Weigh in cycle 1



  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    I too am having fantastic success. I have completed 3 days, and a peek at the scales has me down 5 pounds already! Woo hoo! That is definately motivation to keep me eating the foods in Cycle 1! I am not recording it as official yet since it is only 3 days, so my ticker does not reflect this yet.

    SW 183.4
    CW 178.4
    GW 140

    Everyone sounds like they are doing really well on this too. Keep up the good work ladies! :drinker: *Clinking green tea cups*
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    Hi, All! I'm on Day 5.

    SW: 220.6
    CW: 215.2
    C1GW: 208.0

    I've done Cycle 1 before, I lost 12 lbs, so that's my goal.

    Cycle 1, Day 8

    SW: 220.6
    CW: 212.4
    GW: 208.0

    8 pounds lost this week!!! I see you ladies are having big losses too! Great work! I definitely think I'm gonna hit my Cycle 1 goal. Sooooo looking forward to some real rice and more meat options though!!!
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    WooHoo! Chick you're doing great!
    I'm going to weigh in tomorrow though my official day should be Tuesday.

    If you girls don't have the workbook you should definitely look into getting one! I got mine today and I like the wb better than the book.

    Hi, All! I'm on Day 5.

    SW: 220.6
    CW: 215.2
    C1GW: 208.0

    I've done Cycle 1 before, I lost 12 lbs, so that's my goal.

    Cycle 1, Day 8

    SW: 220.6
    CW: 212.4
    GW: 208.0

    8 pounds lost this week!!! I see you ladies are having big losses too! Great work! I definitely think I'm gonna hit my Cycle 1 goal. Sooooo looking forward to some real rice and more meat options though!!!
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    mshanson- Thanks so much! You've been doing really well too! What's the workbook like? Why do you like it better?
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Today I start day 3, modified somewhat, and it is going pretty good. I don't expect huge numbers as I don't have a lot to lose, and I did not give up my white wine with dinner! I have, however, managed to get in some green tea, I'm getting used to it! I weigh in on Thursdays.
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    Okay! Jan 1 weigh in.
    SW: 243.2
    GW cycle 1: 233
    Ugw: 160

    We only have 17 days for cycle 1. Anyone can do anything for 17 days. I don't want this to be "just another diet" for me. I am ready to make this a step toward a lifestyle change! I am tired of being fat and today starts my new day to start over!

    Today is my day 6
    Sw: 243.2
    CW: 233.8

    Down 10 lbs! WooHoo!
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    Today is my day 6
    Sw: 243.2
    CW: 233.8

    Down 10 lbs! WooHoo!

    Wow! 10 pounds in 6 days! Fantastic!!! I am down 5.4 in 4 days. Don't think that I will lose as much as you in 6 days, but I am so pleased with my results so far! My official WI day is Wednesday morning, so we will see then.

    I finished reading "The 17 Day Diet" book last night, and I really feel that this is an eating style that I can live with long term. I like that once I reach goal, I can have 3 meals of whatever I want (in moderation of course) on the weekend. Who knows, by then, I may not have much of an interest in Pizza, chips and dip, Coca Cola Classic, etc..

    I am so proud of all of you ladies making the commitment to change, one bit at a time. We can ALL do it!!!!
  • Today is my day 1. (Very exciting to hear how well you are all doing!)

    SW: 139
    GW cycle 1: 134
    GW: 127 or so
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    Today is my day 2.

    Starting weight: 201
    Current weight: 199

    I will weigh in on Sundays and log the weight, but will likely be peeking at my progress each day. My goal weight is 170ish. I am 5'10" tall.
  • slimhooper
    slimhooper Posts: 8 Member
    Start weight - 207
    Day 3 weight - 203
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    Start weight - 207
    Day 3 weight - 203

    You are off to a fantastic start!! Keep it up!! :smile:
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Today is my Day 4 (with modifications). I did get on the scale this morning, even though Thursday is my weigh in day, and I have ALLEGEDLY lost 2 pounds already! Woot! Even if it is only water, it is the mental-jump-start that I like. Makes me think I can do it (because I can!!) and makes me want to continue, usually two of my biggest hurdles.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Today I finally begin Day 1. All of your comments gives me the encouragement to get started.
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Does anyone else think the fruit choices have too much sugar??
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Good Morning All! I have made Monday my weigh in day (even though I started on Wednesday). I fell off the wagon on Saturday night a bit but got right back on Sunday morning. Because of that, I am going to call today day 5 instead of 6. Down 2.8 pounds since I started. The weight is not coming off as quickly as I might have thought but I can't really complain about 3 pounds in 4ish days.

    SW: 173.6
    CW: 170.8
    GW (cycle 1): 167
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    I am starting a week late but would love to join the group!

    Day 1 - Cycle 1
    CW: 175
    GW cycle 1: 165
    UGW: 125
  • I started today, hope I can still catch the 17DD train! I'll provide my #s tomorrow
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    I started today too! I'll catch up in a week to post progress.
  • ejosbourn
    ejosbourn Posts: 15 Member
    I also started Cycle 1-Day 1 today!! I'm excited that the first day is over!!! YAY! I've been hungry all day, but seemed to spread out my meals well enough that I never got too starving :) I'm really going to miss not being able to eat fruit after 2pm :( I love an apple after my evening workout...but I guess I'll just get through the first 17 days!

    Day 1:
    CW: 144
    GW (after cycle 1): 134
    UGW: 124
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    I'm glad our group is growing. :smile: