basketball 2 times a week for a minimum of 2 hours each time (since I was in high school), played racquetball, softball and swimming during the summer. Well it looks like I've had Graves/Hashimotos since I was younger because even with how much I worked out I could not lose weight easily.
  • Qwiss
    Qwiss Posts: 13 Member
    Hi ladies, just joined today. I was diagnosed with Graves' disease 8 months ago, and have hyper thyroidism. I am one of the small percentage who actually gain weight with a hyper thyroid. I have gained 50 lb in the last 18 months. But I have no excuse as I knew my appetite was increasing, I just couldn't stop eating as it all tasted so good. My goal now is to lose the 50 lb and return to my normally slim body. I am 170 cm and currently weigh 84kg. Up until 18 months ago I weighed 62 kg. I am 49 and live in Australia.

    It's actually a misnomer that people with Graves are skinny. My doctor at UCSF says that's because once you've got Graves, you can flip flop to Hashimoto's and then back again. So I have the same problem. Not everyone with Graves will have this problem. It's kind of the same thing that Oprah Winfrey has.

    I'm currently 47 years old. I lost 35lbs in a year eating 4500 calories a day. That was in 2008 and I weighed 210lbs. Now I weigh 240.
  • thycabrooklyn
    thycabrooklyn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Amanda, new here and just saying...hi! Though I had no symptoms of thyroid problems, an obgyn noticed my enlarged thyroid 11/09. I was 30 years old. This led to two surgeries (the second completing my thyroidectomy in 02/10) and a diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Long story short, it's more than 3 years later, my bloodwork is stable (on 175 mcg levothyroxine)...but I'm fat! I've gained more than 20 lbs since then. My energy has improved, and I'm here to share advice and chat with others who understand just how hard it is to lose the weight when there are thyroid issues! With no thyroid, my metabolism's totally whack. But I'm here, and I'm trying, because what else to do? So, hi everybody!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi thycabrooklyn :flowerforyou: Welcome!
    Good that your levels are regulated. I hope that you can find help in what you read here. There is a thread on losing wt. if you want to do a search in this forum for: Any hypo weight loss success stories? There's lots of help there. :smile:
  • thefitcompanion
    thefitcompanion Posts: 15 Member
    A good evening/morning to everyone!

    My name is Heather. I'm 24, and I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago with hypothyroidism. Initially, I was placed on 75mcg of Synthroid, but recently my doctor bumped my prescription up to 100mcg. I have several classic symptoms - decreased energy, weight gained/"sticking", quick exhaustion, low stamina, cold hands/feet, forgetfulness, and dry hair (white/grey hair is starting to appear too, much to my horror), all to name a few.

    I have a really hard time remembering to take my medication. When I say hard, I mean I have never consistently taken it since I have been diagnosed, partially due to the fact my parents both fell critically ill around the time I was diagnosed so I was swept up in other issues. It doesn't help that I have been working night shift on top of it all.

    I don't know where to begin, but hey, if I want to honest about doing a complete health overhaul, I better get my hypothyroidism under control, too!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Heather :flowerforyou:
    I'm sorry your parents were so ill. A stressful time will only make things worse for your adrenals.
    Sounds like your hypo is not being treated at all. Have you checked out ? It is a most informative website & addresses the lack of proper treatment by dr's. I also was put on synthroid at first, and it didn't help AT ALL. In fact it gave me new symptoms. I found out that I had adrenal fatigue, which stops the effectiveness of thyroid meds. The above site has a section for figuring out if you have adrenal fatigue on top of it, which is a simple temperature test. Also, because synthroid only treats your T3 it doesn't help you if your T4 is off, which more often then not it is. That's why the Natural Thyroid works so well. I'm on that now, still getting regulated to find the perfect dose, and feeling fantastic.

    I hope you find the help you need to take care of you!
  • FindingTam
    FindingTam Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I'm Tammy from Tennessee. I'm new to this group and new to MFP. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 15 years ago, and I'm taking medication; all seems to be ok at this time. However, as I'm getting older is it much harder to lose weight. I'm 5' tall and have always been petite, but after 2 kids and the diagnosis of hypothyroidism I have gained several unwanted pounds. About two years ago I weighed 160 and that's more that I had ever weighed in my life (even pregnant). I lost 20 pounds of that, but over time have gotten lazy and as of January 2nd weighed 148. I'm chaning some of my eating habits and trying to walk or exercise more often. As of today, I've lost 2 pounds and my goal is to get down to 115 - 120 and I think I'll feel like "me" again.

    Looking forward to chatting and getting to know you all .............. :smile:
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi Tammy!

    Good job on losing the 20 lbs & keeping most of it off. That is a real "feat" when you have thyroid issues. :wink:

    Unlike people without thyroid issues, we can't afford to "break" our diet. If you eat clean & get moderate exercise daily, you will see the excess wt. go, and eventually get back to "yourself."

    I'm so thrilled to have done this. Food really is SO not worth it! "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels is so true! "
    And getting "moving" really is fantastic too. I was such a slug when I started out. Got a MyTrak to inspire me to move & it was just what I needed to motivate me to move. Much nicer then a husband doing it! Anyway, once you get used to it, its a great feeling!
    I've been doing things that I haven't done in decades! X-country skiing, stacking wood, hiking, etc... My husband is in shock! :laugh: Well, me too, really.

    Nice meeting you :flowerforyou: I bet you have a terrific "accent" (I love the Tennessee accent). I'm from Oregon, but live in British Columbia, Canada now. :drinker:
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I've been fighting my Drs. = PCP and my Endocrinologist to take me off Synthroid / Levothyroxin and put me back on Armour. I lost 12 lbs. with watching what I eat and Exercising while on Armour. The Blood work results were coming back with low levels but they were giving me the wrong test for Armour. I tried forcing the issue and they won't listen.

    I just had a visit to my Pulmonologist and he was really upset because of my weight gain. So I explained my problem to him. He doesn't understand why they would take me off Armour if I was doing so WELL. If I had low reading- why not find out WHY!!!! He gave me a name of a new Dr. to go to.

    I have No ENERGY, can't sleep with out taking something and my moods are all over the place and WEIGHT GAIN!!!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    So sorry you're going through this too. It is more common then not. The other tests besides TSH are the ones they should be paying attention to, for sure. And treating you according to how you feel. Hope you can find a good Dr. :drinker:
  • weirdmommy
    weirdmommy Posts: 25 Member
    I also have a hard time remembering meds. I started setting alarms for inbetween times when I'm home, during car pool in the morning. It's been working, now sleeping in on the weekend. I"m all messed up! arg!!!!!!!
    i just got up'd to 112 ....and I haven't lost a single pound. I thought maybe it would help. Nope. Does it ever get better? sometimes I think, i'm just going to be forever that "fat girl". My health stinks...I need to do this. I need to stay positive!!!! Anyone else deal with this depression issue? I know it some what has to do with my thyroid.
    Forgetting my train of thought...which isone of my biggest issues with thyroid. I can't remember anything, as you can tell in this post. Lol.....
  • Hi Everyone :) I'm in NZ and was diagnosed with Hashis in Sep-12. I was on Levo then Synthroid which brought my TSH into normal range but then I decided to go to an Endo because I have questions regarding getting pregnant... and he took me off everything and told me to give my body a chance to heal itself before relying on daily meds (?). He thinks this all started from a tooth abscess that keeps reoccuring... so wants my apicoectomy done and then to wait 3 months or more and see if my body heals BUT i've regressed so far back with symptoms... I had started slowly chipping off some weight but it's coming back and sticking! I'm fit and strong but I did a 7km run on Saturday after my weights workout and I paid the price yesterday... not with sore legs (altho yes they were a bit sore as they would usually be) but the absolute fatigue, the cold cold cold episodes, the burning stinging eyes from the tiredness, feeling like i'm walking through mud and struggling to do any normal daytime activity. It's so unfair. I can get thru my run not stopping and without losing my breath... my legs can handle it... but my thyroid yells game over the next day! It's so de-motivating! I have about 10kgs to lose... I worry about too many cals, not enough cals, what works with a broken thyroid... I exercise heaps so hey maybe I have the extra pounds but i'm fit... I guess I keep that in mind and wait it out... and hope to reach a day when things get better... easier. It would be great to have some thyroid buddies who know what it's like :)